BACAA (Bay Area Corporate Athletic Association) is a volunteer effort dedicated to promoting the health and long-term fitness of corporate employees. We organize and administer several track meets throughout the year and we support several road races by our active participation. We invite you to join us by organizing a team and participating in our competitions.

2006 Schedule of BACAA Events
Saturday, February 28, 2009 Marshall Clark Winter Corporate Relays Los Gatos High School
Los Gatos, California
Saturday, June 13, 2009 Bay Area Corporate Relays Los Gatos High School
Los Gatos, California
Saturday & Sunday, July 18-19, 2009 USCAA National Championships San Diego, California

BACAA Contacts
Position Open BACAA Chair      
Position Open BACAA President      
Danny Moon BACAA VP Lockheed-Martin (408) 756-4910
Debbie Vandenbroek BACAA Secretary AT&T (925) 224-3603
Mal Murphy BACAA Treasurer Unattached (408) 971-7313

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