Welcome to my Guestbook!

Meme - 12/19/00 08:07:03
My Email:memeheaven@yahoo.com
Hi Ray! This is Silvia, from Argentina. I'm signing your guestbook as I forgot to do so last time. I have to say...I love your web page! It's so cute! hehe!^^ Hope i have mine done soon, I'll show you when it's done, although that might be a long time from now. Cos I already started having problems loading the "Page Builder" thing...I see there's long way to go...hahaha! Also want to tell you that I'm glad to meet you, it's good to know brothers and sisters from around the world. Hope we keep in touch. OK...talk to you later. Take care! Emmanuel, Silvia meme

Stephen Chan - 11/28/00 12:42:27
My URL:did have one, can't be bothered
My Email:stephen_chef@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Chef's Tasty Kitchen
Nice h/p keep up the good work

Stephen Cahn - 11/28/00 12:41:39
My URL:http://did have one, can't b bothered
My Email:stephen_chef@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Chef's Tasty Kitchen
nice h/p, haven't seen u in ages. C that u usin ur time wisely!!

Dave Yu - 11/17/00 09:33:16
My URL:http://dpky.tripod.com
My Email:davidpkyu@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Queen's University
Hey Ray! Don't know if you remember me, but this is Dave from KCCF. I stumbled across your page through the Praise and Power guestbook, so... here I am! Well, keep up the website, its really cool! God bless!

Dave Yu - 11/17/00 09:32:49
My URL:http://dpky.tripod.com
My Email:davidpkyu@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Queen's University
Hey Ray! Don't know if you remember me, but this is Dave from KCCF. I stumbled across your page through the Praise and Power guestbook, so... here I am! Well, keep up the website, its really cool! God bless!

sam kuo - 10/05/00 06:10:02
My URL:http://www.snafu.cjb.net
My Email:samooer@tjc.org
Your college/University/company: Rutgers
hey ray. i haven't been here in a while, but i just wanted to drop a note to say that i did. God Bless.

Erik Tu - 09/23/00 15:47:02
My Email:tuerik@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: York U

Bodie Ho - 08/11/00 23:18:15
My Email:bodieho@breathemail.net
Your college/University/company: Edinburgh Uni
Very nice page, very professional. I like the design.

Bro Chee Kin - 05/24/00 09:27:09
My URL:http://www.goplay.com/tjc_cheras
My Email:tjcheras@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: Cheras Church
Nice page, happy to know that TJC Christian soldier is fighting all the way up to the net. Emmanuel...

Sonia C - 05/03/00 13:32:34
My Email:bumble_bee60@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Garden International School, Malaysia
Hallelujah. I am from TJC Cheras, Malaysia. Obtained your hompage address from TJC Cheras's guestbook. Cool homepage. God bless you. Shalom!

kelly - 04/22/00 03:00:17
My URL:http://50347863.home.icq.com/mainpage2.html

katheryne - 04/21/00 01:02:42
My URL:http://on.to/evelyn
My Email:mouseyfenny@yahoo.com
Your college/University/company: haha, no need lah
hey ray, sup man? i sure havent talked to you in a while. anyway, i just came here to say hi and to tell you url of my new site! so check it out whenever you can and sign the guestbook. God bless, me

come to my website!

Joannie - 03/29/00 08:33:25
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~jasminewrath
My Email:Jasminejy@aol.com
Your college/University/company: UD high school
nice website.

saweena~^^ - 03/23/00 07:27:52
hi ray!! (u remember who i am?? ^^ hehe) i guesss i just wanted to say that this is truly a nice and inspirational hp~ ^__^ so glad i came to check it out today.. God bless.

Dexco - 03/22/00 13:30:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/9770/tjc.html
My Email:jcpage@rocketmail.com
Hello brother..nice page with lots of info. great site!!

your brother - 03/20/00 21:34:35
Where have you gone?...you web page has not been updated in years....i'm most disapointed...you haven't called for ages....we are all worried sick about you!...when are you coming home?... (don't worry people this is just a small spoof thing i've written here....he did call six weeks ago to be fair..)

