The walls are filled with sports memorabilia: autographed jerseys by Magic, Barkley, Kareem & of course Dr. J! Alzado1s old Oakland Raiders jersey hangs on the wall. Canseco's first homerun ball with the A's is proudly displayed at the bar. Pennants of the Kings, and my own hometown Peppers hang from high above, along with a neon Nike swoosh. TV screens display the hottest match-ups of the day & you can catch the latest scores on ESPN. In the back is D.J. RubenG - so stay awhile & get down to the bumpin' jamz!
SooooOOOooooo....U'R prolly sitting there thinking . o O (Who the heck is Zippie?!)
Well...hey hey hey...that's me, Me, ME!!! Yep, the one...the ONLY . o O (Thank goodness! ; ) ...The zany, zappy, zotty...and of course....zillie...Zippie!!! Ever heard of Zippie & the Zippettes...or the ZippieDance??? Hmmmmm...prolly not...BUT...that's O.K! There's still plenty of time to tell you all about that ...(maybe)...but first...we'll brb after these important messages.....
o.k. so we're not really taking a commercial break...I just figured that if'n U didn't already know who the heck I was...U might actually still wanna know...rather than have me ramblin' on and on and on and on and...well, U get the pic! ; )
So who am I? I am...oh my gosh...I have amnesia...I can't remember...notes, notes...I gotta have notes around here SOMEWHERE!!! Found them! *Read, read, read* it... I was born & raised in California. I'm Xicana with a Tarascan heritage, and I'm Christian. Other than sports, I love dancing, and I absolutely adore (isn't that phrase just so corny?!) to travel!
So which sports do I like playing, what music do I like, and to where the heck have I travelled? Well hold on...I was juuuuust getting to that, I don't have amnesia anymore *grin* it's just that I'm really into this episode of Days and I can't concentrate on my typing. *wink* (If u'r a fan too, here's an update)
o.k. so where was I? .....oh ya, sports n stuff that I like...well I like playing volleyball and softball...don't go thinking that I'm some great jock or sumthin.....cuz I'm not, I just love playing cuz it's sooOOOoo much FUN! (Having fun is a law here...just incase you 4got - although, I know U didn't Bcuz U R totally enthralled & dEEEEply entranced by my oh-so-charming personality that is just brilliantly shining through in this homepage...therefore U'R hanging on 2 every word, right? Ummm, o.k...don't answer that! *Wink*)
For some reason EVERYONE thinks I'm one of those people that's into hiphop 'n rap...well...I am! does not live on hiphop no no no no no nooooo...I love
Oldies, OldeSkool, house, techno, basically anything that can be heard on this
wild station. You know which dance is cool...the twist...
Yepyep...just like they did in
PulpFiction...which just happens to be one of my favorite
movies! Some others are Boyz N the Hood,
101 Dalmatians, Beat Street, and
West Side Story...and pretty much anything with Molly Ringwald in it...ya know, like Pretty in pink, and The breakfast Club. I also like older Sabrina, Sex and the single girl (NooOOOoo! It1s NOT a dirty movie! :P and of course all them really cool Frankie & Annette movies! Don't you just LOVE beach parties?!
I grew up right near the beach...but nothing like the ones I went to when I was in Hawaii...Oahu to be exact (*nudge nudge* I'm now into the part where I'm telling you where I've travelled - just incase U didn't pick up on that ; ) I've been to many parts of California, Arizona, and Nevada. I've also been to Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Detroit...and different parts of Mexico, too! On one of my trips to Mexico I did something really super cool...wanna know what it was? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyways! I climbed the largest
pyramid there!
Oh, and btw, summa those places I've's been to conferences with organizations like
CLASE which is a part of
Region I. Check out our sister organization,
NSBE, as well.
Any other travelling I do is usually going on road trips with my frenz, the ZooKrew!!! I especially love our annual New Year's Day trip to the snow (one day U'll be able to click on snow and a picture will appear...but don't hold your breath cuz I don't have a scanner!) Some day I hope to be taking those trips in a
Porsche like
this. Ooooh, another place I'd wanna go is to a really cool museum, or art gallery to see an exhibit of mon favorit artist...
Yep, his stuff is sooOOOooo cool! Wish mine was that cool...oh ya, that's one of my hobbies...drawing 'n stuff like that...another hobby I have is learning different languages. So far I can (to some kinda extent) speak
Nihongo (in order of fluency...hmmm...or is it lack thereof? ; ) and oh ya...I can also
sign a little bit.
Well, now that you know a little more about me...mayB even more than U evvveeeeer wanted 2 know...why don't you say "Hello Zippie!"...hmmmmm...ok, U got a point there...I'm not here, so it does make it sorta difficult to say hi...but check it can stop by my favorite talker... CrossRoads...I'll most likely be there! : ) It's a really cool place with some really cool these two frenz of mine...the first one's just plane crazy (cool play on words, huh? ; ) and this krazee ConMan I got to meet when I went to Seattle! WoOOooHoooo!
Well a'rightie then...enough about me...but if you're still yearning for are some
You are here! But, far is that from everywhere else?
Is it hot in here, or is it just me? ; ) Here's a handy lil weather guide. you know what these initials mean? ...The 10'o clock news won't tell you! Power to the People!!!
Oldies trivia. The links in this one change every few keep coming back for more!
Remember watching those Saturday morning cartoons...and those really cool SchoolHouseRock thingies?! : )
Yahoo! ... cuz at some point in our lives, we all need it!
Click on Calvin...and he'll take you on a trip to the surprise link of the day (or week, or month...or whenever I get around to changing it! ; )
Well o.k...I know y'all got lives to lead, classes to get to, and work to do...sooo for the sanity of humankind I will now conclude this homepage...and in conclusion I would just like to say... GO RAIDERS!!! *Whew!* O.k. now that I have that outta my system I wanna say: Walk with pride, but always in peace!
Thank you for stopping by the Zippie Zone...I hope you have enjoyed your visit...C-YA, BYE!