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The sports that I tried and my opinions on them

Dirk Reimannīs opinions on Radical Sports

Windsurfing I started Windsurfing at the age of 14, got infected by the virus and addicted to it since. The sport is great. If there is good wind, you really get into a kind of trance feeling. Gliding with full speed over the sea, doing jumps in the waves and riding the swell. Windsurfing became during a certain period the most important thing in my life. I thought all the time of it, had even my own company to shape and assemble surfboards. Only disadvantages:
  • you need to wait for wind
  • it is a big hassle to assemble the sail and carry everything to the beach before the fun starts
Bodyboarding This was the second radical water sport that I tried. I wanted something for days without wind. But I was a little bit disappointed. It is easy to learn and you can ride good waves, but you feel like a fool if you see the other guys with a real surfboard, doing it standing up.
Waveriding Therefore I bought a surfboard then. This is a real challenge. Though I did windsurfing for years, I felt as if I had to learn everything from the scratch. But you get something in exchange. Catching a wave and riding it towards the beach is an undescribable feeling. It does not give you as much difference as windsurfing, but it is cool.
Wave Kayak To be also prepared for smaller waves I bought a Wave Kayak. This thing is also core. You are quicker with the Kayak and get the wave exactly at the correct point. It is also more relaxing than rowing with your arms. And moreover you can use it for flat water and rivers, or just to play around with your friends. But if the waves get bigger you really need courage to go out. With you surfboard you can dive if a wave breaks just in front of you. With the Kayak you need to bite the teeth together - and go for it.
Snowboarding This is the winter alternative for surf freaks. In the north, in Germany, a lot of windsurfers swap during the cold season their surfboard with the snowboard. For good reason. Going down a hill in deep power is like surfing an endless wave. Great feeling. But never as good like in summer, in the water, when it is warm and sunny...
Paragliding I started a course on paragliding because I could imagine that this is great. I was right on this. Flying is just another dimension. But I got fed up with the hassle that the sport brought. Waiting the entire day in the mountains for the correct wind while there might be good wind and waves at the coast. So I quitted. But I still think that it is a great sport.
Rafting O good example for a radical group sport. In dificult rivers it is really a challenge. On calm rivers it is more relaxing. Unfortunately a big organisation hassle.
Skiing I learned skiing before I tried the snowboard. It is also great, but you do not get this undescribable feeling of surfing, that the snowboard is able to give you. So when I am back in the snow, only with the snowboard.
Water skiing That is the first sport I did at all out of this group. It is fun, no doubt. But nothing to do of this special feeling that surfing can give you.
Mountain Bike No gliding sport, but somehow it must be mentioned. I love riding my mountain through I nice landscape. Going the hills up and down. Going the hill down after climbing it up before with some effort is also a great feeling of success and compensation! But really radical biking is only if you go off-road!
Skating, Tennis, Football, Volleyball Those sports are a different world. We played roll-hockey during some time, a sort of ice-hockey but using roller skates. I also played tennis and liked it. When I was young I was even member in a football club. But all this is not really fun compared with the radical sports... Beach volleyball I like the best out of all those sports with teams and a ball.