luke - 12/22/00 23:01:04 Favourite Shark: mat rogers | Comments: good luck next year.go the SHARKS! |
Nulla - 12/18/00 06:33:52 My URL:/sharkiearmy My From: Nulla Favourite Shark: Peachey | Comments: Hey I own the site - the official site of the Sharkiearmy !! we are very proud of having a supporter group in of our members is moving up to Canberra next season so he might join ur club if u still have one !! |
adam - 12/09/00 08:58:04 My Favourite Shark: the peach | Comments: GO THE FUCKING SHARKIES |
Christina - 11/22/00 03:46:34 My From: Brisbane, Qld Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers 4eva! | Comments: I just wanna say that Matty is the best player in the NRL and that i know that hes going to break the top pointscorers of 2001 next year. The Sharks are going to beat the broncos in 2001!!! I hate the Broncos more than any other team EVER, even though I' from Brisbane it don't matter. I LOVE YOU MATTY ROGERS 4EVA. Bye-bye UP THE SHARKIES!!!!! |
Aaron Wallace - 10/08/00 01:05:07 My URL: My From: Helensburgh NSW Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers & David Peachey | Comments: The sharks are the best team in the world.I think that MAT ROGERS IS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD and he will smash the club record next year.DAVID PEACHEY IS THE BEST fulback in the world and he should be in the world cup squad. PS: SHARKS WILL WIN THE PREMIESHIP NEXT YEAR |
kelly - 10/03/00 07:39:10 From: qld Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers-isn't he your aswell? | Comments: Australia is gann'a win the world cup matty rogers is gann'a break the sharkies record held by himslef and to all you matty rogers fan cheak out his site at """""""""""" and also you matty fan none ya' love him better then I do |
sharkgal - 09/25/00 09:09:50 My From: Lawson Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: Like everyone else in here, I LOVE MATTY ROGERS! |
kelly tilney - 09/24/00 01:42:23 My From: Wondai QLD Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: I think that matty is the cutest player in the world and the best player in the world and every site on the sharkies need more pictures of him i hope he gets no more injuries in the 2001 season see you at the origin in in 2001 P.S matty I am your BIGGEST BIGEST BIGEST BIGEST FAN |
kelly tilney - 09/24/00 01:28:40 My From: kelly tilney Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: Matty is the best player in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
robbie - 09/07/00 17:25:00 | Comments: |
Liz - 09/02/00 23:44:28 My From: Brisbane Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers-of course! | Comments: Mat Rogers is the most gorgeous babe i have ever seen. Sharks will win the premiership next year!! |
Nicole and Belinda - 08/09/00 00:26:11 My Favourite Shark: David Peachey | Comments: The sharks are the best and always will be !!!! |
jodie - 08/07/00 00:54:03 My From: syd/miranda Favourite Shark: Russell Richardson | Comments: |
- 08/04/00 09:18:48 | Comments: |
- 08/04/00 09:18:45 | Comments: |
Carly Sanderson - 07/31/00 10:28:58 My Email:carlyms @ Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: I think the Sharks are the best team in the world and I absolutely LOVE Matty Rogers I think he rules. Paul Mellor is cool too and I really hope they win the premiership |
Mark Solomon - 07/26/00 12:38:26 My From: Queanbeyan Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: I play u7 junior rugby league for the roo's and my favourite team is the sharks and the raiders. But Mat Rogers is the best player. |
chris houley - 07/26/00 01:01:46 My From: sunshine coast Favourite Shark: matt rogers | Comments: |
Kylie - 07/15/00 00:25:24 My From: cronulla Favourite Shark: Martin Lang, Brett Howland and Russel richardson oh yeh and the peach | Comments: I am the cronulla sharks number 1 fan and every single player has been told that by my dad mate David peachy. I love the sharks more than anything in the world and martin land whippett and russel are sooooooo hot. I AM THE # 1 SHARKIES FAN |
Paul Coomber - 07/09/00 08:18:35 My From: Paul Coomber Favourite Shark: DAVID PEACHEY | Comments: David is the best full back ever.He makes the game completly different with his huge jumps & the way he runs from sideline to sidline making at least 50 meteres each time.David is a very very valuble player who i hope stays with the mighty sharks for ever just like the great E.T. YOUR THE BEST DAVID. |
peter&orriecross - 07/08/00 12:29:15 My From: peter&orriecross Favourite Shark: DAVID PEACHEY | Comments: David is one of the most talented players ever. He should be called a kangaroo because he jumps as high as one.Peachey should be under a life time contract.You would'nt wont to lose a spectacular player like David........oh yeah i wanted to know do you have wings or something because you jump dam high enough. |
chrissy - 07/07/00 05:23:27 My From: sydney Favourite Shark: matty and russell! | Comments: i'd just like to say to all u sharkies fans...U RULE!! Mat rogers is the best player EVER, and the sexiest! good luck for the few matches left, so we can get back into the top 8!!!!!! |
langluver - 06/30/00 00:39:15 From: QLD Favourite Shark: MARTY LANG | Comments: MARTY LANG Not only is he a Queenslander but also incredably good lookin 2 fantastic assests |
JOSH SPARGO - 06/27/00 09:15:00 Favourite Shark: BLAINE STANLEY | Comments: |
Sarah Walsh - 06/17/00 05:42:25 My From: Queensland Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers | Comments: The sharks rule and shold be classed as the best NRL team of the century(of 2000 that is) and anyone who disagrees should go get them selves some taste. |
GO SHARKIES! - 06/13/00 07:53:50 My From: Qld Favourite Shark: MATTY ROGERS & THE WHIPPIT(HOWLAND) | Comments: the sharks are the best team in the world.And sharkies are going to send the dragons home were they belong in round 20 in 2000.I'm glad to see the whippit back this next round(20) |
Sarah Walsh - 06/12/00 04:10:23 My From: Queensland Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers | Comments: Best team in the world , Especialy the players that were in state of origin |
Billy Rofe - 06/09/00 09:13:45 My Email:rofemt From: Harden Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers , David Peachy and Andrew Ettinghausen | Comments: Mat Rogers is on fire.And I am sorry that David got injured and could not play state of origon for the blues better luck next year David and I think that Andrew has at least four years left in him so don't retire yet Andrew. |
Jenna - 05/30/00 07:15:09 Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: I love Mat Rogers |
GARY MASON - 05/27/00 03:39:14 Favourite Shark: MATT ROGERS | Comments: |
dac - 05/15/00 20:07:26 My From: dac | Comments: have you got any pics of a mate of mine,who played for the sharks 95/96-96/97.ALLAN BATEMAN he was a welshman signed from warrington. can you let me know. cheers dac |
