Brian's Rocking Web Ranch
Hi, my name is Brian 'Bern' Barnes. I live in Pryor, OK and I team rope! Yep, thats right Team Rope
I don't get on bulls backs or jump off a running horse and wrestle a steer to the ground or any of that
other brainless stuff (but I don't have anything against it, after all its all fun to watch!) I just throw my rope
and catch a steer and turn him for my healer (and best friend, David Burrough.) I created this page
because thier really wasn't very much information about team roping or team ropers on the net. In the future I will
list upcoming rodeos and events around northeastern Oklahoma. If you know of a rodeo event in
northeastern OK area drop me a line and let me know! I also plan to put a few pictures of my
friends and I on this page as well as some fun stuff, anyway this page will be changing a lot because
I plan to work on it every free chance I get! Thankyou!!
Cowboys and girls have visited this site, Since 2/19/96 Thanks!
Rodeo & Related Links at the Rockin' Web Ranch
Rodeos, Events & A brief history of team roping!
Here are some pics of me and my buds
Cowboy prose & peotry
Humor at the Rockin'Web
Thats my story and I'm s-stickin' to it
Other great cowboy links!
Let your heart & prayers go out to the 168 families who lost their loved ones in the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995!

I am a proud member of the American Quarter Horse Association check out thier cool site!
Send me an E-mail to let me know of any of your thoughts or ideas!
E-mail me at
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Created and maintained byBrian Barnes
Last updated 8:12 AM on 4/20/96
1996© Rocking Web Ranch