1998 Boston-Montreal-Boston Results

Official Results - August 20, 1998

The results posted below have been checked and verified. Please let us know if you believe any of the results to be inaccurate.

Some notes on this year's event:

  • Two new events were added this year: the 1000K and the RAAM Qualifier. The 1000K was added to allow riders to qualify for Randonneur 5000 by riding B-M-B as two events, a 1000K followed (immediately!) by a 200K. The RAAM Qualifier was added to allow riders to qualify for RAAM by declaring their intention to ride B-M-B as a qualifier and by completing the course in 65 hours or less.
  • Only 19 riders abandoned this year's events, resulting in a completion rate of just under 80% for those riders completing the entire 1200K route. This is a considerable improvement over last year, when only 70% of the riders completed the event.
  • Additional summary information follows the rider listing.

Overall Summary

                      Total  B-M-B  1000K  RAAM Qualifier  Quad Centuries
                      =====  =====  =====  ==============  ==============
Registered Riders      107     91     3          4                9
Starters               103     87     3          4                9
Abandoned               19     16     1          2                0
Finishers               84     71     2          2                9


First       Last                  Result        Age Current Residence        Country
=========== =========== ======================= === ======================== =======

Jon         Allison               85:41          50 Springfield, OH          USA
Bernie      Amero                 83:40          35 Gloucester, MA           USA
Jon         Antonneau             66:23          37 Racine, WI               USA
Richard     Avallone              54:51          44 Mellier                  Belgium
Amy         Axelson       DNF - S - Rouses Pt.   39 Brookline, NH            USA
Brian       Berry                 85:53          38 Mount Tremper, NY        USA
Johnny      Bertrand              82:25          42 Georgetown, KY           USA
Chris       Block                 74:54          38 Wellesley, MA            USA
David       Bundrick              68:32          54 Atlanta, GA              USA
David       Buzzee        DNF - S - Rouses Pt.   56 Dublin, OH               USA
Ken         Byron           DNF - N - Ludlow     33 Berlin, CT               USA
Elizabeth   Campbell        DNF - N - Ludlow     40 Rutland, VT              USA
Bruce       Clipson       DNF - N - Rouses Pt.   44 Boynton Beach, FL        USA
Gary        Coulter       DNF - N - Rouses Pt.   51 Bridgeton, MO            USA
Eileen      Crone                 68:32          44 Lititz, PA               USA
Neil        Crone                 68:32          48 Lititz, PA               USA
Claus       Czycholl              82:25          55 Hamburg                  Germany
Tom         Davies        DNF - N - Middlebury   54 Paradise, CA             USA
Mike        DeLong                83:40          48 Dunwoody, GA             USA
Kayo        DeOlivera             86:40          52 West Roxbury, MA         USA
Joel        Dillon                76:34          33 Edinburg, PA             USA
Peter       Dusel           DNF - S - Ludlow     45 Ontario, NY              USA
Jack        Eason                 85:38          72 Potters Bar, Herts       England
John        Evans                 85:35          50 Farnham, Surrey          England
Bruce       Everard       DNF - N - Rouses Pt.   55 Palm Beach Grdns, FL     USA
Rex         Farnsworth            73:37          58 Highlands Ranch, CO      USA
Ray         Fortman               78:37          47 Schenectady, NY          USA
Doug        Fowler                85:24          56 Asheville, NC            USA
Steve       Fox                   71:50          49 Peterborough, NH         USA
Keith       Fraser                60:23          39 Vacouver, BC             Canada
Gerald      Goode                 82:25          59 Braintree, MA            USA
Woody       Graham                85:24          56 Columbia, SC             USA
Jim         Greene                56:48          51 New York, NY             USA
Jim         Halay                 86:40          46 Manchester, MO           USA
Martin      Heath                 83:40          45 Toronto, Ontario         Canada
Charles     Henderson     DNF - N - Middlebury   63 Littleton, CO            USA
Rudy        Hewitt                79:42          48 Wheaton, MD              USA
Jim         Hlavka                66:23          59 Racine, WI               USA
Vytas       Janusauskas           84:29          42 Nepean, Ontario          Canada
Randy       Johnson         DNF - N - Ludlow     52 Yorkville, IL            USA
David       Kamp                  83:40          50 Sunnyvale, CA            USA
Mike        Kerrigan              74:54          39 Tewksbury, MA            USA
Ed          Kross                 57:09          39 Framingham, MA           USA
John        Lake                  89:17          32 Evanston, IL             USA
Silas       Little                71:50          52 Peterborough, NH         USA
Arvid       Loewen                63:06          41 Winnipeg, MB             Canada
Russ        Loomis                86:40          46 Williamsburg, MA         USA
Dale        Lougee                85:06          51 Athol, MA                USA
Stig        Lundgaard             77:48          29 Skovlunde                Denmark
Kevin       Main                  82:25          46 Morro Bay, CA            USA
Don         Mankewich             83:40          41 Calgary, Alberta         Canada
Charlie     Martin                85:41          59 Berea, OH                USA
Carl        McElroy               81:55          42 Hanscom Afb, MA          USA
Robert      McKenney              69:06          37 Worcester, MA            USA
J. Grant    McLeod                79:42          51 Swift Current, SK        Canada
Lew         Meyer                 83:40          63 Berwyn, PA               USA
Virgil      Moehsmer              86:40          49 Chesterfield, MO         USA
Jean-Luc    Monier                66:23          43 Vincennes                France
John        Moriarty              60:43          35 Pascoag, RI              USA
James       Mott-Smith            79:32          38 Arlington, MA            USA
David       Nakai                 79:42          42 Fallbrook, CA            USA
Barry       Nash                  82:25          50 Denver, CO               USA
Gene        Oliver          DNF - N - Ludlow     52 Bluefield, VA            USA
Michael     Pearlman              83:25          53 Randallstown, MD         USA
Don         Perley        DNF - S - Rouses Pt.   43 Troy, NY                 USA
Richard     Phipps                86:10          49 Ashtead, Surrey          England
Christopher Pile                  86:40          27 Norwalk, CT              USA
Don         Podolski              82:25          50 Westfield, MA            USA
Marc        Pritchard             62:33          43 Cattaraugus, NY          USA
Jeff        Radan                 77:48          38 Rockville , MD           USA
John        Riesenberg            83:25          48 Stoddard, NH             USA
John        Robbins               82:25          57 Redondo Beach, CA        USA
Craig       Robertson             60:45          40 Los Altos, CA            USA
James       Rosar                 66:48          39 Huntington, NY           USA
Michael     Ruedy           DNF - S - Ludlow     51 Bloomington, MN          USA
Bill        Schwarz               60:45          53 Kinderhook, NY           USA
James       Severance             83:40          52 Rockford, MI             USA
Glen        Smith                 79:42          32 Lukcy Lake, Saskatchewan Canada
Richard     Soare         DNF - N - Brattleboro  41 Montreal, Quebec         Canada
Jean-Michel Toitot        DNF - N - Middlebury   55 Montfermeil              France
John        Ward                  84:54          42 Stanfordville, NY        USA
Paula       Ward                  85:53          42 Stanfordville, NY        USA
Dick        Weber                 77:02          56 Clackamas, OR            USA
Terry       Wetherilt             86:10          41 Shefford, Bedfordshire   England
Albert      Whetter               85:35          49 Western Springs, IL      USA
Arthur      Williams              89:17          44 Franklin, TN             USA

