Modabo are a fantastic band based in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Their original blend of style, humour and just great music has enabled them be very versatile. They can please attentive theatre audiences as well as wild and crazy pub crowds.

They are Darrell Grant (acoustic guitar, vocals), Jon Weaver (acoustic guitar, volcals, flute, Hammond organ, percussion), Michael Doyle (vocals).

The group has released two full length albums as well as taking part in some various group collections. Their first album which was produced by Garnet Rogers is a collection of sentimental to traditional songs written by Darrell Grant. He is one of the most powerful writers I've ever heard!!

The album is a self-titled album. For more information please continue on to the ALBUM INFO.

On the live Stan Rogers Tribute album, "Remembering Stan Rogers: An East Coast Tribute" they performed "NorthwestPassage" .

Other releases featuring Modabo include :

An East Coast Christmas (Various Artists) - Modabo performs "Christmas is the Time", an original Darrell Grant composition.

Factor 1994 - A compilation of New Canadian Talent (Various Artists) - Modabo performs "Boomerang", an original Darrell Composition.

Rumour has it (actually this is coming directly from the group) their new album, "The Many and the One," is nearly done. There are tentatively 17 cuts, 14 songs and three instrumentals - including one Jon Weaver composition. Supposedly the album is a little more up-tempo and more detailed or textured than the first. It should be interesting... Look for it around February in the local music stores.

Well the album has arrived !!!!

Well my facts were not completely correct... The album only has 16 tracks, however they are amazing. For all the info, check out my THE MANY AND THE ONE page. The page consists of song lyrics, personal comments and reviews and some artwork and photos taken from the album.

The group is out West for February and March, if you want to catch one of their shows, here is a schedule of their concerts for most of the year:

1999 Concerts !!

! Preproduction/Recording for the next CD

(15-16) Tapps/Saint John, NB

! Preproduction/Recording for the next CD

(18) City Media Club, Edmonton, AB 403/433-5183
(19) Rocky Mountain Folk Club/Calgary, AB 403/244-2912
(20) Chinook Folk Music Society/Calgary, AB 403/235-7370
(21) Canmore Folk & Blues Club/Canmore, AB 403/678-2524
(24) The Station/Fernie, BC 250/423-4007
(25) McKim Theatre/Kimberly, BC

(5) Venue TBA/Courtenay, BC
(6) Cowichan Theatre/Duncan, BC 250/748-3975
(7) Community Theatre/Sooke, BC 250/642-6371
~(8) Private Function/Sooke, BC
(12-13) Tapps/Saint John, NB (tent) 506/634-1957
(27-28) Rye's Deli/Fredericton, NB 506/453-0582

(10) Bloomfield, ON venue tba
(14) Kenora, ON venue tba
(15) Winnipeg, MB tent, tba
(16-17) NACC/Yellowknife, NT 867/873-9066

June ~(9) Private Function/St. Andrews, NB
~(11) Private Function/Fredericton, NB
~(12) Private Function/Fredericton, NB
~(13) Private Function/Saint John, NB

(5) Riverfront Jubilee/New Glasgow, NS
(7,8) Earth Air Wind & Fire Celtic Roots Festival/Goderich, ON

You can reach the band at the following address...

P.O. Box #20132 - King's Place
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 6Y8

For Bookings and contacting, they are represented by:

Bob & Gail Jensen
Box 3445,
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
C1A 8W5, Canada

Phone/Fax: (902) 569-1955

E-Mail: "
web page : ModaboLand Online (link to


Last updated March 23, 1999

© 1999 Ryan