Randy Kahn's Squash Home Page

....Squash articles to make you laugh AND beat your opponents! Along with my other squash and favorite links...

Copyright © 1996 Chick's Cliques

Welcome to my ever-changing personal home page!

(Last updated 4:00, Dec 16th, 2003) In the Caribbean

Congratulations Julie! Our '96 Women's C U.S. NATIONAL CHAMPION !!!!

Some popular squash articles Julie and I have authored that have been published in several squash newsletters ......

"Worrying About Failure Can Keep You From Enjoying Success," NMSA Tell-Tale, vol 11 No 3

"Strategize to Get Back in the Match," NMSA Tell-Tale, vol 11 No 3

"Beating Your OpponentS," NMSA Tell-Tale, vol 11 No 4...even published in New Zealand's National Squash Magazine

More squash.......

I recently completed serving a term as the U.S. Squash Racquets Association (USSRA) Vice President for the USSRA - Central States Region. In this capacity I authored the Region's newsletter called the "Dispatch". Check out the February '96 "Dispatch", as well as several others at the Central States' WWW site. Although this is the newsletter for the Central States Region SRA Presidents and Leaders., you too can now read it and find out what's going on at officer level of the USSRA and the Central States Region.

Also, if you're not a member of the USSRA, now's the time. Check out the USSRA WWW Site.

Here's a few of my favorite sites:

NBA on the Sportzone "Go David Robinson and the Spurs!"

Currently ranked #12

Albuquerque Journal Sports Page

Tired of not being able to find any fun, original, cool, and DIFFERENT greeting cards? All there is are the same stupid - picked over ones, right?

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