M a t t y ' s P l a c e

Hi, Thanks for stopping by. I'm Matty, and this is my page. This is the ONLY place other than inside our house where I am allowed to be off lead. So don't mind me if I jump around a bit.


My real name is J.D's Waltzing Matilda, but my Dad calls me Matty (well...most of the time). Sometimes he calls me Matty Lou....sometimes it's MattLou....and sometimes he just calls me Goon! I think "Goon" must mean something good, because he calls me that a lot when he is laughing.


My hobbies are:

1. tearing up footballs (so far I've demolished 4).

2. playing tug-o-war with Dad (or anyone else who can pull hard)

3. trying to catch the water coming out of the sprinkler

4. helping Dad round up the sheep at feeding time

5. sleeping (required after doing any of the above activities)

Matty & Mitsy

Make sure you visit Mitsy's Page while you are out surfing. She is the Chihuahua that lives with us. She and Mom are real close. Kinda like me and Dad. Also...please tell her that I sent you. I can use all the points I can get with her. Maybe if I'm nice enough and can impress her, she will actually play with me one of these days.

Click to join the ring of Labrador Retrievers This Ring of Labrador Retrievers site owned by Matty's Dad.
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