TIM's signed guestbook

Here's what some folks got to say about this here web site. Enjoy (sucka)!

ted mcandrew - 12/25/00 00:00:21
My Email:tmcandrew@ncghotels
Favorite Band: early allman brothers
Schoo: iowa state
Favorite Movie: a man called horse
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: clark kent ?
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: white rhino
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: my supervisor was a real prick!
Favorite Cartoon Character: tom & jerry

i am one of the few mcandrews from iowa. do you know any mcandrew history. great website!

timothy s. mcandrew - 04/26/00 08:03:33
My Email:tjjtmca aol
Favorite Band: east street
Schoo: columbiana
Favorite Movie: true grit
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: reeves
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: i got it
Favorite Cartoon Character: spider man

we have the same name

Claire McAndrew - 04/17/00 02:38:04
My Email:nitrokng@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Metallica
Schoo: Graduated
Favorite Movie: Dead Again
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: No clue
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: tree
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: Got fired
Favorite Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo ( for 20 years)

I am a McAndrew, now married with two kids and two Harleys, descended from the Cleveland McAndrew's. My uncle, Tim J. McAndrew, is a captain on the Cleveland PD (use his name if you ever get a ticket up there). I'd love to know if you have any relatives i Cleveland, St. Louis, Boston or Seattle (we are the Boston-area clan).

- 02/07/00 02:49:49


Pienkowski - 12/14/99 15:19:21

Surfing the net from Scotland. my families name is McAndrew interesting isn't it?

- 10/24/99 16:09:14


- 10/23/99 16:55:56


Angie McAndrew - 08/06/99 21:30:40
My Email:angie.mcandrew@sympatico.ca
Favorite Band: Rammestein
Schoo: University of Manitoba
Favorite Movie: Waterloo Bridge
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: We hired to many summer students.:)
Favorite Cartoon Character: Tweetie

Just checking you out. We definitely aren't on the same playing field but you're a McAndrew and I'm a McAndrew so, HEY!

Josh McAndrew - 05/14/99 04:38:57
My Email:joshuamcandrew@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: System of a Down
Schoo: E.N.M.U Roswell
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: ???
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: ???
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: I got caught looking at porn on the internet
Favorite Cartoon Character: Bender on Futurama

We got the same last name kid. Thats pretty cool. I had to check out your web page.

tony mcandrew - 04/29/99 14:21:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/den/2174/
My Email:toffy_69@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: terrorvision
Schoo: st thomas more
Favorite Movie: twelve monkeys
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: not me
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: cheese burger
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: me
Favorite Cartoon Character: marvin the martian

Nice site. Cool surname!

Tim McAndrew - 02/10/99 00:26:18
My Email:tadhg64@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Clannad
Schoo: University of WI - River Falls
Favorite Movie: Some Italian film from the 70s, i cant remember the name...
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: ummm, heh?
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: Gaelic Goddess
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: my hiring
Favorite Cartoon Character: Kenny

HI! My name is also Tim McAndrew. I'm from St Paul MN. Do you do any genalogy? If you do, could send me any type of info you have, or at least the nature of what you do have? Thanks me.

Cindy - 09/08/98 10:14:36
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kelly McAndrew - 08/29/98 06:13:45
My Email:blueeyes_227@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: don't have one
Favorite Movie: love stories
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: don't know i have to ask my brother
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: got a promotion
Favorite Cartoon Character: Fred Flinstone/George Jetson

Great page

laura McAndrew - 08/25/98 18:07:24
My Email:lauramcandrew@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Crowded House
Schoo: Graduated from University of Toronto, Canada in 1997
Favorite Movie: There's Something About Mary, Fisher King
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: ?????????????????
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: stinking boil
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: having people arrested
Favorite Cartoon Character: opus and bill the cat

I just thought I would contact you since you and I have the last name. I thought we may have some distant relatives in common.

gadj - 07/07/98 16:57:43
My Email:mowgli@galesburg.net
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Schoo: da old one
Favorite Movie: A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosuar Hell
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: O.D.U.
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: tootsie roll
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: a corner of the building exploded 23 secs. after I passed it
Favorite Cartoon Character: Butthead

It may be later... Teknocktitland...

Kevin The God - 07/03/98 00:09:49
My Email:inthezone2@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band
Schoo: What is a schoo?
Favorite Movie: Electricboogaloo
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: Your Mom?
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: What the hell are you talking about?
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: Forgot to sign the time sheet
Favorite Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo

Tim, where are you this summer? We all miss you and your show this summer. Stop up to the station or else you will be forced to listen to hours and hours of Vanilla Ice, and then we will repeat it.