Stan - 03/05/00 10:12:15
Your college/University/company: Ed
Pretty go, but is just missing one thing... my picture!

Tzu-Ann - 02/21/00 21:19:08
My Email:a9801887@unet.univie.ac.at
Hi Ray! I forgot to sign your guestbook!!! after visiting so many times, I finally remembered to do it ... anyway, your hp is one of my favourites! news: I'm working on my own one, hope it will be finished soon.. keep on working for the Lord as u do! lots of love, Ann-Ann :)

Andy Wang - 02/05/00 05:52:58
My URL:http://www.snafu.cjb.net
My Email:andyfreeze@aol.com
Your college/University/company: Manalapan High School/TJC Elizabeth
hey ray, u probably dunno me but i am the other crazy mind that helped create S NA FU..and i gotta say ur site does a great job in advertising our church...and has lotsa vital info...keep up the e-evangelism hehe...aiites cyaz! peace out~~ endy

samkuo - 01/17/00 01:54:48
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/_XMCM/SamEndy/index.html
My Email:samooer@tjc.org
Your college/University/company: Edison High
hey ray. just checking your site out again. also reminding you, that s na f u (aka SamEndy) is coming out again 1.25.2000 . hehe so prepare for that. God bless you. samkuo=Þ

k.l.chan - 10/19/99 23:33:03
just wanted to see my name in print on the information super highway...(nice page rayster)

Joseph S - 10/12/99 09:02:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jojoyjoe/
Ray, Just want to drop a few words in your Guestbook. I already updated my page and will be continue to updating it. Feel free to check out my site constantly whenever you have time. The URL above is the shortcut. ~San Francisco

Ann Hsueh - 10/04/99 09:18:28
My Email:ahsueh@uclink4.berkeley.edu
Your college/University/company: UC Berkeley
Hi Ray. The cards you have designed for Eggshoe are very nice. Thank God. Don't forget to pray every night, even if you are in the middle of nowhere....

Eugene - 10/01/99 11:18:23
My Email:TANG2060@rgs.newcastle.sch.uk
Your college/University/company: RGS
Very nice, Ray, this is probably one of the best HP;s from a TJC member I have evr seen, keep up the work, hope to see some updates and stuff, God Bless ^_^

Amy Kwok2 - 08/24/99 18:03:46
My Email:aims@kwok2.freeserve.co.uk
Your college/University/company: Portsmouth uni
Hey, us Portsmouth lot should take some tips from you for our TJC website! You won't mind us nicking your graphics, would you?!

KAREN LAI - 08/24/99 18:00:40
Hey Aunty Raymona! Great homepage....how long did you spend doing this? Keep up the good work and send me a postcard (plus a supply of M&M's!) from canada!!! Seriously though (huh! Karen be serious?!) take care. Bye 4 now! God bless......

GSL - 06/24/99 01:44:20
Your college/University/company: broke out of jail
Hmm...Actually, I haven't seen your homepage yet, just looked through your guestbook, but it seems pretty impressive to a novice like me. (Note to self: add Ray to list of possible would-be hackers) Well, here I go...

cindee - 06/22/99 00:31:43
My Email:cindee@tjc.zzn.com
hi ray! this is a reallli nice homepage!! glad i finally got to see it. still havent figured out who u r in the pics though...are u in any of the pics? hehe. anyways, take care and talk to u sometime soon! dont forget to start savin up to visit us during ur church dedication in sydney!

