Before you go drooling over the beautiful pictures, here's a little background info:
- Age: 32
- Height: 5'3"... upon further review, she's actually 5'4"
- Weight: Thin
- Eye color: Hazel... again, upon further review, I'm going to have to say Brown
- Hair color: Brown and short
- Interests:
- The Pittsburgh Penguins
- American Ballet Theatre
- Gelsey Kirkland (favorite dancer)
- Jimmy Buffett
- Julia Child
- Her brother's golf photography company!!
- Past careers:
- Professional ballerina
- Bartender
- Something or other in Communications...
- Circus clown... (ok, maybe not!)
- Current careers:
- Recruiter for an International Law Firm
- Chef extraordinaire
- Semi-pro ice-hockey player
- Internet pick-up artist!
Now, the moment you've been dreaming of.... PICTURE TIME:
(Note: Denise is even prettier in person than these excellent pictures suggest!)
- A ballerina at age 7 picture.
- Another ballerina at age 7 photo.
- A professional ballerina publicity shot.
- A lambada (!) shot.
- A Miss America picture.
- The ever-popular butt shot.
- A prison furlough photo.
- A picture of Denise and me!.
- Denise carving a cool Penguins pumpkin.
- A closeup shot.
- Denise and her favorite stuffed animal.
- Denise with her cool sunglasses.
- Denise on her couch.
- Outside the Pittsburgh Penguins' training facility.
- Denise posing with the Stanley Cup! (Her fingers are on the two Penguins Cup years.)
Stay tuned for more exciting Denise-related info!
There have been
admirers of Denise since February 5, 1996!
Go to the Colosseum GeoCity.