Taiwan, Republic of China
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Date of birth:
25 August 1968
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1996-date : |
Huxley School of Environment
Imperial College, University of London
Ph.D in Marine Environment Engineering (current) |
1990-1992: |
of Applied Mechanics
National Taiwan University
Masters Degree in Applied Mechanics Engineering |
1986-1990: |
of Naval Architecture Engineering
National Taiwan University
Bachelors Degree in Naval Architecture Engineering |
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Work experience:
1992-1994: |
Taiwan, R.O.C. Army/Artillery Division (Military Duty) |
1994-1996: |
Mechanical Engineering Department
National Taiwan University |
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 | "The best student presentation" award, in Ocean
Optics XIV Conference, 10-13 November 1998. |
 | "The best oral presentation" award, in Developing
Space '98: Proceedings of the 1998 Remote Sensing Society Student Conference, 23 April
1998. |
 | ORS (Overseas Research Students) awards, by the CVCP
(Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom),
1996 - 1999. |
 | National Student Scholarships, by the Ministry of
Education, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1996 - 1999. |
 | National Education Ministry Research Student
Scholarships, by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1990 - 1991. |
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 | An optical model for use in oceanic ecosystem models, Applied
Optics, 38(21), 1999. |
 | Assessment of underwater irradiance models using BOFS data,
in Ocean Optics XIV Conference, 10-13 November 1998. ("The best student
presentation" award) |
 | Prediction of ocean colour: Monte-Carlo simulation applied
to a virtual ecosystem based on the Lagrangian Ensemble method, in Developing Space
'98: Proceedings of the 1998 Remote Sensing Society Student Conference, 14-25, 23
April 1998. ("The best oral presentation" award) |
 | Suction effect on an impulsively started circular cylinder:
vortex structure and drag reduction, Physics of Fluids, 8 (11),
2995-3007,1996. |
 | Flow induced by a pair of line vortices moving against a
circular cylinder, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 64 (5),
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