Hi there, this is Home Page
thanks for visiting!!!
The guy up here is my son Filippo, who was born on August 31, 1997. Please give him a warm welcome, thank you.
This page was initially designed on March 18, 1996, so far we got
For those of you who want to see the new guy in action just follow the link.
what about me ?

I'm Chiara, Phil's little sister. I showed up on Jan 24 2000 and my dad didn't post any pictures of me till I got 7 months old.
take a look
As of today, this page is still in progress, so please feel free to send me any suggestion to make it more interesting.
The purpose of this page is to capture the attention of those folks who share my same interests, which include:
and also
A few info about me: I was born in beautiful genoa, Italy, on January 02, 1966. If you really wanna take a good look at the city, then try this extremely COOL site.
Despite my age I insist in playing agonistic basketball, with questionable results, but that's my passion (
click here to see a picture of me in action).
This page will not talk solely about sports, I will include my feelings on those recent events which I feel are worth a comment,
as well as other general considerations.
For example, here is a good link for those who want to help Bosnian kids (Sorry, it's in italian).
Are you interested in Hip Hop culture? Well here's were you wanna go !!!
Let's get back to sport, I would like to introduce you to the Italian sport
Sport in Italy is ruled by C.O.N.I., Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano,
I don't need to translate that do I !!!
C.O.N.I. is divided in federations (federazioni) each of which rules one sport (like F.I.P. that rules basketball) or a
group of sports (like F.I.S.I. that rules alpine skiing, ice hockey, cross country skiing and so on).
F.I.P. ( Federeazione Italiana Pallacanestro) is the equivalent of the NBA, it estabilishes the game's rules
in complianec with FIBA which is the international basketball government institution.
F.I.P. has divided the italian league into several sub-leagues:
The mechanism, in its semplified version, is the following:
who wins a sub-league has the right to play the next higher one the following season.
Who finishes last has to withdraw from that sub-league and will play in the next lower
one the follwing season.
The winner of the A1 league is the italian champion,
or spaghetti champion if you like.
Thanks again and come back soon
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