


A Resource 
AL Newspapers
NL Newspapers
Box Scores 
Ntl Sources
Fantasy Games
Fantasy Experts
  What's new!! I finally have started work again on this page. I've updated several links and will be checking links regularly this week. I've moved Milwaukee to the National Leauge, added Tampa Bay and Arizona and moved Detroit to the AL Central. This is the time of the year to keep up as most moves are made now. 

As a fantasy baseball player I value information. Information can separate winners from losers. I've added several excellent new sources of information. First, RotoNews fantasy baseball report, . I highly recommend it as a daily view. Second, "Prospects, Projects, and Suspects". Third, Baseball Think Factory - a sabermetric analysis site. Finally, I added MLB@bat. Please keep those cards and letters coming. 

NL News 
NL East  NL Central  NL West 
Braves  Cubs  Rockies 
Marlins  Reds  Dodgers 
Expos  Reds 2  Padres 
Mets  Astros  Giants 
Mets 2  Brewers Giants 2 
Phillies  Pirates  Giants 3 
Cardinals   Diamondbacks
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AL News 
AL East  AL Central  AL West 
Orioles  White Sox  Angels 
Red Sox  Indians  A's 
Yankees  Indians 2  A's 2 
Yankees 2 Tigers  A's3 
Devil Rays  Tigers 2  Mariners 
Devil Rays 2  Royals Rangers 
Blue Jays  Twins
Jays 2 
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Web Baseball News 
USA Today Baseball 
NL Notes 
The classic source for quick NL news - Monday - Friday 
AL Notes 
The classic source for quick AL news - Monday - Friday 
NL Injuries 
AL Injuries 
Baseball Weekly 
Comes out later on Wednesdays than the newsstand edition 
ESPNet Baseball 
You must have this one 
Sporting News Baseball 
Decent page - some stories 
An outstanding onestop morning reading area - home of the 'morning routine'! 
Baseball America 
The best way to keep up with the minor leagues 
MLB @ bat 
The offical site of MLB. 
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Box Scores 
NL Box Scores 
From SI Online - the entire NL on one page! 
AL Box Scores 
From SI Online - the entire AL on one page! 
A great service for receiving news by Email! I get box scores each morning along with other baseball news - check it out. 
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Fantasy Experts 
Baseball HQ 
This is the best source of information on fantasy sports. It is well worth the subscription fee -  Rick Wilton writes an outstanding hot sheet amongst other pearls here. 
Baseball Prospectus 
Very good book - nice essays appear weekly 
Collection of information on fantasy baseball 
Pure Baseball 
News and views 
Lawr Michael 
Weekly essays on fantasy baseball 
Baseball Think Factory 
Very interesting sabermetric analysis.
Prospects, Projects, and Suspects 
Analysis of the above.
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Fantasy Baseball Games 
  ESPNet Fantasy Baseball 
Decent fantasy game - choice of scoring formats - daily results- the draft is by lists - I give it a grade B 
Scoresheet Baseball 
The Bomb - no better game anywhere - you draft players and manage teams. All aspects of players value are rewarded since in these simulation games you are penalized for not having enough at bats or innings pitched etc. Too complex to explain here - do yourself a favor and check it out. 
Brian Jones 
Brian is the commissioner of 2 scoresheet leagues that I play in - NAL (need a life) and Big Hurt.  Brian's page contains rosters, standings plus links to a number of other email scoresheet leagues.
Another Email league - my team is the "Centor Fielders" 
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Last updated 
December 26, 1997 
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