Bennet - 05/12/00 04:25:01 My From: Brisbane Favourite Shark: MATT ROGERS!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: hey if Matt Rogers reads this can he send me an email or something or tell me his email. I'm his biggest fan ever and he's the best player in the world. Hope theres nothing wrong with that injury in the origin Matt. |
Bennet - 05/12/00 02:16:43 My From: Brisbane Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers | Comments: Matt Rogers is the fucking best player on earth!!!!!!!!!!! |
marty - 05/08/00 11:15:33 My URL: My From: Central Coast | Comments: To read what John Lang, Mitch Healy & Paul Mellor had to say in the post-match press conference after the win against the Northern Eagles go to - |
- 05/07/00 12:22:27 | Comments: |
Marty Mcfly - 05/06/00 00:35:23 My URL: My From: Marty Mcfly Favourite Shark: Kurt & Dane | Comments: To read what is said after the Sharks match aginst the Eagles, go to |
Brent Smith - 04/28/00 11:00:10 From: MtDruitt/Sydney Favourite Shark: Sean Ryan | Comments: I think that the sharks are the best there is! And no one isgoing to change that! |
Amanda - 04/22/00 05:21:49 My From: Hunter Valley Favourite Shark: MattyRogers | Comments: I love watching the Sharks play, you have set up a really great page for them, but you need more pictures of Matty. Keep up the good work SHARKS |
peta - 04/12/00 23:56:15 From: gymea Favourite Shark: longie | Comments: sharks will come back |
NATALIE - 04/09/00 01:27:54 From: Cronulla Favourite Shark: ET, Peachy, Rogers, and the rest | Comments: I am 16 and have gone for the Sharks ever since i can remember. Their the best team around and always will be. Plus their the hottest team around, who would look else where. GO THE SHARKS!!!!!! ET, DON'T GO!!!!! |
Swanky Jules - 03/24/00 15:27:03 My From: Caboolture Speed Lab Favourite Shark: Dean "Hairy" Triester | Comments: hey hey hey go the almighty sharks in 2000 how bout some updates cheers - Jules |
peter & orrie cross - 03/24/00 11:30:01 My From: orrie & peter Favourite Shark: et | Comments: thank you et for your signature...orrie |
Reckless - 03/22/00 16:07:03 My URL:htth:// My From: Tumba Favourite Shark: ROGERS | Comments: attack......................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Reckless - 03/22/00 15:04:53 My From: Tumbarumba Favourite Shark: MATTY ROGERS!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: I've just been reading through the comments, wow, why all the bitchiness, I thought everyone visited this site for one reason - To support the SHARKS. Anyway I think you have done a great job Kathleen. Well done, & UP THE SHARKIES |
Rebecca Dowell - 03/22/00 14:40:43 My From: rebecca Favourite Shark: matty Rogers | Comments: Up the Sharkies |
Ryan Mcarthur - 03/12/00 02:21:10 My From: Banora Point N>S>W Favourite Shark: Peachy,ET,Rogers | Comments: I love the sharks I collect all there stuff. My room is covered in shark stuff. SHARKS RULE!!!!!! |
ryan - 03/12/00 02:14:55 My From: Banora Point Favourite Shark: Mitch Healy | Comments: Sharks rule and, are win the premiership |
I LOVE SHARKS - 03/11/00 10:14:04 From: CRONULLA Favourite Shark: #10,5,2,4,1,9 | Comments: go the sharks |
kylie dries - 03/11/00 09:41:39 My From: Miranda Favourite Shark: Martin Lang & Brett Howland | Comments: Well all that i can say is that i love the sharks and i have done since in was young, i love the night out on either a saterday night sunday friday or monday nght down at toyota park where the night is full of funfilled action and a great atmosphere. good luck on monday night and go you mighty sharkies |
tynelle - 03/09/00 04:58:30 My From: tynelle Favourite Shark: jason stevens and mat rogers | Comments: i think that mat rogers is the best nrl player in the whole comp. keep up the good work but i warn you, you will not beat the doggies |
belinda - 03/09/00 04:55:42 My Favourite Shark: russel richardson | Comments: to my honeybunnies, you fellas rock the nrl. i watch all of your games and i cry when yas lose but i get pissed when yas win |
Renea - 02/27/00 02:44:58 Favourite Shark: Deano, Russ, ET, Matty | Comments: This site is the best and its great to see that the Sharkies have so many fans around Australia and the World. i just want to say good luck to the Sharks for season 2000 and best of luck to ET in his final year of the game. GO YOU SHARKIES GO!!!! |
Bryce Butler - 02/20/00 07:32:53 My From: New Zealand Favourite Shark: Rogers, E,T & Peachy | Comments: Need to stop choking at finals time and contionue to play great footy. |
MC Hammerhead - 02/10/00 00:11:12 My My From: MC Hammerhead Favourite Shark: OH YEAH | Comments: Come and visit the No1 sharks mascot the hammer |
Mark Cooney - 09/16/99 14:10:31 My URL: My From: Kingsford, NSW Favourite Shark: Deano | Comments: Great site, great to see that the sharks have so many fans all over the place, if i lived in canberra i would use these services all the time!! |
Al Ridler - 06/11/99 23:48:19 My From: Bradford, England Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: As a pom the only sharks I know anyhting about are from Hull, but this site rocks. Best I've seen in a long long time. Keep up the good work. Rugby League Rulez OK. C-Ya Come On You Bulls! |
Trudy - 06/11/99 05:19:17 From: New Zealand Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: Sorry about the injury on Wednesday Night hope to see you back to your best in the near future. God Bless and good luck for the finals. |
Mark Cooney - 06/08/99 14:32:21 My URL: My From: Kingsford, NSW Favourite Shark: Dean Triester | Comments: Great site the photo's are good.. great to see that the sharks have so many fans in other places |
Danny Brown - 06/06/99 13:22:19 My From: Hull Yorkshire Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: I must admit Gavin Miller was the best we ever imported to Hull Kingston Rovers but at the minute we would be interested in any other you have spare. A good sight and I would like to hear from any Girls in Oz that care to e-mail me. I will reply. I`m 15 a d a big League fan and player |
Danny Brown - 06/06/99 13:21:49 My From: Hull Yorkshire Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: I must admit Gavin Miller was the best we ever imported to Hull Kingston Rovers but at the minute we would be interested in any other you have spare. A good sight and I would like to hear from any Girls in Oz that care to e-mail me. I will reply. I`m 15 a d a big League fan and player |
lucas godfrey - 06/02/99 14:59:53 My | Comments: the shark's suck wombi's dick go you bulldogs kick the sharks in the head. |
Stuart - 06/02/99 11:49:01 My Email:stuartmckay& From: Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Being located in Canberra, distanced from the team makes getting to regular games dificult, however it makes you appreciate each game an extra amount. |
Stuart - 06/02/99 11:48:40 My Email:stuartmckay& From: Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Being located in Canberra, distanced from the team makes getting to regular games dificult, however it makes you appreciate each game an extra amount. |
