
Vital Information

  • Ride Description: 750-miles of challenging day and night cycling on country roads of New England for experienced randonneur cyclists. BMB is a tour, not a competition.
  • Start/Finish: Start from the Hotel Indigo (off Route 128) Newton, Mass. You can reserve a room here before you start, and for after you finish.
  • Checkpoint towns: Checkpoint towns have restrooms, convenience stores, and hotels or motels.
    1. 59 miles, Barre, MA
    2. 113 miles, Brattleboro VT
    3. 168 miles, Ludlow VT
    4. 234 miles, Middlebury VT
    5. 324 miles, Rouses Point, NY
    6. 372 miles, Huntingdon, PQ, Canada
    7. 422 miles, Rouses Point, NY
    8. 513 miles, Middlebury VT
    9. 579 miles, Ludlow, VT
    10. 635 miles, Brattleboro VT
    11. 689 miles, Barre, MA
    12. 750 miles, Hotel Indigo, Newton, MA: FINISH!
  • Terrain: The terrain is extremely difficult. Be prepared for over 30,000 feet of climbing. Riders will encounter a steep 10% climb and severe 15% climb into Middlebury, Vermont. A triple crank is recommended. Be prepared for bad road surfaces.
  • Weather: This ride is ideally done in August when you may have 75-degree days with sunshine and humidity. It could get as low as 45 degrees at night. It rains at least one day on BMB every year. Always has. Rain is included in the entry fee, so be prepared. If you ride in late spring, you may encounter snow at high elevations. You may also encounter flooded roads in Northern Vermont. Be attentive to wildlife at night, most commonly moose.
  • Border Crossing Procedure: Each BMB rider will leave the country and return. Each BMB rider is required to stop at both US/Canadian border crossings. Be patient and polite. Exiting the US and Entering Canada: All riders must show a passport and have it stamped upon exiting the US and entering Canada.
    Exiting Canada and Re-Entering the US: All riders are required to show a passport and have it stamped upon entering the US and leaving Canada. Compliance with these procedures is mandatory in order to complete your BMB ride without incident.

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