*** BULLSEYE ***

you have reached THE COACH !

Mr. Robert D. Kierstead,
Head Coach

of. . .
1. Canada's Olympic Pistol Shooting Team,
(Our able bodied athletes) and...

2. Canada's Paralympic Pistol and Rifle Shooting Teams
(Our disabled athletes).

Bob KIERSTEAD, Coach/Entraineur, Pistol / Pistolet, Fredericton, NB, CANADA

My involvement in the sport of competitive shooting spans a period of 34 years. My coaching career has evolved from the local club level through the regional, provincial, national and international levels. I have coached the pistol team since 1986. During that time the team and myself have represented Canada at numerous World Cup competitions, Continental Championships, World Championships, Commonwealth Games, PanAm Games and the Olympic Games. To date, I consider the most memorable highlight of my coaching career to be the gold medal record setting performance of the team at the PanAm Games in Havana, Cuba in 1991 .

Je suis impliqué dans le monde du tir sportif depuis 34 ans. J'ai début‚ ma carrière d'entraîneur au bas de l'echelle et ce jusqu'au niveau actuel, international. Je suis l'entraîneur de l'equipe de pistolet depuis 1986. Depuis cette periode j'ai agi en tant qu'entraîneur dans de nombreuses coupes du mondes, des championnats du monde, des jeux du Commonwealth, Pan-Américains et Olympiques. Le momente plus mémorable de ma carrière reste la médaille d'or ainsi que le record s'y attachant remporté par I'équipe de pistolet lors des jeux pan-Américains de 1991 à la Havanne.

Bulletin Board...

Thanks for dropping by

Anyway, you may be interested in knowing more about your countries' Olympic / Paralympic shooting team, if you do, just ask the coach, and I'll get back to you. Thanks for dropping by.

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A few of the comments we have recieved:

Checked out your page. Impressive ! Actually I tried to get some info on the shooting team at the Olympics through a lot of sites, but couldn't even find a mention of them. You fixed that !
Regards Gregor.

Great Work Bob

A Few Links:

We've found some kindred spirits here at Geocities and we'd like to show you a few of their pages:
Michael Ray's Olympic Shooting Page:
T W's Olympic Rifle Shooting in Germany:
New Brunswick Firearms Alliance Inc:

Under Construction --- more soon

We're going to focus on:
the sports achievements of the disabled
the issues that you the visitor raise.

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Webmaster:Frank H.Ryder (fhryder@geocities.com).
Modified: 11 Dec 1998, Verified: 11 Dec 1998.
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