Stuart - 06/02/99 11:48:27 My Email:stuartmckay& From: Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Being located in Canberra, distanced from the team makes getting to regular games dificult, however it makes you appreciate each game an extra amount. |
Stuart - 06/02/99 11:48:17 My Email:stuartmckay& From: Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Being located in Canberra, distanced from the team makes getting to regular games dificult, however it makes you appreciate each game an extra amount. |
Stuart - 06/02/99 11:48:00 My Email:stuartmckay& From: Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Being located in Canberra, distanced from the team makes getting to regular games dificult, however it makes you appreciate each game an extra amount. |
amanda - 05/29/99 10:39:38 From: canberra Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers - who else?? | Comments: Finally found the site - thanks for all the terrific photoes! |
jacinta - 05/29/99 04:54:30 My From: queensland Favourite Shark: mat rogers | Comments: i think your homepage is the best iv'e seen yet i am also a big fan of cronulla and im trying to make my own homepage. i think mat rogers is very sexy |
Leen - 05/28/99 04:56:05 My URL: My From: Canberra Favourite Shark: Marty Lang | Comments: I'd love to tell you what the reply from martin lang that i got was, it was thanking me for my support and asking me to send a photo of myself so he would know what i looked like, i did send it in and have met marty on a couple of occasions after the game and he did remember me, so there you go, it pays to send the players supportive emails. |
Callie - 05/22/99 22:55:44 From: Around Favourite Shark: Jason Stevens | Comments: hi 'leen' can i ask u, r u gonna display the message u got from martin lang?? cos i was reading in the 'official' sharks guestbook that you got a message from him |
Shannon Hagan - 05/22/99 11:38:52 My From: shannon Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: Mat you are just like your dad a good honest clean player and we think you are the best . I am a bit bias as I am a relitave of yours ( I am your nana's niece ) god that makes me sound OLD lol ok we love you keep up the good work and hope to see you one day byeeeee for now Shannon Hagan ( nee O'Leary ) |
whippettes - 05/16/99 04:17:41 My Favourite Shark: Brett Howland | Comments: Brett Howland rules!!! |
PRINCESS - 05/14/99 00:16:17 My From: Auckland, New Zealand Favourite Shark: ET (of course) | Comments: hi leen, hi fellow shark fanatics, arent the team doing well this year!!! i love it when they are on top!!!!!! hope to see you all in the tank. seeya |
Sharkette - 05/12/99 09:59:03 My URL: My From: Sydney Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: Keep up the good work Kathleen!! Anything to do with the Sharks is pretty cool!! I have a brand new site of my own, I'd love it if you would like to pay a visit to it! I hope to add alot more stuff to it in the future. I hope you like it. |
TROY HILLARD - 05/10/99 00:27:06 | Comments: |
TROY HILLARD - 05/10/99 00:27:04 | Comments: |
Mitchell Jones - 05/06/99 09:00:44 My Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: good web site UP THE SHARKS |
Stevo - 05/02/99 10:19:00 From: Miranda Favourite Shark: The Whole Team | Comments: Great Site. Keep up the good work |
Sam - 04/26/99 10:47:24 My From: Sam Favourite Shark: Marty Lang | Comments: Go Mad Marty and the Sharkies !!!!!!!!!!! |
The Sharkster - 04/23/99 07:21:45 My From: Illawong Favourite Shark: Healey, Ferris and Dykes | Comments: GO Sharkies!!! |
KRISTY MCMAHON - 04/10/99 03:32:01 From: PYMBLE Favourite Shark: MATT ROGERS | Comments: |
chris - 04/09/99 10:12:30 | Comments: |
Greatwhite - 04/09/99 02:45:03 My From: Canberra Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: Great start 5 and 0,has to be 6 and 0,and the ball handling has to improve;defence is great;I have supported this team for a long time and hope they never crash this season.Better variation in attack this year,not relying on kicks so much,just fix ball ha dling and we will go that extra mile. |
- 04/06/99 11:33:52 | Comments: |
sirerrol - 04/04/99 09:45:08 My URL: My From: sirerrol Favourite Shark: whitepointer | Comments: err hello all you people out there that also love sharks its good to see eerrrr well done err |
Helen and James - 03/27/99 10:17:37 From: Canberra | Comments: Talk about hard to find we've spent a bloody hour loking for it. |
Alan G - 03/23/99 09:36:00 My From: Queanbeyan Favourite Shark: Langy | Comments: Impressive site! Good to see so many switched on Canberrans who follow the one and only Sharks. |
david - 03/20/99 01:53:13 Favourite Shark: rogers\ | Comments: |
Sharkette - 03/14/99 08:46:04 Favourite Shark: Matty Rogers | Comments: Well, yet another sterling performance from the boys today! 14-6 over the Broncos, what a dream start to the season - let's hope it continues ! They look focused and committed this season and ready to take on anybody. Go you super Sharkies, go !! |
Sharkdude - 03/11/99 02:49:49 My URL: From: Cronulla Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: Go You Sharkies!! 44-0!! Bring on the Broncos....and visit my Sharkies site!! |
FRANKY - 03/09/99 09:38:02 My Email:CROSHA@IHUG.CO.NZ From: AUCKLAND NZ Favourite Shark: TRIESTER | Comments: GO THE SHARKIES 99!! |
Ian Dixon - 03/05/99 16:34:38 My From: England Favourite Shark: Gavin Miller | Comments: Best Australian forward ever to arrive on these shores. Fantastic signing for Hull Kingston Rovers. Regards Ian |
longy - 03/03/99 10:50:40 My From: kirrawee Favourite Shark: longy | Comments: top page Kathleen |
Bob Wood - 02/28/99 12:09:14 My URL: My From: Canberra | Comments: Hi just dropped in through the Rugby League Web Ring. Just thought I's say hi - sorry I don't follow the Sharks - I can still remember when they were admitted to the League. My allegiances used to be with Eastern Suburbs, my junior club - but since I ha e lived in Canberra since 1968, I follow Canberra - good luck with your site. Regards Bob Wood |
craig myers - 02/19/99 10:42:32 My From: newtown,sydney Favourite Shark: Steve Rogers | Comments: Cronulla 28 Manly 0 UNREAL! UP THE SHARKS. |
Andrew Howard - 02/14/99 14:33:51 My From: Andrew Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: BEST SHARKS PAGE EVER GREAT TO SEE HEAPS OF SHARKS FANS LIVING IN THE ACT |
Jodes - 02/11/99 05:16:56 From: Canberra Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers | Comments: Hi all, I'm back in Canberra, looking forward to getting back online with a permanent connection again. Like the new look, Leen, we'll have to get together real soon and have a good talk about those sharkie boys! |
Kristy - 01/27/99 23:41:30 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET (who else) | Comments: Hey Leen, Great to have you back. Site looks unreal, keep up the good work matey. See you in the tank!!! |
Kristy - 01/27/99 23:41:08 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET (who else) | Comments: Hey Leen, Great to have you back. Site looks unreal, keep up the good work matey. See you in the tank!!! |
