Save Oxford United  -> FOUL
(Fighting for Oxford United's Life)

FOUL Meeting with Keith Cox

Press Release 26/7/00 - Oxford

FOUL says "It's time for action!"

Last week saw the good news of the withdrawal of the judicial review into planning permission for a multiplex cinema at Minchery Farm, followed by the rejection of Morrells' appeal against the original decision which overturned their injunction. FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United's Life) believes that the ball is now firmly in the court of Oxford City Council to remove the remaining obstacles to building work recommencing on Oxford United's new stadium.

Recent meetings between FOUL and the leadership of the three main parties on the City Council have confirmed that each of them remains committed to the Minchery Farm development and FOUL welcomes their support. City Councillors now have a marvellous opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the development by expediting the removal of the final two obstacles to a restart: the disputes with Thames Water and Les Wells. The Council's attitude to these remaining issues is crucial. It is vital that the momentum is not lost if builders are to be back on site by the start of September so that the stadium can be completed for the 2001-2 season.

In particular, FOUL calls on Oxford City Council to reach an agreement with Thames Water immediately rather than to pursue a protracted legal battle which will endanger the existence of the football club It is clearly up to the City Council to conclude the settlement with Thames Water over the value of the land on which the stadium and its associated developments are being built. The Council lost its case in the High Court and agreed to pay the water authority £500,000 in compensation, which it has yet to do. Our understanding is that the Liberal Democrats have lodged an appeal against this decision, something that could add months more delay to construction work restarting and could in theory leave United without a home next season. FOUL seriously questions whether taking this path is in the best interests of the Council Tax payers in the city and urges the City Council to recompense Thames Water immediately.

The Oxford City Council legal department should weeks ago have served papers with the Land Registry in Gloucester in order to waive the right-of-way claimed by landowner Les Wells. That it has failed to do so, and is now claiming that the case is unlikely to be heard before late September, is totally unacceptable and is a clear indication of the lack of either will or direction in the Town Hall. Again FOUL asks that the City Council acts now to remove this Caution, thereby demonstrating a positive commitment to the future of Oxford United.

Press Release 15/7/00 - Oxford

Supporters praise Judicial Review decision

Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United's Life) has praised the decision by Cheshire developer Nick Pentith to withdraw from the judicial review into Oxford City Council's decision to grant planning permission for a multiplex cinema at Minchery Farm. The cinema is vital to United's relocation plans and the judicial review could potentially have revoked the permission for the development to proceed. An eleventh hour meeting between the City Council and Pentith led to the decision to cancel the hearing, due to start at 10.30 on Monday.

A spokesperson for FOUL commented: "This is a major hurdle towards completion of the stadium out of the way. It really is a victory for common sense and we are pleased that Pentith has finally realised that to pursue this course of action is in nobody's interests. It is a shame that it took him so long, but now at
last we can look forward to watching football in Minchery Farm at the start of next season, and the people of Oxford can look forward to having decent leisure facilities at long last."

The spokesperson continued: "Although this is excellent news we must not get carried away. There are still three other unresolved issues: the Morrells injunction, for which we are awaiting the appeal judges' decision; Les Wells' caution, which we hope will be resolved soon; and the Thames Water settlement,
which may prove to be more easily resolved now that the judicial review is sorted. However the history of this project means that it is not impossible for another unforeseen problem to arise at any moment, so we must not get complacent. But for now we will celebrate a major step forward, although not in a
Morrells pub, of course!"

Press Release 17/2/00 - Oxford

FOUL calls time on Morrells

Oxford United supporters pressure group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) is calling on all football supporters to boycott outlets owned by Morrells brewery, formerly based in Oxford.  The reason is that the brewery is threatening to take out an injunction to prevent the club from completing its new stadium at Minchery Farm, on the city outskirts, due to a 1962 covenant on the Blackbird pub at nearby Blackbird Leys.  The covenant prevents other premises within half a mile of the Blackbird from selling alcohol, which makes the conference centre, hotel and leisure developments which are going to fund the stadium development unfeasible.

