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since oct/16/1996.
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I'll be changing this page from time to time, so check it out once in a while for some
new stuff. So let's see what do we have here:
First of all, welcome to my humble website, and I'm here to talk about me. I am particularly a big fan of Paintball, and you can check out my Paintball Team Homepage and see what I'm talking about.
If you are a Businessman or an Executive looking for somebody to hire, and for some reason that only God knows you end up here in my page, I then invite you to take a look at my Curriculum Vitae. I wouldn't be angry at all if I was offered a job in your company (just kidding). :-)))
On Internet, we can also find those kind of people who just surf around to make friends, meet people from the other side of the World and look for somebody to talk to. For you peolpe, I've made my Personnal Homepage. Check out some aspects of my recent personnal life and some of the things I like. Write me some e-mails and I'm sure that we can be good friends.
For those real professional Internet Surfers, I've prepared a special
Links Homepage. It has many different kinds of links, and I'm sure you'll find one that interests you. Please, if you don't find anything interesting at all, e-mail me ASAP and tell me what would you like to see on the page. I'll be happy to add your suggestion to it. :-)
If you think that Video Games are also some kind of sport (just like I do :-D), check out the LucasArts Entertainment Company and the Janes Electronic Arts homepages. In my opinion, they have some of the best Video Games made for PC. I've played X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter, USNF'97, Fighters Anthology, F-15, Israeli Air Force, WWII Fighters and USAF. If you haven't played them yet, give it a try. I'm sure you'll like them!
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