Robert Benjamin - 05/29/98 05:44:45
My URL:http://www.findjesus.com/benjamin
My Email:benjamin@orst.edu
Favorite Band: Thread
Schoo: OSU
Favorite Movie: Sudden Impact
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: ???
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: bigger mystery
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: showed up
Favorite Cartoon Character: Wyle Coyote

Just surfing through.

Tim McAndrew - 05/05/98 21:51:13
My Email:tadhg64@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: The Cheiftans
Schoo: UW-River Falls
Favorite Movie: LA Confidential
Which former Galesburger was murdered after playing Superman on Television?: asdf
Complete the line...Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a ______ ____ to me: tootsie roll
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: being acused falsely of sexual harrasment
Favorite Cartoon Character: pinky

Hey buddy, Tim McAndrew is my name, and I don't appreciate you using it without paying me some kind of intellectual property rights. ;) JK... Actually, McAndrew is a rare Irish name, and it is relatively new. MacAndrews, on the other hand, like the cla that got killed at the beginning of Braveheart, is more popular and probably is in actual refrence to the Christian saint. For some reason, Mc is usually Irish and Mac is Scottish, but they mean the same thing. Mac is Gaelic for son. MacAindriu, the r al Gaelic spelling of our shared name, originally came out of County Mayo in Ireland at a relatively later period, and along with a Roberts clan (or tribe if you will) came out of a larger Barret family, also from the West of Ireland. I think both Timothy and McAndrew are very cool names and when both put together actually sing. Timothy McAndrews of the world unite!!!

diana - 03/27/98 10:10:39
My Email:yqchen@public.guangzhou.gd.cn
Favorite Band: no
Schoo: graduated from university
Favorite Movie: X Files
What's the worst thing that happened at your job?: no change
Favorite Cartoon Character: Alatin

hi, I am diana!

- 03/13/98 02:08:12


I think it's Dana - 03/09/98 20:31:55
My Email:lipsky@galesburg.net
Favorite Band: anything that isn't Hanson
Schoo: Galesburg
Favorite Movie: A Christmas Story (anytime of year it's good!) and Sixteen Candles
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: the guy from the dog movies
If I could kill one person, it would be...: I better not put that on here...
Steak: Good or Bad?: yes
Favorite Cartoon Character: Jem

I can see the simalarity (I can't spell)

"Phil who?" - 03/08/98 04:02:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/SlackersDomain/
My Email:coutts42@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Stone Temple Pilots
Schoo: GHS
Favorite Movie: The Professional
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: Like hell I don't
If I could kill one person, it would be...: Suppling the requested information into this given medium would provide future homocide investigators real evidence to consider me a prime suspect if the potential victim, whom you requested be named here would happen to turn up dead at a point in the future of the time continuum as we currently perceive it at present.
Steak: Good or Bad?: Chaotic Neutral
Favorite Cartoon Character: Dr. Nick (from The Simpsons)

You know that sound effect they use for flying cars on TV, like on the Jettsons, that is a fast bubbling sound? Well why is it that when the car accelerates and starts to move away from you that the bubbly sound raises in pitch? Now I know it might have to do with the increased power output required when accelerating the car from idle, but for some reason the Doppler Effect is ignored. Why????

uncle bob - 02/17/98 00:10:06
My Email:you know
Favorite Band: fairport convention
Schoo: no thank you
Favorite Movie: Repo man
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: Does he know who he is?
Steak: Good or Bad?: Medium well
Favorite Cartoon Character: roger ramjet


Mauraahh - 02/16/98 23:22:22
My Email:timmic@galesburg.net
Favorite Band: Radiohead
Schoo: GHS
Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: My hero, that's who
If I could kill one person, it would be...: Celine Dion or any/all of the Backstreet Boys
Steak: Good or Bad?: Baaad
Favorite Cartoon Character: Eye-popping teacher from Daria


M.O.P. - 02/15/98 22:48:30
My URL:http://www.misslink.net/chapman
My Email:chapman@techcenter.org
Favorite Band: The Mighty Mighty BossTones
Schoo: High
Favorite Movie: That one with Steven Seagal
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: Do I want to?
If I could kill one person, it would be...: You
Steak: Good or Bad?: Not as tasty as government cheez balls
Favorite Cartoon Character: Chester Cheetah

Me sign guestbook

test - 02/12/98 18:58:06
Favorite Band: Crash Test Dummies
Schoo: Test U.
Favorite Movie: Fire Down Below
Do you know who the hell Charles Grodin is?: yup
If I could kill one person, it would be...: Craig Sager
Steak: Good or Bad?: yum
Favorite Cartoon Character: Capt. Caveman

Test for guestbook

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