2006 Lady Blue Devils Combined Varsity and JV Rosters
Kim McCaffertyJunior 2
Kelly MagerasSophomore 3
Carly LewandowskiSophomore 4
Kara BeukeSenior 5
Stefanie DrahuschakJunior 6
Lindsay GoldsteinSenior 7
Sarah SharbaughJunior 8
Iva DrasinoverSenior 9
Brittany CarseSenior 10
Jackie MolindaSophomore 11
Samantha KovarikSophomore 13
Jillian KochanekJunior 14
Hannah SharbaughJunior 15
Danielle Smit Sophomore 16
Emily DifenderferJunior 19
Valerie HeissSenior 21
Julie DumbaughSophomore 22
Emily FreislebenSophomore 23
Maria QuimpoSophomore 27
Annie HartSophomore 28
Katie GiarlaSophomore 32
Kate McNamaraSophomore 38
Colleen CarlosFreshman 41
Emily MillerSophomore 42
Lori BankyJunior GK
Megan CapozziSenior GK
Jenna VillaSophomore GK
Kim McCaffertyJunior 2
Emily DifenderferJunior19
Colleen CarlosFreshman 41
Jenna VillaSophomore GK
Kayleigh BirksFreshman 26
Lauren BorrelliFreshman 34
Emily BurnetteFreshman 36
Olivia GarbettFreshman GK
Clara GrayhackFreshman 37
Jennifer JamesFreshman 43
Brittany LaSotaFreshman 29
Kate MashekFreshman 40
Kelly McCaffertyFreshman 24
Suzannah MurphyFreshman 39
Julie RileySophomore 18
Daniela SchmulevichFreshman 35
Kim SteeleFreshman 45
Victoria TaucherFreshman 31
Maggie TiedemannFreshman 48
Rebecca WardFreshman 33
Annika ZwirnFreshman 12
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