MK III's -Those Strange Quotes!!!!

The Quote

The Story behind the Quote

'Was that good
for a second row??'
Alan Hiesmann after scoring a try in only his second ever
rugby match!! The try was a forty yard dash for the
line getting past the odd six or seven players
'You've all paid
a fiver for this!'
Our lovely captian Stuart 'simmo' Simmons, trying (in vain)
to motivate to team yet again, on a cold and wet Saturday afternoon
'I managed to keep
up with Pete'
Alan (yet again this time half way through the season!!) proclaiming that
he is so fit that he manages to keep up with a tight head prop namely me!!!
Steve Clarke shouting out as he tries yet again to charge his way through!!
'Yum Yum'
Pete when he sees a pie, a beer, a Mars bar, a bare leg, an ear..............
'I didn't know it
was behind the flap'
A female accountant at work, after I pointed out where the
on/off switch for her new portable computer was!!
'Don't mess with uncle Alan
when his having a wank!'
This I know will scare you but we were playing Diddy Country
Kong on a SNES when Alan came out with this little beauty.
'Dad! Dad! will you look
at the arse on that!'
Woody who on his 30th birthday thought he best piont out to his
own Father the finer points in life!