Kristy - 01/27/99 23:40:50 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET (who else) | Comments: Hey Leen, Great to have you back. Site looks unreal, keep up the good work matey. See you in the tank!!! |
Sharkman - 01/27/99 22:30:07 My Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Good to see you've come back!!!!!! |
Kathleen - 01/27/99 12:26:49 | Comments: by the way, to that mysterious person who didn't leave their name, i got 87.30 in my hsc, and came 54th in the state for english, this year i'm doing Psychology at the University of Canberra. |
PRINCESS - 01/20/99 07:57:28 From: AUCKLAND Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: hi kathleen, where the hell are you?? we need to catch up. i have some gossip for ya. hope to talk to you soon in chat room. how did your exams go? bye PRINCESS |
Kristy - 01/19/99 03:44:27 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: Hey Leen where are you matey. Its like you have dropped off the face of the earth. Maybe you scared her off Sheri. |
Kristy - 01/18/99 21:53:27 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET of course | Comments: Hey Leen don't you love how this is your site and annoying people like Sheri come in and spoil it just to call other people (mainly me) a bitch. :-) hehehe lol GO YOU SHARKIES GO!!!! |
Sheri - 01/18/99 06:06:10 My From: Blacktown Favourite Shark: Russ!!! | Comments: Hello Kathleen, How have you been? By the way the gossip Kristy was talking about is that Kristy is a bitch :-) Just kidding Krusty. Talk to you all soon. |
Kristy - 01/17/99 22:01:49 From: Gosford Favourite Shark: You know who | Comments: Hey Kathleen, long time no chat... Hope you are well and you are happy with your HSC results. Come into chat and we can catch up on some gossip. :-) |
- 01/09/99 02:48:07 | Comments: What did you get in your HSC kathleen? |
- 01/06/99 08:40:45 From: a Friend Favourite Shark: Et by a longway | Comments: Hello Kathleen. congratulations on your excellent HSC results and for being the wonderful person that you are ! and I Hope you have a great year ahead |
PRINCESS - 12/31/98 07:54:02 From: AUCKLAND Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! best wishes to all the sharks fans and lets hope 1999 is a great year for us all! hi kathleen, happy new year. from PRINCESS |
Captain Hurricane - 12/29/98 04:08:26 My URL: From: Wellington, NZ Favourite Shark: Mitch, of course | Comments: Great site Kathleen! |
crystal - 12/19/98 00:35:51 From: Caringbah Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: hi!! go the sharkies!!!!!! yeah!!!!! have you all read the new draw?? when's the page gonna be updated as well, kathleen?? |
Greg - 12/02/98 00:06:10 My URL: My From: SharkNet Favourite Shark: Ness ! | Comments: Hi Kathleen, I just read your guestbook for the first time, and I have to say, man, it is a good read ! Far more violent and colourful than I can let past the Sharks guestbook : ) What I was wondering was if I could organise an event where you and KC get nto one of those bouncy boxing rings and can I do a live webcast ??? : ) And fellas you'll be able to email the cheerleaders next year but yes it will be screened before they get it :p lol |
wobbegong - 12/01/98 23:47:17 Favourite Shark: all of them | Comments: hey chris !! I'd rather sit under a power line than drive all the way to wollongong !!! Is it because saints fans are jealous of our sharkies that they feel compelled to put us down ??? Have you followed 'the man's' advice and do you not wank yourself for 3 days before a saints game ? we'll get a premiership soon, and as the sharks, not as some combined powdered toast steel dragons... what is a steel dragon anyway ? A friggin statue ? hehehehehe |
Sharkman - 11/28/98 22:46:31 Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Kathleen, where youuuuuuuuuuuuu???????????????? |
kc - 11/28/98 08:04:09 Favourite Shark: Jason Stevens | Comments: i just wanna say, why dont st george fans pay out other clubs in a ST GEORGE guest book. we dont care about saints, and we dont care about the critisim you give us, chris. it is plain stupid |
Beekershark - 11/28/98 03:38:44 | Comments: Just wondering when these st goerge losers are going to realise they dont have a local team anymore, and so stop trying to pull down the only NRL side still based anywhere near them... |
Chris - 11/26/98 21:23:41 My Email:Happy Dragon Land. From: Taj Mahal Favourite Shark: I hate them all. | Comments: I was just wondering how many premierships Cronulla have won and when was the last time they won one? Oh, I'm sorry you haven't won anything have you. What a disgrace of a club. What is the point of playing in a competition if you are never competitive en ugh to win. What a pack of losers. Can't wait to see the new resort hotel built on that beautiful swamp with those nice high voltage over head cables as well. Should be very luxurious. |
Sharkman - 11/21/98 23:44:15 My Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Hey Kathleen, long time no chat! When the season kicks in, we all need to get together at Shark Park on Sat night, it'd be cool????? |
Sharkette - 11/21/98 03:06:19 Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: Keep up the good work with your website Kathleen ! I hope your exams are going well. I know you have been snowed under with your exams, but we don't hear from you much on the Sharks website to join in our discussions. It would be good to hear from you ccassionally ! Good luck with your studies. |
Beekershark - 11/17/98 06:35:37 | Comments: Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words of support kathleen ..:) ps....the three way merger was a rumour started by a st george fan from hurstville who wrote it in a letter to the teles sports editor, it was unfounded, and not true. |
jess - 11/14/98 14:32:32 My From: syd Favourite Shark: matty rogers | Comments: if only i could break up michelle and matty i would take off with him |
Kathleen - 11/09/98 04:58:53 | Comments: yeah i heard that rumor as well, but i think that was all it was, a rumor, i certanly hope not, and i really don't think management would be that stupid to allow themselves to be swallowed up like that, as i'm sure we would be in a three way merger. |
Crystal - 11/06/98 03:54:31 Favourite Shark: Craig Greenhill | Comments: oh my gosh!!!! guys, I just heard that Cronulla will be merging with st george and illawarra by the year 2000! so it will be one big super club and if anyone wants to see cronulla on its own it will been in the super league state teams. has anyone else heard this bad news?? |
Kathleen - 11/02/98 03:56:02 | Comments: yes, miss precious has to study, apart from there not being much to update! sorry but, although i am a sharkie fan i do put getting into uni a bit before my site for them, it's not like i get any thanks for it anyway, only critism. bear with me, i will u date it as soon as exams are over, and for those who like to complain. why not start your own sharks site, then give me the address and i'll come and see what i'm doing wrong then, ok! |
