Logical Puzzles

I have always liked good puzzles, and I started to consistently collect them when I started studying at the university. I am going to present the best pieces on this page. You will find that most of them are best characterized as 'not obvious'. Hm..., obvious they aren't...

The puzzles are not ordered by difficulty, they are presented mostly in the order I met them. Therefore, you may pick any of them to start. As of today, I am planning to include also the solution to the puzzles but that may take some time. If you solve a puzzle and you think you have to let me know about it, or you can't solve one and you are absolutely clueless, mail me, and I'll try to help you. Please note that I cannot guarantee anything about the response time.

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1. The squint man
2. A simple geometry problem
3. Hungry lions
4. Every angle is zero degrees!
5. Quick answer, please
6. Red haired and spectacled!
7. Cutting out the house
8. Gambling
9. Sum and product I.
10. Sum and product II.
11. NxN
12. 100 statements
13. Tetris rectangle
14. Eight balls
15. Live or die I.
16. Live or die II.
17. Birthday
18. Fair share
19. Button hole
20. Two envelopes
21. Hole in sphere
22. Hiking in the woods
23. 17 minutes
... more to follow...

Hot Links

Here is a nice link for you if you are hungry for more puzzles:

Are you interested in card tricks? Visit this site:

So, this page is for the smarties who often like to spend their spare time with making their brain work on crazy things...

If you have comments or suggestions, mail me at csmarkus@geocities.com

Page last updated: 1st May, 1998

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