Updated 4/27/03
We have to cover inline as well as ice. Inline is growing
in large numbers globally. Us traditional ice
coaches must give them their due. I for one coach both and there are differences;
believe me. So in time this area will grow to great portions and send me
whatever you have and I'll evaluate
Hockey Lessons- If you require personalized hockey instruction similar to a personal trainer, be it skating, improving you skills or conditioning I can help. If you live in NJ I can travel to you or we can work out of the two outdoor rinks I use now- Manalapan Rec or Freehold Township. Whatever your needs may be, it can be improved. Ice hockey players can improve most skills through inline as well. Contact me for more details. I have over 20 years ice and inline experience and I'm certified with USA Hockey and USA Hockey Inline.
Hockey Drill Book Online- Drills for all age classifications. Skills,
offensive and defensive tactics, transition drills, goaltending drills, fun.
Supported by the Canadian In-line and Roller Skating Association.
Black Ice-
Excellent site.
Behind The Bench
Articles- Building A Strong Offense With the Fundamentals, Special Teams
Making the Play, His Brand of Hockey is a Hit, A Practical Approach to Practice,
Success Starts With the Draft.
To Inline Skate Online- Great Site. Animated lessons. Take a
lesson. Then teach the kids.
USA Hockey Inline- USA Hockey InLine
was created by USA Hockey to answer the increasing demand for structured
playing, coaching and officiating programs within America's inline hockey
Canadian Hockey Inline-Canadian
Hockey Inline (CHI) has operated as a development program of the Canadian
Hockey Association (CHA).
Collegiate Roller Hockey League- Through
constant, honest communication and sound internal organization, establish
and continually re-evaluate standards required to unify, regulate, expand,
and positively promote collegiate roller hockey realizing the importance
of enhancing the experience of the individual player.
AAU Amateur Athletic Union For Hockey
US Inline
Hockey League/Organizations- hosted on the Inline Hockey Central web
Inline Hockey Coaching and Drills- Building A Strong Offense Article
in Roller Hockey Magazine by Roy Sommer.Covers- Coaching Basic guidelines
for hockey coaches, from HockeyCoach.com, Commandments -Technical Technical
basics for hockey coaches,from HockeyCoach.com, Drills Hockey Drill Search
Engine Hockey drills from the "I Am Canadian" Web site. "Planning A Great
Hockey Practice" How to plan a hockey practice session, by Greg Siller of
Pro Learning Systems. Positional play tips, strategies and drills, from
HockeyCoach.com Roller Hockey Skills and Drills Roller Hockey Magazine Technical
Skills and Drills Drills for teaching proper techniques, from
Excellent Inline Resource.
Inline Hockey Central-
This site is THE source for inline hockey news and information on the web.
Copyright © 2003 Daniel Otten