Michelle - 06/15/99 11:41:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/1183
My Email:michee@hotmail.com
Hello! I saw ur comments in my guestbook so i came to ur hp to see who u were as i have no idea! =P But then i realise that u are from TJC so figured it was thru one of my friends who are from tjc as well. Just to be specific, where did u get my hp addy f om?? Thanks and take care! =)

A12 - 06/15/99 09:36:01
hallelujah!~~ hey wor....love ur page...nice..... ok.....going loh!... thanx for signing my page!~^^

Ada - 06/04/99 00:05:33
My URL:http://www.tjc.net/pepper
My Email:adac@ans.com.au
Your college/University/company: Sydney Uni
Fantastic homepages, one of the nicest ones I've seen! God Bless ADA from TJC Sydney

mIcKyMoUsE® - 05/30/99 14:47:16
My URL:http://nk.faithweb.com/nick.html
My Email:nickytl@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: P.D. Solutions.Sdn Bhd
Bravoooooo !!! Pretty nice ! Let the grace of Lord remains in U !

mIcKyMoUsE® - 05/30/99 14:39:10
My URL:http://nk.faithweb.com/nick.html
My Email:nickytl@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: P.D. Solutions.Sdn Bhd
Bravoooooo !!! Pretty nice ! Let the grace of Lord remains in U !

mIcKyMoUsE® - 05/30/99 14:36:13
My URL:http://nk.faithweb.com/nick.html
My Email:nickytl@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: P.D. Solutions.Sdn Bhd
Bravoooooo !!! Pretty nice ! Let the grace of Lord remains in U !

mIcKyMoUsE® - 05/30/99 14:35:23
My URL:http://nk.faithweb.com/nick.html
My Email:nickytl@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: P.D. Solutions.Sdn Bhd
Bravoooooo !!! Pretty nice ! Let the grace of Lord remains in U !

mIcKyMoUsE® - 05/30/99 14:34:48
My URL:http://nk.faithweb.com/nick.html
My Email:nickytl@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: P.D. Solutions.Sdn Bhd
Bravoooooo !!! Pretty nice ! Let the grace of Lord remains in U !

Deborah - 05/18/99 17:30:25
My Email:cwingtang@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: George Heriot's School
Hi there next-door-neighbour! Just admiring your lovely homepage and it's really nice plus the lovely songs! Sorry I don't have a webpage, but keep undating the photos!

Esther Ho - 05/17/99 19:16:02
My Email:Estherho98@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Mary Erskine
Hello Biew gow, must say I pretty impressed!! Good Job. ANyway have fun!

Kim Sing - 05/06/99 02:47:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ksing/
My Email:tksing@tm.net.my
Your college/University/company: INFORMATICS
you have a nice page and keep it up ...

Iris - 05/01/99 12:42:49
My Email:irispui@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: edinburgh university
Hi, cool homepage! when did you get it done? the small cartoons are so cute, you got to show me how to do it some time!

Linda Wang - 04/30/99 02:33:33
My URL:http://maclab.me.berkeley.edu/art160-3/art160-30/
My Email:lindawan@tjc.org
Your college/University/company: University of California
(Perhaps the second attempt at this will prove more meaningful) I real likes yo' style. Eternal mah'stery where da photographs mosey on down from. WORD! De site definitely gots a distinct Ray-ish quality t'it. Man! Especially likes de "Where's Waldo?" gro p pictures. (Yeah. Lop some boogie...I know 'esactly which one's ya'...) (Ahh...the wonders of the Dialectizer...even a suburban kid can speak a little Jive...)

Lisa Leong - 04/29/99 15:07:05
My Email:lisaleo@pacific.net.sg
Your college/University/company: Leo Burnett Advertising
Marvellous Ray! Maybe you can come and work in creatives with me! I like the colour in those elements but most importantly it's very encouraging so keep it

David Shek - 04/24/99 02:02:50
My Email:dchshek@hotmail.com
Good to see that you guys are still putting your talents to good use and doing your part in spreading the gospel in your own ways. I specially like the bible/science links. Very interesting. Suggestion? - reduce the file sizes of your pictures so they load faster (specially for peeps with slow links like myself) God Bless.....

Stephanie S - 04/24/99 00:19:07
My Email:ssestito@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: University of Waterloo, CANADA
Hey Ray!!! Nice job! I really like your web page. I like your photos. Keep up the good work.

