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Next game is: Never
Time and Place: In your dreams
Opponent: Eternity

New semester means new season for the Tractors. We now face a major challenge since several important players have left us. If I mention such players as Björn, Magnus and Peter you might get an idea of what it´s all about. Nevertheless, we are quite optimistic regarding the future. One reason for this is spelled Dylan McKay and another one is Anders G:son! Two eminent players who both proved their cabability during the for-season in the two-day tournament arranged by Uppsala "student-health" organization. All together, we should look forward to an interesting and successful spring and have faith in Tarzan´s coaching. BEWARE OF THE TRACTORS!
That was then... It is all history now. No more games (NKOTB). But the Tractors will live in our minds for centuries...

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Last update 20/8-98