Welcome to my homepage

Hi, I am Martijn Kamstra, the owner of this site. I was born at the 22nd of April, 1972, and I live in Rijswijk (near the Hague, which is in the Netherlands), together with my Filipina wife Michelle.

Once again I have totally changed the looks and contents of my homepage (which I have been maintaining since 1996). I realised that I was puttng too much information on my site that is available elsewhere on the net, and usually in a much more complete way then I used to have it).

Therefore this page mainly consists of links to sites that contain information that I need every now and then. Since I am a big sports fanatic, many of the links are related to that.

I really have some information, instead of just links, at 'De Coppi's' Site which is related to a cycling game I am participating in. I also have a list of all the climbs I have climbed by bike.

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Saturday, 01-Feb-2003 18:40