Welcome to my Guestbook!

sarah - 06/30/00 02:04:54
My Email:menovello@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: you told me to sign it!
hey, this site rocks! thanks 4 helping me with my problems josh! u rock!

Eleanor - 06/05/00 03:19:47
My Email:elemar@ptdprolog.net
How did you get here?: magic of computers
Hi Josh, nice poems, enjoyed reading thim

Larry Wiginton - 05/13/00 20:17:13
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~wigintonl
My Email:wigintonl@earthlink.net
How did you get here?: Surfin
Come visit my site. I have over 25 hilarious, original, short stories that you can't read anywhere else. Sure to summon a hearty laugh - appropriate for all! Little kids to seniors!

Joann Evans - 04/14/00 02:31:01
My Email:evansjoann@hotmail.com
Ham License Class (if none, enter: i don't know what you mean by that?
How did you get here?: a friend.
hey ther hot stuff. How are you? I'm fine. so what have you been up to? I have not been up to much. see you later.

jamie - 04/03/00 03:08:49
How did you get here?: i don't know
hey, you do look like drew cary. i love him!!!!

Justin (some people call me god) - 02/25/00 02:21:24
My URL:/jhaykenobi
My Email:flamingewok@aol.com
How did you get here?: Word Of Mouth
Josh, get that pic of Jennifer Lopez at the Grammy's. Then, your page will be perfect! ~Justin

Tony - 02/24/00 01:07:38
My Email:BcW JeRiChO341@aol.com
How did you get here?: My dad
Hi Josh, you don't know me but my dad tells me that you are really good with computers. Do you know who my dad is? He is the guy that eats all the tuna fish at lunch time with the pump! Maybe someday my dad can take me to work and I can meet you. I think ou web page is really cool. P.S. I love Briteny Spears too.

The kewelest chic in the world - 02/19/00 21:51:19
My Email:ozonejp3@hotmail.com
How did you get here?: umm...followed the yellow brick road
heya joshy poo, loved the sight except for the britany spears crap---i think you need a life---good luck on your date tonight---hope all goes well. love ya bob a.k.a--Joie (ozeysmee14)

Yahm - 02/19/00 21:06:00
My URL:http://yahmscoolplace.homestead.com
How did you get here?: You gave me your site address.
Hey Josh, I don't think I ever signed your guestbook, cuz I figure you didnt have one 'till now. But anyway, I like your site...even though I think Spears sux. but, thats just me. :) Keep up the good work, hun'. Love ya.

test - 02/13/00 04:38:13
My Email:jbparris1@fast.net
Ham License Class (if none, enter: tech+
How did you get here?: walked on

Amy Kissel - 10/14/98 17:58:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/pnutmm/index.html
My Email:pnutmm@hotmail.com
Ham License Class (if none, enter: huh???
How did you get here?: by you, you poop head!!!:)
i like your page, could use more work, i know my pics don't show up oh well, i can't figure out how to make them woek anyway no big deal!!

10/14/98 08:53:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

- 10/03/98 17:42:19

jchriste - 10/03/98 05:07:43
My Email:jchriste@beacon.eastern.edu
Ham License Class (if none, enter: KB3AYN, tech plus
How did you get here?: ran

Randi - 10/01/98 23:10:04
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ChildofGod
My Email:childof_god@yahoo.com
How did you get here?: I walked.
Nice :) I like your plane pics, they are cool!

Beckylee - 10/01/98 22:15:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/quietwaters/index.html
My Email:zippochic@hotmail.com
Ham License Class (if none, enter: ham and cheese!!! wait, can i have turkey instead?
How did you get here?: you sent me an email!
well, i haven't looked at the site yet, i went right to the guestbook, but i'll say it's great anyway! i'll be seeing ya soon!

Jaime Parris - 09/28/98 02:45:31
My Email:you know it all ready!!!`
How did you get here?: You sent me mail stupid!!!!

Chant'e - 09/27/98 21:20:32
My Email:Chante222@aol.com
How did you get here?: Josh
Hi Josh, I found it. Very nice, tell Alicia about it. Have fun.

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