Last Update: Sep 10 2001

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I am an official business partner with CD Paradise, and have access to all their current stock. So if you are looking for cheap CD's, here's the place to go. All you have to do is to type in the artist that you are looking for and it will automatically take you to their products on the CD Paradise page where you can immediately order them, easy!!

Enter title or artist to see available purchases.

Everyone else on the net seems to have a homepage these days, so I thought, why not waste a bit more bandwidth and have one of my very own!

A bit about ME:

I'm 30 (Birthday 22.09.70)
5' 8" Tall
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
I live in Leicester, England

I finally have a scanned picture on the web. If you are so desperate so see what I look like then please click here. It's not nice...

My main hobby is playing Field Hockey. I play for a couple of local teams. They even let me loose as Captain of one of them!
I also re-enact Medieval battles (from the Wars of the Roses - 15th Century)
I also enjoy Diving.

What do I do on the Internet? Well I spend a lot of my time on the Talker programs, which are dynamic interactive chat programs, based on EW-2 by Simon Marsh. I can most often be found on Crazylands, which is run by Swiff, but I can also be found on Surfers as well. If you've never tried these programs, give them a try, they can be fun!
If you want to join me on Crazylands, information on connecting can be found at:

Alternatively, you could visit Gladys The Travelling Cow (My Wife, incidentally)

When I'm not doing all these hobbies, I partake in a little role-playing. Having played the traditional Dungeons & Dragons for many years, I had a spell of a couple of years when I wasn't playing at all, but recently I have got back into it after finding a little more time outside of work. I have been lucky enough to play in some tournaments at various European Gen-Cons, and was a member of the 1991 European Championships Team competition winners, and also reached the semi-final of the individual European Championships the same year.

I am a staunch supporter of Leicester City (soccer to you non-Brits...), its good to see that we have finally managed to be winners, bringing home the Coca-Cola Cup in 1997. We even managed to play Athletico Madrid in Spain in the UEFA cup, that was a great moment, one I'll never forget. (And yes, I was on the coach trip from hell !.)

I suppose thats enough of the play side of me, what do I do during the day to pay for all these hobbies?

I work in the Computer industry as a Customer Service Engineer, working as a Hardware Engineer. I work for a company called Nextra, and have been there over five years now. I work at the Police Headquarters in Nottinghamshire as a regular site contractor. To get the job there, I completed a training course with Cerco, which I would recommend if you were trying to break into the industry.

Right, here are the obligatory linky things - Feel free to click on any of them, and you might even find some of them interesting...

Electric Yetis Homepages
Runrig - My favourite pop group
Job Finders - Search for jobs in your area of work
Arms and Armour - For anyone with an interest in Medieval stuff
Links to Friends, or other people I know

If you are looking to search the web for information, Alta-Vista is a very good search engine, I believe it to be the best currently available.

Well I'm sure that by now you all think I'm a pretty cool guy (yurrgghhh!!), and would love to send me some email, so here's the address:

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