Were you ever in a situation that demanded perfection? "She really likes, but she just doesn't realize it yet . . . so tonight everything has to be just right." Well, we have a couple guys on our floor that have trained long and hard in the art of messing things up. These guys are the best at putting the finishing touches on any hint of a relationship. Let's hear it for the Tre-Dub goof-balls!
Nate "The Ladies Man" Ayer: 1.) As a bunch of us were talking to a couple girls, Nate looked at them and asked,"Do you have any roomates?" She turned away and stormed away at a brisk pace.
2.) Once when Nate Lynch was trying to play it cool about a girl and not let on that he liked her too much. Kind of a "hard to get" thing. Nate Ayer commented to her friend when asked where the rest of the group was,"Oh Nate is on a date with _______, and I don't know where the rest of the guys are." This evolved into a big deal in which their entire Hall figured out that Nate Lynch liked this girl, and hence the girl did too. For a payback, Nate Lynch while demonstrating some Muay Thai kicks, acidently kicked Nate Ayer "where the sun don't shine."
3.) We all knew that this girl named ____ liked Carl. We were expecting her to ask him to the upcoming girl ask guy dance. She baked us a cheesecake. We thought it was going to be an invitation to the dance. It wasn't. The next day in a conversation with _____, Nate said,"OH we were suprised last night to not find an invitation at the bottom of the cheesecake." The girl was embarrased.
4.) Just recently we thought Nate turned over a new smooth leaf. He saw a girl walk into the room and said,"Hey,________. Are you going out somewhere?" She asked, "why." He could've said, "cause you look really nice," or "cause you look dressed up." But no. He replied," Cause you look like you were going out."
5.)Nate Ayer was asked to turn pages as this really nice looking girl played the piano in church. He was also scedualed to say the opening prayer in the same meeting. Time for the opening prayer came and he didn't show up. Someone else had to say it. Then it came time for the piano number. He did well, until he knocked all of the sheet music on the floor. She had to stop playing while he picked it up. Sitting in the middle of the Church we could hear him say repeatedly,"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." All the while the girl was still trying to mutter through the song. Later at lunch we asked where he was during the prayer. He replied, " I was practiceing turning pages."
6.) It's Nate's birthday but he doesn't tell anyone until the day of so we don't have anything planned. His roommate Carl decides to hook Nate up with a date, Nate being an engineer and all. While Carl is about to call some people three girls the tre-dubbers normally avoid call up and ask if Nate would like to go to the movies for his birthday. Carl tells them we already have plans. With only two hours notice Carl can not get a date for Nate so Nate calls the girls back and tells them, "I convinced Carl to go with you." That was smooth.
Richard, Homeless Richard: 1.) Once Nate Lynch was trying to pick up a girl after a fireside, he was doing an excellent job too. You could see the sparks flying, well at least Richard could! In a flash Richard was by N8's side. Slowly, like a tiger waiting for just the right moment to pounce, Richard leaned his elbow on N8's shoulder and said, "Hey Nate . . . I thought you were in a hurry." The girl laughed at N8, understanding perfectly that diabolical phrase. Nice one.
2.) There is a girl ask guy dance approaching, and most of the guys are already taken or have already made plans. One of the girls that we know decides to go and asks N8 if he is free. He isn't so she asks Richard. Richard changes his plans to go and they have a wonderful time. Afterwards Richard finds out that she asked N8 first, thereafter referring to himself as “seconds”. If she hears that it will make her feel really good.