Work was due to recommence on the stadium, which has remained half built for over three years, this Monday, but the threat of the injunction could delay the start.  A spokesperson for FOUL asked “Why didn’t Morrells come forward with this covenant four years ago, when planning consent was first sought? How come they’ve chosen this moment, when builders are almost back on site, before presenting their objections?”

The FOUL spokesperson claimed “This is an act of pure greed by Morrells, who obviously don’t care about the consequences of their actions on the football club or the community of which they were once a part.  The covenant was introduced to protect the interests of a new pub on a new estate, not to prevent unrelated and unthreatening ventures on the site of what was a sewage works back in 1962. We are asking all football fans to drink elsewhere until this threat is lifted and we are hoping that a mass boycott of all Morrells pubs will hit them where it hurts them most ? in their profits.”

Press Release 16/9/99 - Oxford

FOUL tells Pentith to “come clean” over Judicial Review

Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) has issued a plea to developer Nick Pentith to come clean over his plans to seek a Judicial Review on the decision to grant planning permission for a nine screen multiplex cinema at Minchery Farm.

The cinema is required to fund Oxford United’s new stadium on an adjacent plot of land, without which it is likely that the club will fold. Pentith is challenging the decision because his planning application for a multiplex at Oxpens wasn’t allowed to proceed following a public enquiry.

However, FOUL believes that the uncertainty around Pentith’s actions is having a detrimental effect on United’s fortunes on the field.  FOUL Chairman Steve Hanks said: “FOUL believes that the squad situation at the club is being affected by the threat of Nick Pentith’s Judicial Review.  We think that the uncertainty around the future of the stadium development is the reason why funds aren’t being released by Firoz Kassam to allow Malcolm Shotton to strengthen the playing squad.  We therefore urge Pentith to come clean about his intentions ? Is he going to proceed with his actions or not?  If so, what is the delay, if not let us know so that we can look forward to the future.”

Press Release 27/7/99 - Oxford

Good News for United, but the fight goes on

Oxford United’s independent supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) today welcomed the news that the Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) has been agreed by the football club’s creditors.  The CVA means that United only has to pay its unsecured creditors ten percent of what they are actually owed in a move which means that the club’s debts are virtually wiped out and which makes the club solvent.

FOUL committee member David Pryor said “This is a very important hurdle which the club has overcome.  At last we can get back on an even keel and have United run as a proper business, with an almost clean slate.”

However, FOUL’s Press Officer Martin Brodetsky warned that the football club was not safe yet from the threat of closure.  “The most important factor in the survival oOxford United remains the planning consent for the multiplex cinema at Minchery Farm,” he said “without which administration or even closure remains a distinct possibility.  We urge the Secretary of State for the Environment to heed the overwhelming majority of Oxford’s residents and allow this development to proceed, and we ask him to make his decision soon.”

Pryor went on to say “Whilst the CVA agreement is good news there is no room for complacency.  FOUL will continue to do everything it can to ensure that the multiplex application is not called in.  The fight for United’s future continues, but at last there is some light at the end of the tunnel.”


For further information contact:

David Pryor (acting Chair) 01235 818904

Martin Brodetsky (Press Officer) 01865 312438 (office hours) or 01865 248081 (evenings and weekends)

Press Release 2/7/99 - Oxford

Supporters Cry Foul Over County Council's Cinema Plans

Oxford United's independent supporters' group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United's Life) have learned that Oxfordshire County Council are planning to object to the football club's application to build a multiplex cinema next to the half built 15,000 seat stadium at Minchery Farm.  A report prepared by the Environmental Services Director, David Young, has recommended that Councillors ask John Prescott to make the decision after a public enquiry.

If the County Council officers get their way FOUL believes the football club will not survive the delay.  This is because of United's precarious financial state and the fact that the Manor ground can not be used after the end of the forthcoming season. The multiplex cinema is seen as the last hope to complete the stadium and rescue the club from bankruptcy.

