My callsign
is DW1SCO, QTH at
This is my homebrew page,
most stuff here are crude yet functional, very useful to the radio shack and
for me, it gave excellent results. Homebrewing
equipment is fun, the excitement and the frustrations HiHi.
Anyways I hope the pictures will tell the story, Im a
student and very busy nowadays. When im
free, ill give you a call. lets QSO.
Previous projects are
40M QRP DSB transmitter
using CB transistors 75+ contacts
40M 100watt amplifier
HF Dip Oscillator
HF swr
meter (resistive)
HF Antenna coupler (matcher
or a.k.a tuner)
QRO Dummy load HF and VHF
HF signal generator
HF spectrum analyzer (addon to scope X-Y)
Oscilloscope Probe 10X
Active Spectrum
Analyzer probe.
RF preamp MAR-6
Noise Generator HF-UHF
RF inductance
Step Attenuator
UHF prescaler
My Equipment used in
experiments are
Advantest R4131C Spectrum
Analyzer 10KHz – 3GHz
Advantest TR-5821 Universal
Frequency Counter 200MHz
Iwatsu SS-7810 Hybrid Analog/Digital 100MHz
Kenwood Trio SG-402 RF Signal Generator 100KHz
– 30MHz
Leader 8020 Analog Oscilloscope 20MHz
Leader LSG-215A RF HF Signal Generator
Meguro MSG-2580 RF VHF Signal Generator
Tektronix 491 Spectrum Analyzer Analog 10KHz - 10Ghz (Needs Calibration!!)
good day all around.
proceed to view some of the projects click here
Salamat, Gracias, Mabalos, and
Thanks to...
DX1MK OM, Estoy DU1FLA and Joe DU1ANV for the ideas! vfo, speech processor, and great
ideas on electronics.
om Fred DU1FTC
for the great books, and sa inyong
mga tinuro sa akin.
om Bobby DU6BG sa B&W na GDO! its now working. thank ya!
om Roddy DU3JIL sa books.