A quick review.
Hi, I am 'Mad' Mike and live in ARDERSIER, a small village in the Highlands of Scotland.
My home is close to Fort George, built after the infamous battle at Culloden, Inverness and Loch Ness, birthplace of the world renowned monster, Nessie (and yes! I have seen it.)
(Just stuck that in so I might get more hits LOL)
I have split from my former partner of some 20 odd years ... and prefer not to even mention her name.
My daughter Michele, who graduated as a Sport Scientist (sounds impressive) but after doing some crazy jobs (would U believe bouncer & bar person)and still has to pay off her student loan.
HECK!!!! get a degree ... there is hope.
Anyway .. She is now living in Japan ...
Shit .. lucky bitch ..
For some reason .. I have wanted to visit Japan since I was 11 years old ...and I might have the opportunity to do this with my my new partner (Amanda) xxx lovely person.
Anyway nough of the personal stuff.
Still mad about Judo, but my clubs are on hold at the moment.
Please still leave ure messages (I'LL BE BACK)
Links to other sites on the Web
The Scottish Judo Federation.
Judo contacts in the U.K. Self explanatory:- names, places, etc.
International Judo Federation.
The Judo Web.
The Ultimate Judo Link.
........This is a page which I have built for my village which has other Scottish links....Please visit..
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