Mark Mallinson, FOUL's Marketing Officer, said "The County Council officers seem to be hell bent on killing off Oxford United.  They have completely ignored the fact that Government advice to planners is to look favourably on developments like this to help build all seater stadiums and that they should include additional facilities for the benefit of the wider Community".

FOUL will be calling on its membership of more than 1200 Oxford supporters to lobby their County Councillors urgently in the hope they will see sense before the meeting that will decide United's fate.  The meeting is open to the public and is expected to take place at 2:00pm on Monday 5th July at County Hall.

FOUL also believes that David Young's idea of developing a Multiplex Cinema at Oxpens that could be used to fund the new stadium is a completely unworkable suggestion. Quite apart from the fact that John Prescott has already refused permission for this after a lengthy public enquiry, nobody would expect Oxford City Council to hand over this valuable land to the football club.

Steve Hanks, FOUL Chair said "If this hadn't come from an official County Council press release you'd think it was a joke.  Either the County Council Officers behind it are extremely naive or they think they can fool Oxford United supporters into thinking they really care about the club's survival".

FOUL strongly urges the County Council to reconsider their position for the benefit of all Oxfordshire's residents.  Press Officer Martin Brodetsky reiterated the FOUL position: "No multiplex at Minchery Farm means no Firoz Kassam.  No Firoz Kassam means no Oxford United.  We believe that the planning arguments have already been addressed in the section 106 agreements. To delay further would be both politically and morally indefensible."

Press Release 7/6/99 - Oxford

FOUL has waited until it had all the facts before commenting publicly on recent developments at Oxford United. Having met with all of the main parties involved we now believe we have a balanced understanding of the situation as a whole.  FOUL is an independent supporters organisation and as such we do not believe it is appropriate for us to announce support for a particular individual or consortium. The football club is the only thing that has our total support and we will continue to campaign for its survival. Having said that FOUL is perfectly happy to voice concerns over any actions, from wherever they may come, that we believe threaten the survival of Oxford United.

FOUL believes it is now time for David Bower's consortium to withdraw their offer to buy Firoz Kassam's majority share holding in Oxford United FC.

We appreciate that they mounted their campaign with the good of Oxford United at heart but believe their continued presence can only be harmful to the football club under the current circumstances.

FOUL's only objective since we were formed last November has been the long term survival of Oxford United.  It soon became clear that for this to happen the club's massive debts needed to be cleared and the new stadium must be completed.  David Bower's consortium have not been able to adequately explain to us how they would achieve either of these two requirements.

We share their concerns, and those of many supporters about Firoz Kassam providing immediate financial support to the football club.  We urge Mr. Kassam to immediately release sufficient funds to remove the short term financial uncertainty and allow Malcolm Shotton to strengthen the playing staff. Particularly now that we believe he has the financial security he requires for this to happen.

FOUL believes it is essential that everybody refocuses on the long term future of the club by supporting the application for a multiplex cinema at Minchery Farm that will allow the stadium to be completed.  We believe the City Council and local MP's are fully aware of the need for this application to succeed but are concerned that Oxfordshire County Council may not share this understanding. It is very important that we ensure that Oxfordshire County Council are fully aware of all of the information and background to the multiplex application and the strength of public opinion, throughout the county, in favour of the plan.

FOUL are urgently seeking meetings with the officers and members of the County Council to this end.  We firmly believe that the County Council's support alongside that of  the City Council and all of Oxfordshire's Members of Parliament will mean that John Prescott will not stand in the way of the application and the future of Oxford United Football Club.

Press Release 28/4/99 - Oxford

Oxford United’s supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) met up with Council Leader John Tanner this week at the Minchery Farm Stadium site while filming for ComTel’s Channel 10.

