Curriculum Vitae

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Date of birth


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Liu, Cheng-Chien

Nationality: Taiwan, Republic of China

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Date of birth: 25 August 1968

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1996-date :

T.H. Huxley School of Environment
Imperial College, University of London

Ph.D in Marine Environment Engineering (current)


Institute of Applied Mechanics
National Taiwan University

Masters Degree in Applied Mechanics Engineering


Department of Naval Architecture Engineering
National Taiwan University

Bachelors Degree in Naval Architecture Engineering

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Work experience:


Second Lieutenant
Taiwan, R.O.C. Army/Artillery Division (Military Duty)


Teaching Assistant
Mechanical Engineering Department
National Taiwan University

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"The best student presentation" award,  in Ocean Optics XIV Conference, 10-13 November 1998.
"The best oral presentation" award,  in Developing Space '98: Proceedings of the 1998 Remote Sensing Society Student Conference, 23 April 1998.
ORS (Overseas Research Students) awards, by the CVCP (Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom), 1996 - 1999.
National Student Scholarships, by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1996 - 1999.
National Education Ministry Research Student Scholarships, by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1990 - 1991.

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An optical model for use in oceanic ecosystem models, Applied Optics, 38(21), 1999.
Assessment of underwater irradiance models using BOFS data, in Ocean Optics XIV Conference, 10-13 November 1998. ("The best student presentation" award)
Prediction of ocean colour: Monte-Carlo simulation applied to a virtual ecosystem based on the Lagrangian Ensemble method, in Developing Space '98: Proceedings of the 1998 Remote Sensing Society Student Conference, 14-25, 23 April 1998. ("The best oral presentation" award)
Suction effect on an impulsively started circular cylinder: vortex structure and drag reduction, Physics of Fluids, 8 (11), 2995-3007,1996.
Flow induced by a pair of line vortices moving against a circular cylinder, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 64 (5), 1557-1578,1995.

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This page was last updated on 1999/07/19.