Hi, my name is Dacia Dunn. I find it very hard to find stuff to say about myself, and really hate it when school assingments make me try. I'm 18-years-old. I really like math. Oh, and I guess I'm pretty much a Star Wars nut. Okay, I guess that should do it.
I am an from Poth, TX. I'm sure you're asking yourself where on earth that is. Well, all I can tell you is it's a map dot about an hour or so south of San Antonio. Tiny as it is, it's where I spent the fist fifteen years of my life. To give you some idea of how small it is, take any radio song, or TV show you've seen about small town America, and the small town in that is probably at least twice as big as Poth. Isn't that crazy?
Well, I thought it would be great if I could stick a picture in here of my whole family together. Only I couldn't do that because my family so rarely takes pictures together. There are eight of us, so it is next to impossible to get everyone smiling and looking in the correct direction. I guess you will just have to settle for descriptions.
There's my father, Gregory Dunn. He's a trust investment officer for Broadway National Bank
here in San Antonio. My mother, Terrie Dunn, is a first grade teacher at Poth Elementary School. After that, I have five little brothers.
I got lucky enough to be the oldest and the only girl. My brothers are: Michael, 17, Brian, 16, Cole, 13, Brock, 8, and Seth, 4.
Here is a picture of Brock and Seth:
And here is what my wonderful little brother Cole thinks of me:
Well, basically I attended Poth ISD for grades K-9. Technically it was divided into an Elementary School, Junior High School, and High School, but it didn't really matter, the campuses were across the street from one another. Heck, half the time you were on a different campus. Anyway, not much happened here, so I'll move on.
Being the typical dorky child I was, I attended three academic summer camps in Jr. High. I include these because I probably learned more from them than I did from most of Jr. High.
Summer Opportunities for the Academically Ready (SOAR):
SOAR was a three week program on the campus of the
University of North Texas. Here I took Geometry. I went here between my 7th and 8th grade years.
For three weeks, for eight hours a day, I studied Geometry, and at the end of
it, passed the final and got credit for high school geometry, along with alot of other cool people. Here is a picture of my Geometry class on the last day of camp:
Intensive Mathematics Institute (IMI):
What can I say, it was basically SOAR all over again. Only difference this time
was that they had to change the name because of new funding legislation. I took Algebra II here between my 8th and 9th grade years.
Talented And Gifted
This was another three week program I attended between 8th and 9th grade. It was held at Southern Methodist
University. Here I took my first college class for credit. It was Intellectual History of Modern Europe, or something like that.
I spend my Junior and Senior years of high school here. It's a program located on the University of North Texas campus. Here I got to take all college classes with other college students, and get a high school diploma, as well as two years of college credit for it.
Well, now I'm at Trinity. I'm majoring in Mathematics, and will hopefully graduate in May of 2001.
Okay, all this really is right now is a list of links, but I do intend to add more.
Gigi She's the one who made this background.
Jason He's my really cool big brother.
Bobby He has alot of pictures.
And Here is a picture of my friend David, when he was 13 back at SOAR. Isn't he cute ;-)
I guess that's about it for now. Hopefully I'll update this page again soon. Stop in again!