Odie - 10/31/98 05:33:56 My From: Dubbo Favourite Shark: Any | Comments: Looks like no one comes here anymore for a long time, cause miss precious has got to study, how boring, not much of a sharks fan. |
Mel - 10/28/98 13:03:59 From: Canberra | Comments: Heya Kathleen, I just wanted to say that I think you're a great person doing a great job, and don't let anyone tell you different. Cya! =) |
cristy - 10/27/98 05:17:33 Favourite Shark: et | Comments: please, guys just stop all this. i am new to this site and this is all silly. leave kathleen alone, leave the bekersteer or whatever alone, leave kc alone and leave everyone else alone. please dont keep using this guestbook for abuse. but instead for the sharks. lets orget it all. SHARKS RULE!!!!!!!!! |
Kristy - 10/27/98 01:50:53 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET of course | Comments: Kathleen, no matter what anyone else is saying I think youare doing an excellent job and the site is great. :-) Lets get back to the real talk guys, footy. GO YOU SHARKIES GO!!!!!!ET RULES. |
Beekershark - 10/26/98 22:49:59 Favourite Shark: Pacific Ocean | Comments: KC, or whoever you like to call yourself today, You should be a knights or Manly fan with all the sad , petty crap that falls out of your sour assed mouth. You have no life, you wont ever get one, you lay down at night and congratulate yourself on thinking that you are a lifelong friend of a guy who's dressing shed you clean out at night. we have an IP address for you, so there's no need to be annon. anymore, it just makes us laugh !!! By the way, Good luck in the exams kathleen !!!! |
Peter - 10/26/98 06:42:39 My From: Bangor Favourite Shark: Speechley, Celine | Comments: Glad to see it's not just the official site that gets dickheads. Love your work, if I lived in the area I'd join your club. Regards, Peter |
Kathleen - 10/26/98 06:30:31 | Comments: you silly silly person, ok even if you did know martin lang, i gave you no tight to come on here and insult my site, which you did, don't deny it, because people can scroll down and see exactly what has been said, i could have deleted it all, but i didn't i thought i'd leave myself open to constructive critism. However it has turned into a personal attack on me, which is not only rude, since it is my homepage you are visiting, if you don't like it, don't come! It is also false, you say you now martin lang and while i do find it hard to believe, it may very well be true, however i KNOW you don't know me, so don't pretend you have the slightest idea what i look like, or am. I put a lot of effort into this site for shark fans, especially those who live far a ay from cronulla, i don't think i am doing them any injustice by creatinjg this site, and i certqainly did not create it so people like you can come on here and insult me. If you care to scroll down again, you will see that no one insulted you until you s arted insulting me, AND that i have been extremely nice about the whole thing, i could have easily got involved in your style of entries and started insulting you, rather i rebuffed your arguments with facts that everyone can see as true. Your comments a e only backed by opinions, yours at that, so I'm afraid that if you knew anything about argumentive writing, you would realise you have been making some pretty emotional, and biased arguments. Anyway you did make one good point, the reason i haven't updat d this site recently is one, there is not too much to update in the off season, and two, i am planning a bit of a shake up of the site, but i am concentrating on my HSC first, you see kc and whatever other alias you feel like using, i am doing something w th my life, what are you doing, spending hours on the internet. looking for someone to pay out? You see it shows that you really must like my site, you keep coming back! |
SQOD - 10/25/98 23:22:12 From: Sydney Favourite Shark: Not too sure | Comments: i am writing this in defence of KC..someone you have all been bagging out. Let me just say that your insults were totally uncalled for..KC and her family are personal friends of the Langs and have been since she was knne high. Martin has seen this page to and he finds all your ridiculous crap quite amusing. Comments like that are proof of what jealous and petty people there are out there...bagging off someone elses good fortune as to know Martin Lang... As for you may be your page but the gen ral concensus about you is that you really are crap yourself. From someone who has had the severe misfortune of knowing who you are..i would say that you had better pray beauty is on the inside cause if it is judged by the outside then you are in big trou le girl!! Yours Sincerely SQOD. PS the only men trouble Kathleen ever has is that she can't get any.... |
Kathleen - 10/22/98 13:14:30 | Comments: well thanks everyone, i really appreciate everyone coming and standing up for me against kc, it really means a lot to me to know that i didn't spend all this time getting this site up and running all for nothing, i'm glad i can share it with you all. Crys al, of course you can join the club, we don't excude anyone, as long as they're sharkie fans!! In fact it will be great, especially since we will then have more female members then male, (c'mon all you regulars, why not join the club as well!) I will have the newsletters up and running soon, i have to concentrate on my HSC tho at the moment, and having some oher hassles (bloody men) but there will be a big shake up coming to the site soon, and the newsletters will start, and then for the a.c.t. members, i ill be approaching the buffaloes rugby league club (in tuggeranong, near maccas!) about having our meetings there. So hang on people, as soon as i sort my life out, i'll sort the club out, hehehe, see yas all soon! |
PRINCESS - 10/22/98 09:20:54 From: AUCKLAND Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: hi, just wanted to lend you my support kathleen and reiterate what a great job you are doing. this kc individual is totally off the rails and is talking shit! Obviously kc is not a true sharkie fan to treat fellow sharkies so rudely!! we all have a favour te player and kathleen you continue to have yours!! seeya |
Jodes - 10/22/98 09:17:44 My From: Canberra Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers | Comments: Heya there, well crystal, in answer to your question, i believe that Kathleen welcomes interstate members, and in fact us Canberrans are if you're thinking of joining i'll see you sometime. |
crystal - 10/22/98 05:52:17 Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: hi, um i was just wondering if u dont live in the act can you still be a member? |
original sharkman - 10/21/98 22:52:24 | Comments: Beekershark,this is Anthony the original sharkman, no Im not getting married thats the other sharkman that is so unoriginal.Yes you are right I think it is good for us young sharkmen to have an on line chat forum with the cheergirls. I think Kathleen shou d search for any contact detials we can obtain. Celine is good looking but Tabrett is the best. I think I might go fishing down to Shark Park next year and throw in the line and try to fish Tabrett out of the ground. |
