This is a page that will be dedicated to my family

I am still learning about producing webpages but I will attempt to provide some quality content for you to enjoy.

Here is a relative of mine from the 24th Century Captain Smith

My Family Tree

For now I will list those Relatives with links but eventually you will see a list of my Geneaology

My Lovely Brides Page
Steve Nelson (big little bro-in-law)
Somewhere my Big Brother John Smith has a page. If you find it let me know.

Bobbie\Carolyn Smith

John\Debbie Smith
John"Braden" & Sara Elisabeth

Samuel\Karen Smith

Heather\Brandon Riddle

William\Helen Nelson

Mark Nelson

"Elder" David Nelson

Karen\Samuel Smith

Rachel Nelson

Steven Nelson

Welcome Home Smiths !!!!

John, Debbie, Braden and Little Sara it is good to have you in California

My Brother, Sister and their lovely children, my neice and nephew, are in town for Heather and Brandons Wedding, so I am totally stoked and looking forward to some good Basketball games with my athletic family and our star Athelete Debbie Gibbie-Smith. You might know her from her great career at the University of Utah as the

Record Holder for Most Digs

Family Fun is being Together

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