[Robin Da Hood]

[Chully's Surprise]

My name is Chully Wully
and this is my second attempt at trying to put up my own homepage on the net.
People suggested the first homepage was too boring and it just
didnt have the "CHARACTER" it needed to attract people.
Hmmm..well I put more time and effort into this one so hopefully you will
enjoy this page. You are always welcome to send me
and let me
know what you think of this page and give me suggestions on how to
improve it. One of the most important point I learnt from the last homepage
was that on the net "SEX really do SELL". So I have put up a
Photo Gallary called The Beautiful people picture
gallary with YOU KNOW WHAT in it! So go and check that out if you are bored
to death. Also go and surf the
on the net. They include some of my favourite links as well as popular
sites. Speaking of Favourites...my FAV sport is
Soccer.This page is dedicated to all the soccer
fans out there on the cyber world and in the real world. It contains some of
the hottest action and information about soccer. If you are a soccer fan
this page is a MUST! And finally go and have a look at some of my friends
Homepages.They are pretty Kewl as well. If you sign my
guestbook I might even be able to link your page on mine.

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copyright (c) 1996 by C.Park