site is still under construction. |
Miss the old site, here
you can find your way back. |
New To Fencing? |
Binghamton University Fencing
is a club sport open to all SUNY Binghamton
students. No experience is necessary,
and all equipment is provided. If you're
interested, email Vee
Deutsch at bg24832@binghamton.edu
or just stop by one of our practices
in the West Gym - click here for practice
schedules, as well as other information
about the club. |
of the month
Announcements |
Date: Wed, 04-01-2002 |
we are having our second tournament
of the spring semester this coming
Sunday April, 7.
Novice: 9:30am - Registration
for Novice ends9:00am
Electric Foil: 10:30am - Registration
for Electric Foil ends10:00am
Electric Sabre: 11:30am - Registration
for Electric Sabre ends11:00am
Electric Epee: 12:30pm - Registration
for Electric Epee ends12:00pm
here to get the direction.
Date: Wed, 03-20-2002 |
Starting April 3rd (after spring break)
we will be moving our times back to
Monday and Wednesday night from 9pm
to11pm. |
Date: Wed, 03-06-2002 |
Binghamton is having its first tournament
of the spring semester on Saturday,
March 9th. It will take place in the
West Gym in both Room 59 and the main
gym. The tournament will consist of
foil, epee, saber, and novice foil.
We will try to start the tournament
at 9:30am depeding on how many teams
show up by then. Registration expires
one half an hour before the event
begins. Depending of time, the schedule
of the tournament will look like this:
- 9:30am - Novice Foil
- 11:00am - Electric Foil
- 12:00pm - Electric Saber
- 1:00pm - Electric Epee
here to get the direction. |
Date: Mon, 02-11-2002 |
Welcome new fencers! We will have
our GIM at 7pm on Monday (2/18), in
Room 59, West Gym. |