March News

A Spin Clinic is being offered by Donovan's Nautilus and the Starved Rock Cycling Association. There will be a spin class at the Nautilus and a short ride (5+ miles) outside. The clinic will be offered Saturday, April 18 and April 19, 2009 at 10:30 am. Attend one or both days. Bring your bike to the clinic. Helmets are required. We will have a few helmets available at the ride. Bicycle safety, proper fit and clothing will be addressed. See you there!

League of Illinois Biker News:

Stimulus Bill Results - The $789M American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 included $27.5B for transportation. Of that balance 3% is provided for Transportation Enhancements, which fund bikeways and other projects. That would translate into $28M for Illinois. Contact LIB to help us ensure that most or all of that $28M goes to bicycling. Learn more on the bill's effect on bicycling at

LIB goes to Washington - The messages we'll deliver to Illinois' Congressional delegation at the National Bike Summit: Bicycling is part of our transportation system, with Complete Streets road designs and funding for bikeways! Look for an upcoming alert to help make our Congressional visits more effective, we speak up for Illinois bicyclists this March.

Train the Trainor - The League of Illinois Bicyclists is offering a 90 minute course on teaching bicycle safety to children on Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 3:30 pm at the LaSalle library. The address is 305 Marquette St, LaSalle, IL. The phone number is 309-737-8270. All interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Share the Road License Plates - Order this year's license plates, valid for April and May, and spread a "share the road" message. Interested in permanent Share the Road plates for Illinois? More information at


SRCA Club Meeting:

The lotto was up to$98 and Phil Gassman's name was drawn, but since he was not present the pot will roll over to the April meeting.

The treasurer's report was presented at the meeting with expenses and deposits to date.

Two new members joined this meeting. Welcome to Peggy Savage and Barb Kratz. We are very glad to have you as members.

The club was presented with several revised club logos that has LaSalle County, IL added to our existing logo. The variations included two with the text inside the logo and one outside the logo. A decision was made to table the vote to the next meeting.

Ride times:

Regular ride times starting in April:


Tuesday and Thursday, Allen Park, Ottawa, IL 5:30 pm

Saturday, Allen Park, Ottawa, IL 10:00 am

NEW RIDE - Gentle Ride; road ride for slower riders who are learning basic skills or just want to smell the roses, 10 to 12 miles per hour, 10 - 20 miles Saturday 10:00 am, Boyce Memorial Trail Head


Wednesday night ride: 6:00 pm Boyce Memorial Trail Head
Easy pace

The club By-Laws were amended:

Update to current club dues
Eliminate late fees for dues
Allow limited proxy voting
Drop registration of bicycles as a goal
Amend dropping members from roster for nonpayment of dues from May to March

The new PPR flyers are available to club members for distribution. See Marshall at the April meeting to sign out flyers to distribute to the community and beyond.

Remember that club dues are due now. Anyone not paid by the April meeting will be dropped from the club roster and e-mail alerts. This is your club. Please support it and all that we are trying to accomplish for the community and bicycling in general!

Club members are reminded that this is your newsletter. If you have cycling items for sale/trade call or e-mail and they will put those items in the next newsletter.

The next club meetings will be held on April 28, 2009 at Bianchis Pizza on LaSalle Street in downtown Ottawa at 7:00 pm. See you there!!!





Ride Safely!