FOUL have launched a new campaign to increase public awareness of the issues surrounding the survival of Oxford United, beginning with another Open Meeting at Oxford Town Hall this Tuesday 4th May at 7:30 p.m. FOUL hope that the meeting will be seen as a show of support from Community Leaders for the plans of Oxford United’s new owner Firoz Kassam to develop the site. In particular, FOUL hope to stress the importance of the Multiplex as part of the overall survival package.

FOUL Chairman Steve Hanks said ‘FOUL are concerned that many people believe that the issues are all but resolved, but the green light on the Multiplex Cinema remains very much in the balance. We expect that the planning application will be submitted very soon, and it’s crucial to the survival of the club that this is not ‘called in’ by the Government. In the next few days we will be lobbying all the local MP’s so that they are fully informed of how important the cinema is to the future of Oxford United. It’s very much a case of Multiplex or Bust at the moment.’

All the major parities have stated that they will be present at the Town Hall on Tuesday. Hanks added, ‘it’s important that as many people as possible turn up for what may be their last chance to put forward their views and ask the questions that need to be asked from the people who represent them’.

FOUL, who announced in February that they would field candidates at the local elections, stood them down in an attempt to unify all the parties in the Council.

This Friday FOUL have separate meetings with Andrew Smith (Oxford East), Shaun Woodward (Witney), and Evan Harris (North Oxford).

Press Release 23/4/99 - Oxford

FOUL hosts pre-election meeting

Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) have called a Public Meeting for Tuesday 4th May at Oxford Town Hall (19:30).

Representatives of all the major political parties in Oxford have been invited to address the audience regarding their standing on the leisure site proposals at Minchery Farm.

FOUL believe that it is important that the views of all City Council candidates should be made clear and unambiguous before the electorate are asked to judge them at the polls two days later.

Chairman Steve Hanks said ‘We believe that all parties involved should nail their colours to the mast before, and not after, the local elections. We will ask them for direct answers on what they will and will not support over the coming months, especially in respect of the Multiplex and other leisure issues. This will be an opportunity for the people of this city to decide for themselves who can deliver this much needed project. The consultation period has clearly indicated that there is a strong desire within the city for the Minchery Farm leisure facilities and the Multiplex to go ahead. What we are asking now is for whole City Council to back it, not just the ruling Labour party. We believe that this will be an influential factor in making the Multiplex happen”.

FOUL announced last month that it would not be standing candidates for the local elections, whilst calling for all parties to support the proposals. All the local media will be invited to attend.

Press Release 13/4/99 - Oxford

FOUL have asked for Oxfordshire to be made a 'Yellow Ribbon' day on Friday ahead of the public meeting to be held at Blackbird Leys Leisure Centre at 7.30 p.m.

All supporters are encouraged to turn up in support of the Council's plans to help save Oxford United and provide a leisure site Oxford can be proud of.

Press Release 18/3/99 - Oxford

The events of the past week have clearly demonstrated the dangers of disharmony within the Town Hall, and the damage that disunity can do. Fortunately, the near death of Oxford United was avoided by a refreshing display of political honesty. FOUL wishes to congratulate the Green Party for its courage in admitting to a mistake, and doing so quickly enough to avoid a potential disaster. We view this as a brave and honest stance by any political party, and a signal that it is the will of this City that Oxford United survives.

FOUL has always stated that it will not rake over the past. We have always felt that recriminations are unconstructive and unhelpful, and that it is better to deal with the present, and to plan for the future.

At our first meeting at Oxford Town Hall in November we asked the supporters of Oxford United for their unity, and they responded in great numbers. At the second meeting in February we asked the ruling Labour party to grasp the opportunity that Kassam offered, and they and their officers responded with great commitment.  Now we ask for all sides of the Council Chamber to come together to consolidate the enormous strides that have been made in recent weeks. In achieving this we believe they can deliver to this city a football club and leisure site people can  be proud of.

FOUL would like to thank the dozens of people who came forward as potential candidates to the elections in May but wishes to announce that they are no longer required. In the constructive climate that now exists we feel it unnecessary to enter into a political contest against parties who now share our common goal. We ask all factions of the City Council to take our lead, to put away their differences, and to share information and resources. If this can be achieved we have confidence that the survival of Oxford United can be attained.

