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Educational Web Server in Greece!!!

Dimitris Psoras:
Teaching children in a Greek primary school

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This is the ST2 class of the 2nd Neon Faliro Primary school

Primary education in Greece
Dimitris Kardarakos
(M.A. in Education , diploma in ED.Psychology)

Dimitris M.Psoras
(Primary school teacher in Piraeus Athens Greece)

In Greece, like in all modern countries, there is a three level educational system.

We work in primary education.

From this site we'll try to give answers to people in the net,school teachers, students, and to all those that are interested in the following questions.

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Greek language lessons for free???
Just press the

parthenon image,
and then use your browser's back button to come back.
((These lessons are from Angelos Kanlis
Graduate student in Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland.))
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Send email to if you like.
Post address: 9 Nirvana Str Neon Faliro Piraeus,18547 Greece

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