Beekershark - 10/21/98 07:29:37 From: Pacific Ocean | Comments: Dear Kathleen, Im sorry I havent said anything earlier, but i only just saw what KC has been saying, Look, Its pretty obvious that if Langy had read this site, that he would come to the reasonable conclusion that kc is a nutter, You didnt begin any arguement, and were attacked for merely supporting a team we all love and yell our guts out for every week. her feeble attempt to make an entry under artins name cracked me up ! I know Langy would not tolerate any Shark fan abusing another like she did, so dont worry :) BUT im afraid to tell you, but kc DOES know Martin, She speaks to him every day infact, I have heard many of their conversations, and hey go pretty much like this....." excuse me Mr Lang, But have you finished in here yet ? I need to bleach the floor, scrub the toilet bowl, and Empty the trash bin " so Kathleen, Im afraid you lose out to kc ! he h ehehh eh On the Cheer girls front..Hm mmmm i think Anthony is onto something ! i would LOVE to send celine an email :) i think a young man of my means could ensure she has a wonderful time and plenty of fun ! the way.....Anthony , is it YOU who is getting married ? or another sharkma ???? |
Beekershark - 10/21/98 07:13:40 From: Pacific Ocean Favourite Shark: Celine | Comments: Hiya Kathleen !! Geeeeee Im reformed !! he h eh I always wondered what all the fuss was about our cheer squad, and why we needed to have polls about their popularity etc etc, so i had a look at them on the Sharks site, and WOW !!!!!! you can keep your tabrett guys ! I think Celine is adorable !! he he h if only she could play Halfback shed be the perfect answer to all my worries !!!!!! |
Sharkman - 10/20/98 04:46:19 My From: around Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Dear Mr UNORIGINAL SHARKMAN, youare indeed an imposter, an emasculatore of monikers with no imagination nor foresight to checkout if what I say is true....don't dis people to you get the facts.........and yesy I'm the Sharkman from Anyway, Kathleen knows the truth.... |
ORIGINAL SHARKMAN - 10/19/98 01:55:47 Favourite Shark: TABRETT OF COURSE | Comments: Hey Micheal, I do not agree with your comments on ET. He is the most overrated player in the comp, I think yourve been watching to much footy in the grandstands because he never gets on the field and when he does, he does nil. Martin Lang is great and others like Long, Rogers etc who give there 100% each game, not ET who looks after his looks more than the sharks. |
Kathleen - 10/18/98 23:21:24 My URL:/Colosseum/1632/index.html My From: Tuggeranong, ACT Favourite Shark: c'mon you all know who that is! | Comments: boys, boys! stop that fighting! hehehe, i think we really need to sort out this name problem! thanks michael, i don't think i'll bother with kc anymore anyway, i think i may know who it is, and if it is who i think it is, they are definately NOT worth the bother and they definatley do NOT know martin lang or any of the other guys, but they often claim to! |
original sharkman - 10/18/98 22:29:41 | Comments: im the original sharkman, so why dont you get a new name you ########. Use more imagination, who do you think you are? This sharkman who like The Peach is just as thick as KC |
Sharkman - 10/18/98 02:05:41 My From: around Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Hey, whats with all these SHARKMAN people running around... get your own moniker, and use some imagination!!!! |
Michael - 10/18/98 01:26:32 Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: To my friend Kathleen , Please don't let yourself get involved in a slanging match with these fools,I believe without the support of dedicated fans like youself (and many like you) the sharks would not exist. Your little bits of information are well infor ed and usefull to young people following the Sharks. There is also nothing wrong with having a favourite player that your devoted too, So lets not be so narrow minded KC and get on with the job of supporting our favourite team.Bye the way ET is an absolut legend and Champion Cronulla Player, and seldom gets the recognition he deserves. |
kc - 10/16/98 23:26:55 | Comments: well, maybe you are dumb kathleen, but it is your loss if you dont want to believe it.......... and I know that it will keep your small mind wondering for ever about whether, maybe, just maybe, it was who you want it to have been. it will puzzle you and make you think and query, b/c u secretly will be hoping that it was him and you will wish that you didnt not believe me. so suffer |
Kathleen - 10/16/98 07:48:43 | Comments: just one thing, kc, how dumb do you think i am?!??!?!?! |
Martin - 10/16/98 07:32:00 Favourite Shark: dunno | Comments: hey, i just wanted to say that your page is a nice effort to support the sharks, kathleen. and i am very impressed by the martin lang page! if you know what i mean!! and hey, dont bag out kc, she is a friend of mine. well great job! keep it up and go the sharks in 99 |
anthony - 10/15/98 23:15:56 Favourite Shark: SHARKMAN | Comments: thanks for being honest Kathleen, maybe Tabrett may switch onto this website when she is crowned with the most popular Mermaid. I reckon it will be rigged if she doesnt win but anyway. By the way Martin Lang is a great player, dont worry about the critics(KC) I wouldnt swap Lang for ET anyday. ET is the over rated player I know, and think the Sharks can better utilise there cash. I just hope we can keep Lang and that him doesnt become the next victim (like Ritson) so the sharks should get out there and sign up another Prop to help him out. BY THE WAY I AM THE SHARKMAN. |
Kathleen - 10/15/98 09:12:41 | Comments: by the way anthony, no i don't have an email address for tabrett, i don't even know if she has one, (see kc, i don't pretend to know everthing)maybe you could try and email greg at the official site and he may be able to pass it on. |
Kathleen - 10/15/98 08:59:53 | Comments: listen kc, i don't get the problem ok, i never said i was any kind of an expert on the sharks, like i said i am a fan that has put the knowledge she does have on a web site, and by the way no one said anything about beauty on the inside, i only said that ou don't know me so how would you know if i was out of his league, have you ever seen me?? what i know i get from reading magazines, newspapers, official web sites and television, i simply do my research, i never said i knew everthing, nor did i pretend t , and i haven't been living under a rock the past few years, but i did only get on the net a few months ago, now i think that has answered your comments fairly without criticising, don't you? maybe you should try it sometime! |