Our slogan throughout this campaign has been ‘United, we will never be defeated’. Now we ask that this philosophy is extended to the Town Hall.

The period of disunity is over -  now it’s time for us all to work together.

c/o Whittle Road

Letter Sent To Oxford Mail 27/2/99

FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) welcomes the positive negotiations currently being conducted between Firoz Kassam, potential new owner of Oxford United, and the City Council. We particularly applaud the new sense of urgency which has developed in recent weeks. FOUL has done much research to understand the councils position, and to suggest appropriate, cost effective, and legal ways forward.

Mr. Kassam’s proposals include much needed leisure facilities for Oxford. We live in a premier European City but lack the facilities to match. Since the effective demise of the Oxpens scheme the Minchery Farm development has become increasingly important.

As a direct result of the relocation of the football club the people of Oxford now have an opportunity to enjoy facilities this city has been deprived of for years.

The multiplex cinema will offer more viewing choice and comfort, and reduce traffic levels in central Oxford. The hotel, leisure site, and bowling alley will create employment and aid the Councils regeneration plan for this area.

The jobs created will reduce Housing Benefit payments and rent arrears, allowing more money to be spent on other, much needed areas, such as housing repairs and the homeless. It will help local businesses and allow this area to thrive at a time when traditional industries such as car manufacturing are in decline.

We hope for the continuation of professional football at Oxford, and facilities to match the status of this great city, so that we can all enjoy the spin-offs, benefits and prosperity that would be generated. Whether we follow the yellows or just enjoy a night out - at Minchery Farm there would be something for everyone.

FOUL will continue to fight for the future of Oxford United, its supporters and staff, and for the rights of people to enjoy their leisure time without having to travel to Reading, Swindon, Wycombe, and other surrounding areas.

We urge the Council to continue with the excellent progress they have made in the last few weeks, and to deliver to the people of this city facilities that will be enjoyed for generations to come. This chance may be a one off - we must not lose it.

5 Whittle Road,Thame

Press Release 28/1/99 - Oxford


The Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) has sent an open letter to controversial referee Mike Reed, calling for him to step down from Wednesday’s replay between Chelsea and Oxford.  Reed awarded Chelsea a hotly disputed 93rd minute penalty, conceded after a corner which the referee’s assistant had flagged as a goalkick, only to be overruled by Reed.

The text of the letter is as follows:

Open Letter to Mike Reed:

Dear Mr Reed,

After having time to think about your decisions to give Chelsea a corner
(against the advice of your assistant), followed by a penalty at Oxford on
Monday night I’m sure you will now agree that both decisions were totally
In the light of this and the controversy surrounding your decision to award
Chelsea a late penalty against Leicester City in similar circumstances two
years ago the supporters of Oxford United ask you to do the decent thing and
withdraw from the replay next Wednesday night.

We are not suggesting that these wrong decisions are anything more than
errors of judgement but the public perception is such that any decision you give
on Wednesday night will be called into question.  Because of this  we believe
an alternative referee for this fixture is essential to restore faith in refereeing standards.

Yours sincerely

Mark Mallinson
FOUL - Fighting for Oxford United’s Life

Press Release 28/1/99 - Oxford


Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) is to hold an open meeting at Oxford Town Hall on Wednesday February 9th (7.30pm).  Oxford United’s Managing Director Keith Cox will be present to answer questions from the supporters concerning the club’s parlous financial state and the current state of negotiations on the sale of the club and the recommencement of building work at Minchery Farm, which has remained untouched for over two years.

Also present at the meeting to answer questions will be the leader of Oxford City Council, John Tanner, which has come in for criticism from some supporters for its alleged delaying of the planning process surrounding the Minchery Farm development.

FOUL has also invited United’s owner Robin Herd to attend.  Herd stood down as Chairman over a year ago and has not been seen since at the club.

