25. How would you describe this lab to other students?- A way to see what is not taught in class. Though the class gives you background, the lab is where you learn the language.
- It is a good experience, but it is difficult to gain an intuitive understanding
of Java while working with a partner. I believe that some labs should be
individually written and assigned while others later on should be partnered.
- This lab is truly where you learn the material and greatly improves your knowledge
of the subject. - The paired partnering takes some getting use to but is worth it in the end.
It is guided hands on training relevant to the class. - educational
- Fabrice Kicks @$$!!!
- It is a difficult lab but the idea and participation in Xtreme Programming and working with partners makes it a whole lot easier than it would be otherwise. Fabrice is a very good TA if he is avaliable next semester get him.
- This lab is good to take.
But the TA's are not the best thing about them.
26. What do you like best about my instruction?- You know what you are talking about and you are easily understood. You are also
willing to answer questions, no matter how trivial. - Forced class to interact together with was good for extreme oriented programming
- You are eager to help.
- You are always there to help and always eager to help solve a problem.
- Your willingness to help and debugging skills.
- very helpful
- You know what you are doing. That's rare.
- You are straight to the point but you never answer the question directly. You give us hints then leave it to me and my partner to figure the rest out. If we still have problems you help us out more.
27. What do you like least about my instruction?- Sometimes you are behind in your explaination of the lab to where we are
in the lab. Such as we have already done the first three methods, but you are
just starting to explain the first. - Instructor wasn't timely about getting grades back to students
- Sometimes we need to be encouraged to think on our own with a little
prodding rather than having the assignment spelled out for us. - I like everything because you are a true TA who cares if we learn the material.
- Lack of in debth instruction and explaination that would allow
us to write a program by ourselves. Like explain how you would personally
solve a problem, what you would think about and look for. - ?
- Your accent, while interesting, is difficult at times.
- You are sometimes hard to understand due to your French accent.
28. What was the most useful subject covered in lab (in terms of your future career and/or understanding of course material)?- I am not sure.
- The last lab where we made a GUI which allowed us to use all the knowledge from the
semester. - Using existing classes and the debugging techniques
- working together
- Use of JDK. Syntax.
- Object Oriented programming in general.
29. Is there any topic, pertaining to the lab, missing from this evaluation that you would like to discuss?- The backlog of labs that you started out with was hard, but I would have suggested
you started grading them more quickly. - See *25
- No.
- Please spend more time in class actually writing programs from scratch,
to solve "lab like" problems, compile and debug them in class. - no
- Yeah. Fab needs a raise. He deal with all of Fred George's assignments without a hitch. He's the man.
- N/A