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We'd been warned. The signs were for all to see. The soothsayers told us once and for all - "The end of the world is nigh" for it had been foretold that London (yeah sure sue US for a $50 fine NFL Bosses !) would win the League, that they would dominate the season. They were "The best ******* team in camp" (no clues as to who said that).
Everyone in the know claimed they would win - but those same people claimed the Claymores couldn't win far less host the WorldBowl back in '96. Yet fair reader, let us remind you that this site (well the Editor) predicted at the moment the 1996 schedule was announced that they would (guess who was right).
But things were doing so well in camp. Then came the pre-season game with the Dragons came along and London (that's $100 now) didn't play so well. Then there was opening weekend....
New Name, New Venue, Same result. The good news is that only 6,500 people (officially that is) had to witness the further demise of the Monarchs. That's good news only on a humanitarian front. The bad news - only 6,500 people (officially divide that by 2 according to those that were there) turned up to see the Monarchs play.
We at BV have to admit we don't like the Monarchs as rivals, they are after all English (not that we don't like English people - it's just well 1966 was a LONG time ago people and to be honest it's actually London we're not keen on). But they are a Football team and they have Fans - That means we care what happens.
I'll be honest I'd love the Monarchs to never have a winning season. But not at the expense of the league and the fans. For as much as we try to ignore it, without London (We've stopped counting) the League will crumble as a European League. The Claymores NEED the Monarchs for rivalry, the League needs the Monarchs to represent success and continuity outside of Germany.
Yet something has been going wrong for the team ever since the League came back. Especially management decisions, including the location of home games, advertisements and even the shirt sponsor. A Bagel Company ? Come on people what next for the Monarchs ? I can see it now for their next home game they'll have one of those really tacky adverts run in the local cinema with a card stuck on at the end saying "Playing only 15 minutes walk from this cinema tomorrow". Or even worse perhaps it will some bloke reading a Terry Pratchett book holding a big sign saying "American Football Game being played" with an arrow towards the stadium - Those of you who walk along Princes Street in Edinburgh might know what I'm on about.
But why is England / London in such a state ? It boils down to 2 major factors,
1) They have upset their fans.
The NFLE (or WLAF and yeah we KNOW that's another $50 fine) seems to believe that the loyal fans will follow their team come hell or high water.
They seem to expect us to go along with their plans to bring new fans in - even if we hate what they are doing. This leaves the fans no option, they have to vote with their feet and hit the League where it hurts - in the pocket.
2) A lack of vision.
All too often since the those first two Glory days the Monarchs have failed to have a definite vision. Why not rent Wembley for all 5 home games - sure it's expensive but it gives the Team some clout. They can't be ignored as an after thought, what other team plays at Wembley regularly ? England national squads that's who, it's a statement of vision - We're playing in Wembley because were here to stay.
It doesn't help that the side can't seem to play well when it matters, however that's looking more and more like the Coaches and GM's problem. Player personnel changes drastically from year to year in this league. Coaches stay and if your team is poor year after year it's what stays that's the problem.
So what does this ArmChair GM think should be done for London/England ? Here is a five point plan (not that we have enough of them right now).
It's nothing you haven't seen before I'm sure. But if enough people say it perhaps it might catch on. Fans have a part to play in supporting the team, why don't they try to lobby sponsors ? A few letters per fan might make the difference - it wouldn't be expensive and it would bring good publicity.
Most of all the Team has to use it's greatest resource it's fans. They should be consulted and recruited; instead of forcing them to vote with their feet by expecting them to follow blindly.
In the end it's the efforts of the Fans that will determine the long-term future of the league. They want what's best for the team.