Press Release 12/12/98 - Oxford
 (No embargo)

FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life)

Oxford United supporters group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) is mounting a campaign to collect scarves donated from as many clubs as possible in order to make one scarf of solidarity. The aims are to dispel any inter-club rivalry and to present a symbol of the strength and goodwill that exists amongst football supporters. It will also highlight the plight of many other struggling clubs across the country.  The scarf of solidarity will be auctioned at the end of the season with the money going towards Oxford United.

This Saturday (12th December) the first two scarves will be tied on the Manor pitch prior to United’s home game with Birmingham. It is hoped that scarves will be received from all Premier and Nationwide League clubs, as well as clubs from the non-leagues, Scotland and even Europe.

FOUL is also pleased to announce that it has been able to arrange a meeting between the FOUL committee and Oxford’s Managing Director Keith Cox, to take place next week.

Further information can be obtained from FOUL’s Press Officer, Martin Brodetsky, on 01865 312438 (Office hours) or 01865 248081 (other times).

Press Release 3/12/98 - Oxford

Malcolm Shotton for BBC Sports Personality of the Year?

Fans of Oxford United FC are attempting to get the club’s manager Malcolm Shotton elected as BBC Sports Personality of the Year for 1998.

Supporters’ crisis group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life) believes that a large vote for Shotton would both publicise the club’s plight and at the same time demonstrate their support for the manager, described by the group’s chairman Steve Hanks as “inspirational and unpaid”.  Shotton hadn’t received any pay for two months, until the sale of goalkeeper Phil Whitehead to West Bromwich Albion for £250,000 at the start of December.

Supporters are planning to gather outside Oxford Town Hall at 11.00am on Saturday 5th December before making their way to the Manor ground for the fixture against Bradford City.  En route they will encourage everyone they meet to sign forms nominating Shotton as BBC Sports Personality of the Year, the voting for which ends on Thursday.  All Oxford United fans are being encouraged to turn up, wearing club colours, in order to gather as many votes as possible.

It is also possible to vote for Shotton by e-mail to: or by writing to: BBC Sports Personality of the Year, PO Box 98, London W12 7RJ.  Forms can also be found on the Save Oxford United web site:

Further information can be obtained from the FOUL Press Officer Martin Brodetsky on 01865 248081


FOUL is starting a mass campaign to make Shotts sports personality of the year.
Inspirational and unpaid.
We will do a mass signing at Bradford game subject to getting enough volunteers for the Bradford game.
Vote by :
    Fax 0181 576 1433
    Write BBC Sports personality of the year. PO BOX 98. LONDON W12 7RJ

Press Release 26/11/98 - Oxford
(No embargo)

At a packed meeting in Oxford Town Hall on Wednesday evening over 700 Oxford United supporters raised almost £3,500 in a spontaneous fund raising gesture. The meeting, organised by supporters’ crisis group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life), provided a resounding endorsement of the group’s campaign to find both short and long term solutions to United’s problems. The size of the turnout surprised many attending and one supporter said to resounding applause "I’ve been coming to meetings here for the last fifteen years and I’ve never seen it full like it is tonight. This shows that Oxford United is the most important thing to Oxford."

A range of speakers addressed the packed hall, including local councillors, former players and current employees of the football club. John Shuker, who played for the club in the 1960's and 70's and still holds the record for the number of professional appearances for Oxford, was very well received, as was an impassioned speech from Peter Rhoades-Brown, who runs the Football in the Community programme for the club. Rhoades-Brown explained how the work of the club extends into all areas of the community, including schools and colleges, and how devastating the affect would be to the whole community, not just the Oxford United supporters, should the club fold. In addition messages of support were read out from celebrity supporter Jim Rosenthal, former United skipper Mike Ford and from supporters of football clubs from throughout England and Scotland, reflecting the wider concern at Oxford’s plight.

