seeks to promote a general interest in mathematics and science through
  • introduction of general and popular books
  • publishing short articles
We have also published a list of references and textbooks on mathematics and science (mostly of university level).

Please feel free to browse at our collection of books. It is admittedly still small at the moment. But we will do our level best to grow. Please visit us again soon to check on the collection.  If you have any suggestions and comments which can help us to improve our service, please e-mail us

Book Purchase

If you are interested in purchasing any books in our collection, we have provided the necessary links for you to buy them at, a well established internet book store. For every purchase made through our links, we receive a small commission from Click at the logo below to find out for yourself more about

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M+S Links

General and Popular Reading
This section contains a list of books on mathematics and science for popular and general reading. A brief description of each book is available.

References and Textbooks
This section compiles a list of references and textbooks on mathematics and science, mostly at university level.

M+S Articles
This section contains some short articles on mathematics and science. Individual contributions are welcome.

Read "How Many Bears?" an educationally entertaining article by Paul Scott.

Our Account
You are welcome to view our account.

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Last updated on 15 March 1999
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