Here is the nitro report where you can get the results of every match of TNT (NWO)OR (WCW)Nitro Report.

This is not affiliated with WCW


Nitro starts out as Nash and Hall break up the High Voltage and Nasty boys match with chairs in their hands and Hall and Nash tell the faces of fear to come out to the ring. Faces of fear come out and both teams leave and FOF appear to be winning but a quick goto commercial.

Match #1 Laparka Vs. Jeventud guerra

Laparka with a corkscrew move off the top ropes for the win. Doesn't it seem that jeventud gets screwed every match,oh well thats how it goes.

Match #2 Ultimo Dragon Vs. Dean Malenko

Dragon wins by disqualification,but Malenko keeps belt.

Match #3 Amazing stupid Canadians Vs. American Males

Don't you know who won,?????of course the American Males. No names like the ASC never win,duh.

Match #4 Hugh Morrus VS. Lex Luger

Lex of course wins with the rack. During interview Sting comes down and gives luger a bat. Why he didn't hit luger I do not know.

Match #5 Johny Grunge VS. Chris Jericho

Double drop kick off the top ropes fo the win by jericho.

Hollywood struts to the broadcast area w/elizabeth in Nwo shirt on, they make bischoff say hogan is bigger icon and that rowdy is afraid to show up and hogan is a hundred times richer and they leave.

Match #6 Jeff Jarrett VS. Bobby Eaton

figure four for the win natureboy ric flair comes out and has jerret strut and ric struts . He says jeff jarrett is in because Flair says so.

Match #7 Big Bubba VS. Jim Powers

Bubba with the slam for the win.

Match #8 Chris Benoit VS. Eddie Geurrero

Chris Benoit with a reversal for the win.

Rowdy Roddy Piper shows up and the Nwo saves Bishoff from Piper.Bischoff is NWO!!!!! Piper has to be controlled by the police. The Match is set Nov. 24 Hogan VS. Piper.

This nitro report provided by Levi Neuharth. Thanks Levi.

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