kc - 10/15/98 06:29:05 | Comments: all you guys who are bagging me out have no idea. kathleen, i did NOT criticise your PAGE. i just criticised your feeble attemot to make a pass at Martin Lang. you dont know anything about him, truly, i would not say it if it was not true. i have no reaso to lie to you and I would not say that if it was not true. I do know Martin Lang. and he is quite flattered by you to have a page for him, yes he has seen it. so don't bag me out, when you are just as much in the wrong to criticise me. Just because I don live in some shitty hole like the ACT, doesnt make me unable to know Martin. cant you hack it or something?? and whats all the crap you are going on with that beauty is on the inside?? just get over yourselves all of you who were so abuse. and i simply wanted to know why you were such an expert on the sharks, you know you acted like you knew EVERYTHING there was possible to know about them. i mean what validates you?? dont knock my english, either. at least I can SPELL, unlike some people. Just b/c i was not speaking in a grammatically correct way, well in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, that is how we speak on the INTERNET. |
ANTHONY - 10/14/98 22:22:31 Favourite Shark: MARTIN LANG | Comments: Hey KC, go bag someone else you dumb idiot. you dont know shit about anything so just shut the #### up. As for Kathleen I reckon she's great. I dont know if she looks as good as Tabrett but she has good a great web site. By the way Kathleen, have you got an email address for Tabrett? KC, dont say that Tabrett is out of my world. |
Dan the Man - 10/14/98 15:07:40 My URL: My Favourite Shark: Gavin Miller Les Daividson | Comments: Listen kc why dont you stop putting shit on other people. I dont see your web page on the sharks in guestbook so listen build a bridge and get over yourself, your a fair dinkum clown. Also why dont you leave your email address are scared or something. |
Kathleen - 10/14/98 12:15:01 My URL:this one My From: Canberra Favourite Shark: Martin Lang- who is no where near out of my league by the way | Comments: well well well, first off, thank you jodes and rosie for defending me, secondly, kc, nice name by the way you gutless prick, i'm terribly sorry if you think that way, i never pretended to know everything about the sharks, i am simply a fan, a dedicated on , who felt like making a website, i'm not hurting you or anyone one else! and as you claim to know martin personally, yeah whatever! you still don't know me personally, so how do you know he is out of my league! What difference does it make to you if i th nk highly of him anyway, and if you think it's so gay, where's your website hey, you show me how great your first attempt at a site is then you can criticise mine, also, what's "shouting off so badly" anyway? good use of the english language, grow up, if ou were a real fan, you wouldn't feel threatened by another fan, terribly sorry mate if you feel i'm not up to your standard as a great sharks fan, but if your so friggin wonderful, what the hell are you doing wasting your time and effort criticising me! et a life mate, a real one, not the one inside your head |
Rosie - 10/14/98 11:39:00 My Favourite Shark: Doug Wilson hehehe | Comments: I just wanted to say this to kc, leave Kathleen alone, you obviously don't know her very well, and are being very immature, and i might say quite rude! "truth is beauty" remember that and tell the truth don't hurt people. Hi to all you trout lovers out there, i hope alls well. Anyway thats all i wanted to say. See you around. |
Jodes - 10/14/98 10:25:18 My Email:same as last time | Comments: Hey kc, leave our sharkies alone! And especially Martin. Go find some other person to bag. |
kc - 10/14/98 07:21:12 | Comments: anyway, what makes you such a big expert on the sharks?? if u knew some of the stuff i know, you wouldnt be shouting off so badly |
kc - 10/14/98 07:17:52 Favourite Shark: undecided | Comments: listen kathleen, your little sharks page is cute. very cute. but your little page on martin lang, is just gay. you know absoultely nothing about martin, so dont pretend u do. i think it is really stupid some of the things u said and if u knew he personall , like i do, well you would not be so stupid. get over him ok?? he is well, out of your league |
Karina - 10/14/98 02:51:58 From: Queanbeyan Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: hi, great site kathleen, you are a genius! we all love you! |
ANTHONY - 10/13/98 06:41:29 | Comments: Thanks for the reply Ill be tuned in for the signings. As for Tabrett does she have an email address? |
Kathleen, site manager - 10/13/98 06:22:36 My URL:this one My From: Tuggeranong, ACT Favourite Shark: Martin Lang | Comments: Well, well, well, at last, someone finally recognises pure genius when they see it,Anthony well done on voting for the absolutely wonderful Martin Lang, but your wrong, I am the sexiest chick in the world, (hehehe only kidding, i'm not that up myself)And would like to answer everyones question, fairly and honestly, but truth is i only know of unconfirmed rumors, i have tried to get them confirmed, but my inside contact, (hehehe) doesn't know either! But if you want the rumors, they are thick and fast, (i mean the ammount of rumors, not the players themselves, hehehe) Like maybe Luke Felsch, John Simon, Geoff Toovey(please management, NOOOO!!!), as well as some other suggestions by some people who write in the sharks guestbook, but i think they are just th t suggestions, i don't think there has been any real effort by management to sign soloman haumono or any others. All we can do is wait for official word of signings, when there is, you can rest assured it will be straight up on my sharks news page. Keep v siting the site and if your from canberra, or even if your not and just want our newsletter emailed to you next season, don't forget to join the club! |
Beekershark - 10/12/98 03:51:12 From: Pacific Ocean Favourite Shark: Beekershark !!!! | Comments: Hi Kathleen!!!!! youve done a mighty job with this Sign hon!!!! looks great, and I see you are getting more and more visitors ! cool! I dont know if I will have the time to get on here much, but ill try, dont worry about our Sharkies, they are in good hands !! he h e we shall have to organise a meeting p int at the home games next year and all get together ! keep up the good work :) |
ANTHONY - 10/12/98 02:57:33 Favourite Shark: TABRETT(CHEERGIRL) | Comments: Kathleen, Sharkies are the best team in the world, but Tabrett is even better. She is the sexiest chick in the world tell her that she has a huge fan out there. SHE IS HOT. |
Kelly - 10/11/98 07:05:54 Favourite Shark: Dean Treister | Comments: Dean Treister is by far the best and hottest shark (closely followed by ET). Let's hope we see him and the rest of the guys kicking ass next year! |
Jodie Ruth (Jodes) - 10/10/98 08:33:44 My From: Canberra most of the time Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: Hey Leen! Love the site! Keep up the good work! I hope you get more members to the club soon. So anyone in Canberra reading this get your act together and join!!! (and even if you don't) |
michael - 10/09/98 23:21:09 From: Oatley Favourite Shark: ex shark Richard Barnett | Comments: Hi Princess, Its all better now,Chat is now working, that Greg is a genius, and so is kathleen |
