Well, so far nobody has picked up the gauntlet
to star with me on this website. I will continue to
add photos of myself if anyone is interested but the
whole point was to get others to either contribute
images of themselves kickboxing or to join me by
appearing as my "opponent" in the next installment.
Either way, I need YOUR input! So if you wanna join
in the fun, and be my next "opponent", drop me a line
and let me know! If I find the right person (or persons),
this site will be updated regularly and, who knows?
Maybe videos can be put together and made available!
It's YOUR move! Step on the mat and let's DO IT! I'll
be ready for ya!!! Here's how to reach me: send an e-mail to
with the subject "kickboxing feet". THIS IS IMPORTANT! If your e-mail doesn't
have those words EXACTLY in the subject, I WON'T GET YOUR E-MAIL!!! I have a filter set up that will send anything that doesn't have the words "kickboxing feet" in the subject straight to the "junk mail" folder.
Also, make SURE you read THIS PAGE BEFORE
you send me mail!!! VERY IMPORTANT AS WELL!!!!
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