View From The Canadian Rockies

Kananaskis Country, a beautiful Mountain recreation area.

Please check out Rich Roenisch's bronze art a friend of mine. Take a look and let me know what you think!

This is a view of what my part of the world looks like.

Click on any of the pictures with a border for a larger version.

Lower Kananaskis Lake - great camping!

The Grizzly Bear is one of the more aggressive residents of Kananaskis Country, however you are more likely to see his cousin the Black Bear. If you watch the high mountain slopes as you drive over the Highwood Pass (the highest driveable pass in Canada), you might see one or more of these bears. The Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep is one of the less aggressive residents of Kananaskis, and often they are seen grazing along the road.

Wolves are making a comeback in the mountains. A wolf study undertaken in the Kananaskis used radio collars and radio telemetry to track these magnificent animals. These pictures and pictures of other wildlife are available here.

I grew up in Kingston Ontario and this is a picture of my two boys and their cousins around the campfire at Grandma's and Granddad's farm. I went to the University of Guelph in Guelph Ontario, and received a B. Sc. in Wildlife Biology, hence the accent on wildlife on this page.

I always have had a Sheltie in my life, and this is Jessi, she is 16 years old,(about 8 in this picture), and the best dog one could hope to share a life with. On January 18th 1996 Jessi passed away in my arms. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. She was at home surrounded by those that loved her. She was my kindred spirit, and a part of her will always be with me and the ache in my heart remains.
I really need a Sheltie in my life and have found a puppy that has done a lot to help ease my loss. Breeze is a real rascal, and in this picture she is about 7 weeks old.

Breeze has grown up and become part of the family, she loves the kids and nothing fazes her!

One last look at Kananaskis Country, Alberta Canada.

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