PRINCESS - 10/04/98 07:11:02 From: AUCKLAND Favourite Shark: ET | Comments: Hi Kathleen. Is there a problem with the chat room on the Sharks Official Website Sydney? I can't get in!!! How can I keep in touch with my beloved sharkie people?? Can you help? Where are you guys all chatting now? Will you please leave a message in her for me. Many thanks PRINCESS GO THE SHARKIES!! |
Kathleen=site manager - 10/02/98 11:11:30 My URL:this one My From: Tuggeranong, ACT Favourite Shark: Martin Lang, but my vote's already been counted | Comments: just checking to see if the guestbook finally works properly, don't worry greg, i fixed it myself see! aren't i clever |
Clifford - 09/24/98 07:48:56 My URL:http://doesn't have one My Email:doesn't have one From: Canberra Favourite Shark: sharkiegirl | Comments: sharkies you've got to be kidding. GO ILLAWARRA |
Russell's Mum - 09/24/98 07:09:32 Favourite Shark: Russell (has to be) | Comments: This is a great site kathleen!! But where are the pictures of my favourite boy?? Go You Sharkies Go!! |
Flea - 09/24/98 00:53:53 My URL: My From: Gold Coast Favourite Shark: Geoff Toovey !!! | Comments: OK, Kathy, you got your wish and your Home Page is linked to my footy links. I dont mind if the Sharks come second to Mighty Manly next season, after all, John Lang and Steve Rodgers were members of my surf club up here, Kurrawa SLSC. Good luck in 1999. Flea. |
Eddie Vedder - 09/23/98 14:38:13 My URL: My From: Candela Land :) Favourite Shark: Mat Rogers | Comments: I lurve ur site kathleen... the best thing is that it's so original, not like the other footy sites u see around... keep up the great work... and may the mighty sharks win in 99... EV... |
disappointed - 09/23/98 14:22:12 My From: sydney Favourite Shark: chearleaders & ET | Comments: hey Kathleen, 98 gave me the shits, anticipated a finals run, but as it turned out Illawarra played the Bulldogs after the sharks had beaten the gold coast. illawarra really didnt have anything to play for oh well, next year maybe |
Sharkman - 09/23/98 06:11:44 My From: not near Canberra Favourite Shark: The Peach | Comments: Hey Kathleen, cool site, and good stuff on recruiting more Sharkies fans!!! And by the way. Do you drive a Camira????????????????? |
jessica - 09/22/98 12:02:58 My From: Kings Langley Favourite Shark: Russell Richardson | Comments: Hi, I'm sheri and Kel's cousin. Great site Kathleen. Go You Sharkies!! I also love Russ too!! |
Rosie - 09/22/98 10:21:31 Favourite Shark: If Doug or Rick were sharks they would be, hehehe | Comments: Just me agian, Hi Kathleen. I just have to say it. Hi Doug Wilson, Rick and 007. Just wanted to say I love the new name, its a cute acronym. Got something to do with the players tactics for the next season? Again great site, love the trout, may they keep wimming for ever. |
Kel - 09/22/98 03:33:43 My Favourite Shark: Russ!!!! (of course) | Comments: Haven't checked out the site yet just signing the guest book liked you asked me too. I'll check it out soon |
Kathleen=site manager!!! - 09/21/98 13:23:56 My URL:http://this one My From: Tuggeranong, ACT Favourite Shark: you all should know by know | Comments: just a quick note, welcome to the club benjamin, but my name is KATHLEEN, not katherine, ok, :-) and also a quick thanks to greg for coming up with our new, much more quick and catchy name! |
Benjamin - 09/21/98 04:12:11 My From: Victoria Favourite Shark: ET & Matt Rogers | Comments: Hi Katherine! Thanks for replying my message. Mum said it's fine so I'm gonna definitely join. See ya and thanks again. Benjamin |
Benjamin - 09/18/98 09:00:19 | Comments: By the way, great page Kathleen! |
Benjamin Bright - 09/18/98 08:54:49 My Favourite Shark: Matt Rogers & ET | Comments: To Whoever, Had a look at the Sharks memberships. None for kids? I'm from Vic so can't get to any of the Shark home games but would still like to be a member. I have seen the Sharks play at Olympic Park (v Storm). I was ball boy for the curtain-raiser and actually go to meet the players and walked around with them for about 20 mins. It was the best thing, had a great time meeting all my favourite players who I usually can only see on TV. Anyway, that's all. See ya. Benjamin |
Kristy - 09/18/98 06:35:07 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET (of course) | Comments: Dear Kathleen Great page, now that I have finally found it. WELL DONE. Good job. You did well. |
Kristy - 09/18/98 06:35:06 My From: Gosford Favourite Shark: ET (of course) | Comments: Dear Kathleen Great page, now that I have finally found it. WELL DONE. Good job. You did well. |
- 09/14/98 10:18:54 From: michael Favourite Shark: mitch healy | Comments: keep up the great work, you are without doubt the best supporters ,of the best team |
Ryan - 09/14/98 09:55:32 My URL: My From: Sydney Favourite Shark: Mitch Healey!!! | Comments: MITCH HEALEY RULES!!!!!! |
Daniel - 09/14/98 02:38:45 My URL: My From: Auburn, Sydney Favourite Shark: Gavin Miller, Les Davidson | Comments: I know there past sharks but there my favourites. Its a pretty good site with some cool pics. Keep up the good work and with some updates with some new pics from time to time it will be a really good site. As I'll say again keep up the good work and its a great site although it should have been a Bulldogs site. Doggies to win it in 98 |
Sheri - 09/12/98 12:35:08 My From: Blacktown Favourite Shark: Russell Richardson (by far the best!!) | Comments: Great site Kathleen!! Looking good and i love Doug and Rick!! hehehe. Keep up those Russell pictures and the site will be better than the official one!! Just joking Greg, Kathleen told me to write that one. (get you in trouble leen!!) hehehe. Go you Shark es!! Go Russell!! :-) |
Rosemary (Rosie) - 09/09/98 13:21:21 My From: Baradine and Canberra depending on the time of year Favourite Shark: I am still thinking about that one. Brett maybe. I am not sure. | Comments: Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool. I can't wait to see the trout. Ryan ought to like the trout too. Great site, keep up the good work. So may all your dreams be pleasant ones of sharkies and trout, swimming together forever in the sea. Go the sharks! Mel has almost ot me converted or corrupted which ever you prefer. |
Melissa (mel) - 09/09/98 13:19:07 My From: Newcastle, NSW and Belconnen, ACT Favourite Shark: Dean Treister | Comments: Hey! Great page! I look forward to joining the club. Nice piccies and keep up the good work! |
greg - 09/08/98 12:52:57 My URL: From: outside Favourite Shark: Mr Sharkie | Comments: If you are from Canberra this is the place to be. Get on that bus and make the pilgrimage to Shark Park you won't be disappointed. Oh and bring me some crackers. I like crazyjacks. |
Alex McCool (elmo) - 09/08/98 12:32:56 My URL: My From: ummm Favourite Shark: Mr. Sharkie | Comments: It really should be a souths page :) |
Cindy - 09/08/98 10:12:10 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Kathleen=page manager - 09/07/98 14:30:36 My URL: My From: Tuggeranong ACT Favourite Shark: Martin Lang | Comments: Welcome to our guestbook! Please feel free to share your comments and don't forget to join the TACTICS unofficial Fan Club! Thanks |