Elaine Shek - 04/21/99 16:48:47
My Email:eylshek@bu.edu
Your college/University/company: Boston University, School of Education
WOW!!!! Cool stuff! I love the inspirations and the pictures - a good way to see what everyone looks like now! Keep up the good work! God bless. Love Elaine P.S Where did you get that sunset picture???? I want a copy!

neve - 04/21/99 08:21:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/1536/
My Email:neve@bigfoot.com

Hey Ray, here i am, paying for my goods (u mind if i write an extra long message to pay for my sisters' too? =P) okay, serious (?) stuff now

N-I-C-E homepage, you got so much neat things in here Especially enjoy your inspirationals section =) and loves he way u do graphics, i guess that's what's cool about CG, u see lots of individuality in it =)

keep on the good work you are already doing, and always remeber eggshoe~~ (that's more like a note to self =P)

God Bless =)

San-pao Li - 04/21/99 06:27:40
My URL:http://www.csulb.edu/~sanpaoli
My Email:sanpaoli@csulb.edu
Your college/University/company: California State University, Long Beach
Dear Brother Raymond, Praise the Lord! TJC is indeed fortunate to have you as a willing worker for the Lord. May His love, joy, and peace be with you always. Thank you for sharing with individuals like myself your web site. What a site (sight) indeed! Mine is very rudimen ary. Just don't laugh at it when you visit. Love in Christ, San-pao

gaogi - 04/21/99 02:32:09
My URL:http://www.ben2.ucla.edu/~gaogi
My Email:gaogi@ucla.edu
Your college/University/company: UCLA
Like what you've done with the place. Come visit my little corner of cyberspace!

Feng - 04/20/99 21:51:33
My URL:http://fly.to/fennygarden
My Email:mouseyfenny@yahoo.com
Your college/University/company: hehe, graduating middle school this year!
hey, came back with a new banner! hey, come to my page and thanks ray for letting me advertise here!

Sam Kuo - 04/19/99 23:27:19
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/SamEndy
Your college/University/company: Edison High, Elizabeth TJC
hey....cool....by the way i just got that email you sent to us...you should have signed the guestbook cuz i check that a lot. anyway, how did you find SamEndy.CoM? this is cool....our tjc crew is all connected through www. ok i sent you the password in the email...hmmm....what else? the pictures are cool..you guys have banners and all for alll your events? that's cool, and your churches over there look real nice too. OK nice job, and just email me if you need any help with HTML....as you were asking. OK byes...samkuo=Þ

Kevin Shek - 04/19/99 19:55:06
My Email:Kevin_Shek@yahoo.com
Your college/University/company: De Montfort
Cool indeed man. Keep it up. .^_^.

Stella - 04/19/99 01:45:24
My Email:stellashek@freenet.co.uk
Hi Ray, Great work my friend! I believe it has taken you a lot of time to compile such an informative page especially with regards to the church. As I said to you, I love the coverpage, it;s very welcoming indeed! I'm bias cos I love the sunset! Keep up the good work and may God continue to guide you! love always Stellxxx

Stella - 04/19/99 01:40:00
My Email:stellashek@freenet.co.uk
Hi Ray, Great work my friend! I believe it has taken you a lot of time to compile such an informative page especially with regards to the church. As I said to you, I love the coverpage, it;s very welcoming indeed! I'm bias cos I lvoe the sunset! Keep up the good work and may God continue to guide you! love always Stellxxx

feng - 04/18/99 14:42:47
My URL:http://fly.to/fennygarden
My Email:mouseyfenny@yahoo.com
Your college/University/company: hehe, graduating middle school this year!
oke, me just checking if the banner works. hope so.. if not i guess u can go to http://members.xoom.com/fennygarden/blackmouse.jpg first then click on back and the banner should appear. here we go! glad i have a banner now, and thanks for letting me advertise here! =)