The meeting gave FOUL a mandate to attempt to save the club by fundraising to solve United’s immediate cashflow crisis, and the group was also mandated to obtain more information from the club about the short term cash requirements. In order to achieve this FOUL will seek an urgent meeting with club’s board members regarding its cashflow needs. FOUL has determined that until the limited company's ownership situation is resolved all monies donated will be lent and not simply given to the club so that, if the unthinkable happens, the fans will have a voice in the club’s future.

FOUL also pledged that they will continue working towards the longer term aim of striving to set up a Bournemouth style "community club" should the current negotiations between the Oxford board and Grenoble Investments fail to reach a successful conclusion.

For further information please contact FOUL’s Press Officer Martin Brodetsky on 01865 248081.


Mark Mallinson's review of the FOUL Meeting on 25/11/98

The place was full! Over 700 people turned out and many people commented on the fact that no other public meeting in Oxford had ever had this level of support. TV Cameras from Sky, BBC and Central were there along with print journalists.

Speakers were:

Messages of support were read out from a long list of other football clubs, from supporters all over the world including California, Texas, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Norway, Ireland, and many more closer to home. Letters of support read out also from Jim Rosenthal, Mike Ford, Blackwells.

Other notable attendees were Geoff Coppock, Nick Harris, Ian Davies, Darren Bowler all from the club, THE MILK CUP (which also went to the pub with us all afterwards), various "suits" at the back of the hall who can only be assumed to be there representing Grenoble and perhaps other potential investors.

The meeting was then opened to the floor with a lot of constructive ideas put forward.  Towards the end it turned into a bit of a fund raising frenzy with a briefcase passed round and filled with cash (somewhere in the region of A34,000 raised).  Whilst this wasn't the main aim of FOUL and the meeting this was obviously gratefully received.  It was explained that the reason that FOUL didn't initially want to go down this route was because the time for massive fund raising will really come if we go into receivership and we don't want to peak too soon.  Also that this sort of fund raising can only be an interim "sticking plaster" solution and FOUL is all about the supporters being involved in the long term strategic future of the club rather than helping out this month only to find we are in the same situation next month.

Everybody at the meeting was urged to join FOUL by filling in the yellow membership forms handed out at the Port Vale game and last night at the meeting. If you haven't got a form then you can print off the attached form and send it back to :

Or simply write a letter stating you want to join FOUL with your name, address, telephone number and if you want add any skills, experience you have that might be useful to the campaign in the future.

For those who have joined FOUL and want to get more directly involved there will be a follow up meeting at the OUFC Supporters club on Wednesday 2nd December at 7:30pm where we will discuss the way forward and the formation of a permanent committee.

After last night nobody can doubt that Oxford, United, Will Never be Defeated.

Press Release 24/11/98 - Oxford
(Embargoed until 1.00am 25/11/98)

     This evening, Wednesday 25th November, sees the culmination of the first stage of Oxford United supporters’ attempts to prevent the
     club’s closure, as crisis group FOUL holds a public meeting at Oxford Town Hall. The meeting starts at 7.30 and doors open at 7.00.
     People are advised to arrive early as a large attendance is expected.

     Guest speakers include former United captain, and holder of the club’s appearance record, John Shuker, as well as former player and
     current Community Liaison Officer Peter Rhoades-Brown. Craig Brewin, National Treasurer of the Football Supporters Association, will
     also be speaking, as will Malcolm Niekirk, a solicitor who acted on behalf of AFC Bournemouth supporters in their attempts to create a
     community-based club.

     FOUL organisers hope that one outcome of the meeting will be to galvanise support for the campaign. A spokesperson for the group said
     "We encourage people to come to the meeting wearing club colours to demonstrate our support for the continued survival of Oxford
     United. We hope to show that football supporters don’t have to sit passively by and watch our club die, but that we can mobilise and act
     to prevent that from happening." Members of the Oxford United board have promised to attend the meeting, which will be covered by
     local and national television, press and radio.

     Further information can be obtained from the FOUL press officer, Martin Brodetsky, on 01865 248081.

