Congratulations to Dennis Bonvie and Kelly Austen who were married on Saturday June 15th 1996 in Antigonish Nova Scotia.
Any Fight fans out there you can get some great fight tapes from an ultimate fight fan, Randall Chadwick. The tape I have is all Red Wings fights. From Kocur to Probert to McCarty, It's over two hours of fun! For more information contact him at: Take a look at his awesome fight page, DROP THE GLOVES If you're a real fight fan you gotta look at this place!
Bonvie Pictures
Here is DENNIS "THE MENACE" after a game. Here is DENNIS BONVIE doing battle with Bob Probert
Top Ten Fighters In The NHL
1. TONY TWIST - The most feared man in the leauge. The hardest puncher in the leauge. The toughest fighter in the leauge. Doesn't have a method like Probert just goes crazy and throws those huge right hands. Beat Bob Probert in a battle for the championship and beat Rob Ray to a pulp. Guys are scared to fight him. It's that simple. Only lost one fight this year to Frankie Leroux who had his hand taped. The Twister will get his revenge!
2. BOB PROBERT - Not as tough as he was in the past but still tougher than most. Is becoming a valuable player and his fight rate is decreasing but when the gloves are off he still handles himself famously. Big puncher. Smart fighter, gets better as the fight goes on. Had a go with Tony Twist for the championship and lost to the Twister. Can't wait for the Blues to play the Hawks again for a rematch. Also needs to redeem himself from a loss to Chris Simon. Simon got him before he got set so it may have been a fluke. One more win like that and Simon is in the #2 slot.
3. DAVE BROWN - Has been in the leauge for years and has beaten guys foolish enough to try him for years. Nobody wants to fight him because if they're an up an commer they don't want to get pounded and leave a bad impression. If they're a veteran and they're in the position that they have to fight him they try to hold on for dear life. Doesn't play much anymore but as long as he plays he'll be feared by many.
4. SANDY MC CARTHY - Looks mean and plays mean. Has only been in the leauge a short time and is feared by many. Seldom does someone want to fight McCarthy and Seldom does someone leave a fight with him without a cut or bruise. Has beaten Bob Probert cleanly and if the Twister slips up he could lose his #1 position to big Sandy.
5. CHRIS SIMON - This guy looks tough and he is. He's pounded Tie Domi a few times and pounded Bob Probert in the 96' playoffs. He hasn't lost many in his short career. He is moving his way up the ladder and could be headed for a position in the top three before long.
6. STU GRIMSON - A big puncher. Killed Jeff Odgers with one punch in the playoffs last year. Has had some great fights with Bob Probert and a good one with Sandy McCarthy. Lack of balance is all that keeps him from being number one.
7. MARTY MC SORLEY - He and Bob Probert are the smartest fighters in the NHL. Was beaten by Probert in a fight that lasted a minute and a half.
s most dangerous when the fight lasts long.
8. JOEY KOCUR - He and Tony Twist are the hardest punchers in the NHL. Kocur's hands are banged up and he doesn't do well in long fights but if he gets you with one chances are you're going down.
9. TIE DOMI - Because of his reputation he has to be included in this list. Aside from Probert he is the most popular fighter in the NHL. Can take a punch. Waites it out and then land a big one.
10. Warren Rychel David Karpa. Boston Bruins -
Jeff Odgers, Troy Mallette Rick Tocchet, Kevin Sawyer.
Buffalo Sabers -
Brad May , Rob Ray, Matthew Barnaby, Brent Hughes, Bob Boughner, Scott Pearson.
Calgary Flames -
Sandy McCarthy, Ronnie Stern, Paul Kruse, Jamie Huscroft, Cale Hulse, Todd Simpson
Chicago Blackhawks -
Bob Probert , Enrico Ciccone, Jim Cummins , Cam Russell. Basil McRae
Colorado Avelanche -
Chris Simon, Adam Deadmarsh, Brent Severyn
Dallas Stars -
Bill Huard, Darryl Sydor, Todd Harvey, Grant Marshall.
Detroit Red Wings -
Stu Grimson, Darren McCarty.
Edmonton Oilers -
Dennis Bonvie, Louie DeBrusk, Kelly Buchberger, Luke Richardson.
Flordia Panthers -
Paul Laus, Ed Jovanovski.
Hartford Whalers -
Kelly Chase, Kieth Primeau, Glenn Featherstone.
Los Angeles Kings -
Barry Potomski, Matt Johnson.
Montreal Canadians -
Stephan Quintal, Gerry Fleming , Chris Murray, Turner Stevenson, Donald "The Idiot" Brashear .
New Jersey Devils -
Mike Peluso, Reid Simpson, Randy McKay, Scott Stevens, Lyle Odeline
New York Islanders -
Mick Vukota, Ken Belanger, Brian McCabe.
New York Rangers -
Shane Churla,Darren Langdon, Jeff Beukeboom , Adam Graves, Mark Messier.
Ottawa Senators -
Dennis Vial , Dennis Chasse
Philadelphia Flyers -
Dan Kordic, Eric Lindros.
Pittsburgh Penguins -
Shawn Antoski Alex Stojanov, Francois Leroux, Chris Tamer, Dave Roche, Neil Wilkinson .
Murray Baron , Shane Corson.
San Jose Sharks -
Todd Ewen, Dave Brown, Marty McSorley, Dody Wood, Jim Kyte , Owen Nolan.
Tampa Bay Lightning -
Rudy Poescheck.
Toronto Maple Leafs -
Tie Domi , Wendall Clark , Nick Kypreos, Todd Gill.
Vancouver Canucks -
Joey Kocur, Gino Odjick, Troy Crowder, Scott Walker,
Washington Capitals -
Craig Berube, Kevin Kaminsky, Mark Tinordi, Frank Bialowas.
Awesome Links
THE EDMONTON OILERS PAGE - The Home Of The Oilers! Everything You Want To Know About The Edmonton Oilers Can Be Found Here! Check It Out!!
HOCKEY FIGHTERS - Pretty Self Explanitory If You Ask Me. This Page Features Pics of Hockey Fighters.
KOCUR's HOMEPAGE - Stuff on Hockey Fights and R.E.M News
HOCKEY NEWSGROUPS - There is a Newsgroup for each team, interact with other fans that cheer for your team.
JEFF's HOMEPAGE - Music Stuff, Hockey Stuff, Cool Stuff, Stuff worth checking out
MY ROCK PAGE - My page about the cool bands I like, the tapes I have and pics of band people.
Pelland's Hockey Emporium
Links to other sites on the Web
TONY TWIST'S WALL OF PAIN - See a list of Tony's victims, targerts and some pics. There is a place where you share fight stories too. Check it out.
DENNIS BONVIE'S ALLSTAR APPEARENCE - talks about Bonvie's trip to the AHL allstar game. From there take a link to see a list of Bonvie's accomplishments compiled by his brother and enforcer for the Junior A Antigonish Bulldogs Herb Bonvie.
WELCOME TO SPORTSLINE USA - A cool place I visit every morning to get the hockey boxscores and recaps. You can join the Sportsline club and get access for more stuff.
ESPN's SPORTS TALK - Come here to talk hockey with people all over the world.
CHATTERBOX - A great chat sight that I spend alot of time in.
Dennis Bonvie pounding Chris Murray
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