Since: November 14th,

"de todo un
poco..." shows its new face
Andrés Guardia - Chile - October
31st, 1998
true, "de todo un poco..." shows its
new face, just one day after this site is one
month old. It´s an early change, but it was
necesary, so, I gathered new sections, like this
which I am inaugurating whit this paragraph.
Please, send me your ideas, all what you think,
somthing to argue, anithing you want to publish.
Remember here, everyone has voice, but also
remeber you have to be respectful to us. I also
gathered other photo gallery, atari and SNES new
games, new links, an a lot more things you will
be knowing. But it doesnt finish here, "de
todo un poco..." will continue growing,
while you are asking this. Hoping you enjoy this
site...bye bye

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