Press Release 21/11/98 - Oxford

The public meeting organised by the supporters’ crisis group FOUL (Fighting for Oxford United’s Life), to take place at Oxford Town Hall on Wednesday 25th November, looks set to be a resounding endorsement of the campaign. FOUL committee members, who distributed flyers publicising the meeting to supporters attending United’s game against Port Vale, were delighted with the response they received from the fans. Judging by the numbers who announced their intention to attend the meeting the group is confident that the meeting will be very well attended. FOUL organisers would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend to try and fill the 550 capacity hall.

Confirmed speakers at the meeting include Oxford City Councillor Hollingsworth (in whose ward the Manor is located), Dave Nash (Oxford United’s Education Officer), Thames Valley FM sports reporter Jerome Sale, Malcolm Niekirk (a solicitor who represented AFC Bournemouth supporters in their successful attempt to create a community club) and Craig Brewin (National Treasurer of the Football Supporters Association). It is expected that this list will lengthen in the next three days. In addition many people and organisations have promised to send messages of support to be read out at the meeting.

FOUL organisers recommend that people arrive as early as possible at the meeting, which is due to start at 7.30, with the doors opening at 7.00pm.

For further details contact FOUL’s press officer Martin Brodetsky on 01865 248081.

Press Release 16/11/98 - Oxford

     A public meeting has been organised for everyone interested in the survival of Oxford United. It will take place at Oxford
     Town Hall on Wednesday 25th November. Doors will open at 7.00pm for a 7.30 start.

     The purpose of the meeting is to publicise the plight of Oxford United FC and to highlight the potential consequences of
     the club’s closure to the community. FOUL hopes to demonstrate to all parties interested in the future of Oxford United,
     from the current board and owner through to potential new owners, local councils and businesses and all residents of
     Oxfordshire, that there is a large number of people who care deeply about the club’s fate and who are prepared to actively
     support the continuation of professional football in the city.

     As well as calling for supporters of the club to attend this meeting, FOUL has invited a number of local councillors,
     Members of Parliament, OUFC board members, prominent local businessmen, former players and celebrity supporters to
     attend the meeting as guest speakers. We are hoping for a positive response. In addition we have also asked for speakers
     from other clubs who have been near to closure and survived, such as AFC Bournemouth, Brighton and Hove Albion,
     Chester City etc, to come and share their experiences with the meeting.

     FOUL wants Oxford United to survive, and this meeting is the first step towards survival.

     Oxford, united, will never be defeated.

Press Release 11/11/98 - Oxford

     Fighting for Oxford United’s Life
     On Tuesday 10th November a group of Oxford United supporters met to
     discuss how they and other supporters of the club could work together to
     ensure the long term survival of Oxford United Football Club.

     At the meeting, which took place at the Oxford United Supporters Club,
     it was decided to form a supporters group to give Oxford fans a voice
     and to publicise the fact that there are great many people who care very
     deeply about the future of Oxford United.  An interim committee was set
     up to start the work of the group which will be known as FOUL (Fighting
     for Oxford United’s Life).

     It was agreed that FOUL’s main aim should be to highlight and publicise
     both the very real threat of closure that the club faces and the far
     reaching implications that this could have, not only for football
     supporters, but the wider community and businesses throughout the city
     of Oxford and the county as a whole.

     FOUL understands that it is extremely important to include as many
     Oxford United supporters as possible in this campaign and therefore
     plans to hold a much larger meeting in Oxford to "kick-off" the campaign
     and demonstrate that there are a significant number of people who won’t
     stand by and let professional football die in Oxfordshire.

     Details about a venue and guest speakers for the meeting will be
     released as soon as they have been arranged.

     FOUL Interim Committee:

     Steve Hanks (Chair)
     Martin Brodetsky (Press Officer)
     Mark Mallinson (Marketing Officer)
     Chris Dammers (Football Liaison Officer)
     Paul Beasley (Treasurer)
     Rob Hedges (Secretary)
     John Evans (Meeting Logistics)

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