Welcome to the Bio Page of N3VJA, Josh Parris

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More About Me...

Name: Joshua Blakemore Parris (don't ask about the "Blakemore"...too long to explain)
Age: 20
Birthdate: 20 January 1980
Nicknames: JP, Josh
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 220


Color: Twilight Blue
Food: PIZZA!!!! (w/ mushrooms, onions, extra cheese, and green peppers)
Musical Artist: Nowadays, Britney Spears; All-Time: Beethoven
Place: Nauset Beach, Orlenas, MA
Time of Day: Sunset, Sunrise, Late Night
Musical Instrument: To Play: Piano; To Listen to: Tenor Sax and String Sectional
Board Game: Monopoly
Comptuer Game: Axis and Allies
TV Show: Star Trek (any version)
Movie: The Hunt for Red October
Actor: Sean Connery
Actress: Melanie Griffeth (I don't know!!!)
Animal: Cat
Book: Red Storm Rising, by my fav...
Author: Tom Clancy


Amateur Radio
-Playing: Piano, Organ, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Harmonica
Writing Poetry
Wrting Short Stories
Making a Fool of Myself   =O)
Keeping People Warm
Giving Advice


Base Britney Banner Exchange


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