Welcome to my Guestbook!

Deb - 03/25/99 16:42:10
My URL:http://www.greatbizopps.com
My Email:merlyn@kktv.com

Well, technically, I am Lauren's aunt, but have NEVER allowed her to put that 4 letter word before my name! Always made me feel old..especially when she was born as I was only 25 then.. *G* Great page Lauren! Love the background! I'll bookmark it and see how it progresses! Love, Deb

Aunt Linda - 11/04/98 03:54:37
My Email:picky5@aol.com


Uncle Steven - 11/01/98 13:30:02
My URL:http://www.tvstudios.com
My Email:smschiller@tvstudios.com

Interesting . . . times have changed. When I went to college, unfortunatley, we just went out, drank beer and slept. Thanks for the tour.

Mom - 10/15/98 01:18:00
My Email:susanschiller@hotmail.com

Hi Lauren, I just found your home page. Great job! Keep up the good work! Love, Mom

10/14/98 08:46:42

Praggi - 10/03/98 18:39:35
My Email:prustagi@brynmawr.edu

Hey! Neat-o page! -Praggi

elija - 09/29/98 04:09:47
My Email:elijals@student.umass.edu

nice page :) I think I fixed my computer, I no longer get an "out of memory" message when I'm trying to save papers. My stress level has decresed slightly. Good luck with the physics test, I'll look forward to talking with you Thursday with no stress (ecept the calc test in 2 weeks) later Elija

Praggi - 09/29/98 01:39:00
My Email:you know it... or at least i hope you do...

Schill- It's a very... small homepage, but I'm sure it's destined for web page greatnes... Now I need to get my little cyber butt on the web and make a page of my own... Hmm.... Love, Praggi

Ruthie - 09/28/98 23:19:17
My Email:rworrell@brynmawr.edu

Well, it looks like I'm the first to visit your page.. it's a good start (farther than I've gotten with mine...) anyway, i'll check back for progress. good luck!

carla - 09/28/98 23:17:15
My Email:cmavrodi@brynmawr.edu

lauren, your page is absolutely brilliant! I love the sleek sophistication, the understated elegance...the layout is sheer genius... Bravo ;) love, carla

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