Feng - 04/18/99 03:48:28
My URL:http://fly.to/fennygarden
My Email:mouseyfenny@yahoo.com
Your college/University/company: haha, i'm not even in highschool yet!
hey ray, even though i don't really remember ya, but i was so happy that u signed my guestbook. how did ya find out about it? hey, u know what? i was looking at the picture of philly church in your page, and i didn't see my name in the list of people??? hehe, j/k. well, i think i'll put a link to your page in my "tjc youth homepages" section, if you don't mind, add a link to my page in urs? hehe. oke, peace, feng

Amy Lin - 04/18/99 02:55:49
My Email:olive.tree@usa.net
Your college/University/company: Simmons Graduate School of Social Work
Hi Raymond, Cool web page so far...well, I just started checking it out. :) Amy

Wendy Chan - 04/18/99 00:26:31
My Email:Wendy_Lenlui@hotmail.com
Fab pictures!!

William Hui - 04/17/99 16:02:47
My Email:wailun_hui@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: City University of Hong Kong
well done ar Raymond. Your whole homepage is about the church ar. I know that you love Jesus and the church very much ar. I think i need to learn from you. Hey remember to upload more photos to your homepage ar.

winnie chen - 04/17/99 16:01:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/ginza/4944
My Email:tuto@tjc.net
Your college/University/company: monta vista high school... the closest thing i can get...
hello ray! really nice page... love all the pictures of tjc people! i've never been to uk, but the tjc people and the churches all look really nice. .^_^. thanks for signing in my guestbook. how did you find my webpage, by the way? anyway, i love your webpage. god bless. .^_^. ~winnie

ME_ME - 04/13/99 23:19:35
My Email:shao_lun_h@hotmail.com
It's kool, maybe u can teach some stuff on creating a webpage too.

Derek - 04/13/99 20:25:21
My Email:derek_h23@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: none
kool home page man Especially the music man, very i dunno - kool :o)

3sec - 04/12/99 00:21:58
My Email:cms_88@hotmail.com
Wow man!!! What a sight!!! Better than Paul's HP but.....ED said that you have a problem with the program i think he is right! Sort it and i will be back soon Okay!! I will be going to Ed's HP BYE P.S. Cool music!!! Sam

Linda Wang - 04/11/99 21:49:58
My Email:lindawan@tjc.org
Your college/University/company: University of California
Nice. You've got a definite style...

wing - 04/11/99 02:20:51
My Email:wim@familyc.freeserve.co.uk
Your college/University/company: De Monfort uni
Wow! It's wicked. =) Very good Raymond, stunning pictures, not to mention the cute sanrio stuff! And it was very enjoyable, cheers!

Michael Song - 04/10/99 15:38:02
My Email:micsong@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: Heriot-Watt (dist. learn.prog.)
I must say it's indeed impressive. Looks like you're another creative guy. Teach me...want to learn. Keep it up Ray.

Elim - 03/02/99 23:47:28
My Email:miles0264@aol.com
Your college/University/company: Elgin Academy

Michelle Leong - 02/21/99 04:50:08
My Email:mleongmy@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: UEL
It's superb, Raymond. I'm very impressed. Keep up the good work....^_^

ed J - 02/17/99 23:05:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/edj_11/edj1.html
My Email:edj_11@hotmail.com
Your college/University/company: heriot watt
very nice intro page, ray, but some of the program language is not working, so sort it out and it`ll be great,, very nice!!!!

Manabu - 02/17/99 17:24:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/6074/
My Email:m.takai@sms.ed.ac.uk
Your college/University/company: Ed
Hey, your bibliography links is broken!! You web page looks p-o-s-h. (^^) And don't forget to visit my web page, okay? (^^)

Alan To - 02/16/99 19:37:16
My URL:http://www.alto2.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:me@alto2.freeserve.co.uk
Nice HP Ray! Visit mine again soon? Updated frequently! Later Rayster!

Waikeet - 02/15/99 16:10:20
My Email:w.k.ho@sms.ed.ac.uk
Your college/University/company: Edinburgh Uni
Hey Ray! Best WebPage I've ever seen! Once again you have went over the top in the presentation...but thats just typical raymond. (I've haven't got 90% of your page working but will do my best to see the rest, okay!)

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