Hi There Fellow Penguins Fan. You are Penguin fan # to visit this site since it began 3/1/96. If you know of a page or of some pictures you like and would like me to add to my page (esp. Penguins ones)or just want to give me your suggestions/comments send them to:styles@nauticom.net (please include E-mail address) or just drop me a not to tell me who stopped in. Also I NEED MORE LINKS! please tell me them. Sorry for not updating this page for a while but my hard drive crashed.
Links to other sites on the Web
Lots of Downloadable Hockey Pictures (JPEG's)
NHL Team Pages (Updated Often)
Lots of Hockey Links
Index of NHL Teams Homepages (Every Team)
Quick Time Hockey Movies
Thanks for checking out my hockey page and come back soon. I just want to thank my friend Rory for her help in obtaining some of the sites on this page.
© 1996 styles@salsgiver.com