The rug-rats!
Christmas 2001 is Here!!

Connor's Christmas '01 Kel and Connor's Christmas '01 Kel's Christmas '01

Here he is!!!

Connor Myron was delivered at 12:15 pm Friday afternoon.
Stats: 8lb 9.1oz, 21.75" long, blond hair/blue eyes
Mom and baby are home as of Labor Day and are doing just fine
Mom and dad could use a couple of good nights of quality shut-eye, tho

This is the first of the two pics that we got off the ultrasound. The circle in the upper right of the teardrop shape is the yolk sac, and the feet are just below and to the left of it.

This is the second of the two, and the distance between the two markers is a whole 11mm! I believe the doctor said that 'he' was slightly larger than normal. No due date confirmed as of yet, but according to my math, the beginning of September (can you say Labor Day?) is when we'll have an official additional tax deduction for fiscal year 2001. I'm in a minority with my wishes for the gender to be male, so work with me and keep your thoughts on the color deep-blue-sea blue!!

Here are some more up to date pics we've snapped:
connorface connorhand

feedme connoreats connoreats pushup bluenose thbtbt...

Four generations in one pic (my grandfather, my mom, myself, and Connor)!
4 Generations

Kelsie is still doing quite well in her horse shows. This is the pic from the day she won all her classes on her way to being Champion!

Connor had his very first birthday, and here are a few pics that were snapped of the little dude in action!
New Toys!
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