Consumer's Guide

to Insurance

Have you ever wondered how to determine what kind of insurance you need? Have you ever felt like you were at the mercy of an insurance agent? Unfortunately, your fears are well-founded. The fact is that insurance agents and companies have a lot of control over what product you ultimately buy.

There is no reason to be at the mercy of an insurance agent. There is plenty of understandable information that you can study before you make a purchase. This Buyer's Guide is a good place to start. You will learn enough here to be able to recognize common scams, understand how different types of policies work, and know how to check out an insurance company before making a committment.

This Buyer's Guide is brought to you by Northwood/Roche Insurance Services, Inc. Northwood is a full-service discount broker in Los Angeles, California. While Northwood welcomes your inquiries, we did not intend for the Buyer's Guide to be a sales tool for our brokerage. When you have read the section about Discount Insurance, you will understand why we want consumers to know many of the hidden secrets of the industry.

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This page last updated February 4, 1996.