Blockbuster Paintball Squad
New Generation

ManStarting Up...

Blockbuster is a Brazilian Paintball Team. It started in 1990, when Paintball finally arrived in Brazil. I joined them in 1995, and I'm very happy that I found these guys to play with.

We had a few modifications on the team, so that's why we call it "New Generation". The actual formation has 4 fixed guys (including myself), and one open spot. The four of us are:

Gustavo Meng (Captain), Vinicius Meng, Fabio Yamaia (myself) and Alexandre Paiva.

The team is temporarily broken apart, because I'm living in the USA, and my friends are living in Brazil. But when we get back together again, we will shoot some paintballs!

Since the first day I arrived in USA, I've been looking for someone/somewhere to play paintball. After spending the whole year of 1998 just searching, on January/1999, I found a GREAT group of guys (and girls) to play with. They are The Wolf Pack of Texas, and thanks to them, I'm back on the field! On January/2000, I met another great group of paintball players. They are The Brotherhood, and thanks to them, I played my first real 24 hour scenario game on April/2000 in Houston/TX. Oddly enough, both The Wolf Pack of Texas and The Brotherhood have the same home field, which is Fun on The Run, just northwest of Fort Worth/TX.

If you want to see some pictures of my paintball adventures, just click here and enjoy...


You can click here to see all of my paintball markers at once, or click on the links below to see them individually:

Fabio's Custom Carter Autococker
Fabio's Wall Trophy PGP
Fabio's ex-LAPCO Grey Ghost
Fabio's ex-Custom Sniper II (custom assembled by myself)
Fabio's ex-Sniper II
Fabio's ex-Automag

These below are some paintball markers that I bought in poor condition, and brought back to life:

Fabio's Nelspot 007
Fabio's Sheridan PGP (customized by Sam Tussing)
Project PGP - Back from the Dead

As soon as I get pictures of my friend's markers, I'll put them here, so stay tuned...

ManPaintball teams in Brazil...

Despite the high cost of equipment in Brazil, we do have many people who practice this sport. There are several teams that compete on tourneys around the country (and around the world). Let's see some of them:

  • Blockbuster : - )
  • Mercenários
  • Cobras
  • Fighters
  • Spyders
  • Grumec
  • Gurkhas
  • Los Contras
  • Suicidal
  • Coiotes
  • Coco-Loco
  • Cristal
  • Punisher
  • Redskins
  • Platoon
  • Tubarões

  • ManPaintball on the Net...

    I've looked on many sites about Paintball around the Internet, and the best of them all, in my humble opinion, is definetely WARPIG. Other sites of Paintball can also be found on the Internet. Just go to your favourite Searching Engine on the Internet (I prefer Yahoo!) and find one that you like.

    If you want to see more sites about Paintball and other sports, you can also go to my Links Page, and take a look on the list I've made. I'm sure you'll find this list very interesting. :-)

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