RAAM Qualifier

First       Last                  Result        Age Current Residence        Country
=========== =========== ======================= === ======================== =======

Ken         Bonner                60:23          55 Victoria, BC             Canada
Jim         Solanick      DNF - S - Rouses Pt.   49 Old Saybrook, CT         USA
Tim         Sullivan              64:34          44 Coronado, CA             USA
David       Tyson         DNF - N - Middlebury   42 Ludlow, VT               USA


Times shown are for 1000K, Boston-Montreal-Brattleboro

First       Last                  Result        Age Current Residence        Country
=========== =========== ======================= === ======================== =======

Daniel      Beavon                65:37          41 Orleans, Ontario         Canada
Mark        Sheehan               64:28          50 Horseheads, NY           USA
John        Wagner        DNF - S - Rouses Pt.   54 Seattle, WA              USA

Quad Centuries

First       Last                  Result        Age Current Residence        Country
=========== =========== ======================= === ======================== =======

Linda       Baker               Finished         43 Evanston, IL             USA
Elizabeth   Crotty              Finished         40 Rozay En Brie            France
Holly       Elmore              Finished         38 Atlanta, GA              USA
Leonard     Fieber              Finished         46 Tucson, AZ               USA
Bruce       Ingle               Finished         29 Framingham, MA           USA
Ronald      Jetton              Finished         63 Dunlap, IL               USA
Avery       Juhring             Finished         62 Rozay En Brie            France
Ann         Mullins             Finished         44 Inman, SC                USA
Steve       Yetman              Finished         45 Greenville , SC          USA

Summary Information

Total Riders

  Boston-Montreal-Boston   87
  1000K                     3
  RAAM Qualifier            4

  Total 1200K Riders       94

  Quad Centuries            9

  Total Riders            103

Riders by Sex

                           Men     Women
                           ===     =====
    Start                  90        4
    Finish                 73        2
  Quad Centuries
    Start                   5        4
    Finish                  5        4

Riders by Age

               B-M-B         Quad Centuries
           Start   Finish    Start   Finish
           =====   ======    =====   ======

  25 - 29     2       2         1       1
  30 - 34     4       3
  35 - 39    13      12         1       1
  40 - 44    22      17         3       3
  45 - 49    15      13         2       2
  50 - 54    21      15
  55 - 59    14      11
  60 - 64     2       1         2       2
  70 - 75     1       1

Riders by Current Residence

     Belgium                  1
     Canada                  10
       Alberta            1
       British Columbia   2
       Manitoba           1
       Ontario            3
       Quebec             1
       Saskatechewan      2
     Denmark                  1
     France                   4
     Germany                  1
     Great Britain            4
     USA                     82
       Arizona            1
       California         7
       Colorado           3
       Connecticut        3
       Florida            2
       Georgia            3
       Illinois           5
       Kentucky           1
       Massachusetts     14
       Maryland           3
       Michigan           1
       Minnesota          1
       Missouri           3
       North Carolina     1
       New Hampshire      4
       New York          11
       Ohio               3
       Oregon             1
       Pennsylvania       4
       Rhode Island       1
       South Carolina     3
       Tennessee          1
       Vermont            2
       Virginia           1
       Washington         1
       Wisconsin          2

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